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Eight Reason God Created the Human Race

Activation Sheet
1. God created man to fill the earth with the likeness of Himself

2. God created man to reveal His own heart and nature as Love

3. God created man with free moral agency so he could be tested, tried, purified,
and conformed to the image of Christ in order to be prepared to reign with Him
in eternity

4. God created man with the power of procreation so that He could father a
genetic, biological Son and not a created son like Adam

5. God created man in order to provide a many membered bride for His Son

6. God created man in order to bring forth the Church as the body of Christ on
earth to co-labor with Him as joint-heirs in carrying out God’s eternal purpose

7. God created man to offer up praise and worship to Him

8. God created man for fellowship with Him

Which of the Eight Reasons or Purposes for God to Create the Human Race is your
Favorite or Strikes you as Most Important and Why?

Pick one of the 8 Reasons Above and Write Out Your Why Below. then be willing to
share with the group:

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