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Reaction Paper

Delos Ama, Ivan Jovy


I think the contestant in the MAPUAN IDOL is all good and excellent performer n
the stage. They all perform with all their heart and full of confidence. Their
energy was outstanding and very high. Their voice is so high and they can blend
their voice to the soft song. Even their voice is so high. All though their just a
college student their voice is so high. There is a contestant even though she is
chubby her voice is so high. When she performed in the stage the crowd is alive.
Because her voice is so high and she manage her to get it more higher than before.
Her performance is so smooth with the judges. The contestant has their own style
to empress the audiences and judges. Some of the contestant did not empress the
audience neither the judges. But I know that in every contest u must give it all u
got or do your best so that even though u lose you try your best. Even you lose you
know to yourself that you do your best and never regret it. Because their will be a
time to you to come shine once again. There are many contest that will come for
you so don’t lose hope. I was happy what I have witness in MAPUAN idol. Because
even the others lost they accept it with their heart. They have happy faces when
they live the stage. Because they don’t regret that they join to the contest and
they came up with a new friends....

To me contest is just a stepping stone for you to extend your talent and it is just
a trial…

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