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Outcome 1 for Richelle Greek Outcome 2 for Richelle Greek

Date 2010 Internship Date 2010 Internship

Modified Outcome Modified Outcome

To support schools with integrating racial, cultural and ethnic Recognize behaviors that are precursors to the development of
experiences into their activities. conduct disorders, internalizing disorders, or school dropout
and know how to design programs and intervene.
Indicators of Success/Criteria Indicators of Success/Criteria
1. My written reports will include interventions that focus on the 1. During assessments, I will notice behaviours that are suggestive of
integration of racial, cultural and ethnic experiences. conduct disorders, internalizing disorders or school dropout and
administer a variety of assessments that address these areas.
2. During debriefing meetings with parents and teachers, discuss 2. During my observations portion of the assessment, I will be able to
interventions that focus on integrating racial, cultura, and ethnic recognize key characteristics that are precursors to the above disorders.
3. Implement interventions to achieve goals that support racial, cultural, 3. Work with schools to design intervention programs to support
and ethnic integration. students who present with precursor behaviours for the above disorders.

4. Provide inservice regarding facial, cultural, and ethnic interventions 4. Provide inservice regarding intervention programs that support
students who present with precursor behaviours for the above disorders.

1. Written reports 1. Work with a supervisor who is able to diagnose the above disorders

2. Debriefing meetings 2. Develop a checklist/observation form that allows me to look for the
precursor behaviours
3. Read several articles on EBIs for supporting racial, cultural, and ethnic 3. Read several articles on intervention programs that support
interventions. intervening on precursor behaviour.
4. Work with other professionals to implement these strategies. 4. Observe other psychologists

5. Maintain a journal that includes outcomes and indicators for my


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