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Parasite revision


1. A 5years old kid living in rural area presented with pallor, malaise, chronic
diarrhea and lesion over right foot. Direct smear with normal saline shows
oval shaped transparent thin shelled egg.

Ans: Necator Americanus

2. A cylindrical parasite of 20cm long seen in stool of child with intermittent

abdominal pain. Most possible habitat?

Ans: small intestine

3. 55 yr/o asthmatic lady on long term steroid treatment. Presented with neck
stiffness, headache, confusion. FBC shows present of helminth larvae.
Possible organism?

Ans: Strongyloides stercoralis


1. A 5yr/o orang asli presented with watery and foul smelling diarrhea.
Microscopically stool smear shows numerous pear shaped organism

Ans: Gardia duodencilis

2. 3 out of 7 sibilings presented with mild abdominal pain and nocturnal anal
pruritis. Scotch tape anal swab shows thicked walled ova.

Ans: Enterobius vermicularis

3. During a regular deworming programme, a 9 yr/o girl passed numerous

worms 3-5cm long aft treatment with antihelmintic.

Ans: Trichuris trichiura


A 5 yr/o girl presented with steatorrhea and fecal exam present of trophozoites of
Gardia duodenalis

1) Steatorrhoea due to fat malabsorption. Describe the mech (5m)

2) Possible clinical manifestation of Gardiasis (3m)

3) How the infection is controlled? (2m)


(pic of egg of hookworm)

Scenario: A 5 yr/o orang asli presented with chronic diarrhea and itchy skin lesion
between toes.

1.State d dx (1m)

Hookworm infection

2. State 2 morphological features (2m)

-thin shell


3. State another clinical manifestation may be seen (1m)

-lost of weight

4. Lab technique to detect light infection of organism (1m)

-floatation and sedimentation

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