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The stress is like an infinite and eternal ocean and
hence it is impossible to study it completely! In fact
it is nothing else; but the “eternal interaction”
between the Atman and the Maya! Thus right from
conception to death; and in possibility; before birth
and after death also; it continues!

The stress is inseparable from life.

But it is said to end when we transcend the life,

which is ignorant or forgetful of our true self and
hence considered to be “death”; and merge into our
true self; which is actually the cosmic consciusness
or absolute consciousness, and is “immortal i.e.
beyond death”!

Thus Total Stress Management involves

remembering our true self and thereby conquering
the “stress as well as the death” associated with our
forgetfulness of our true self! How do we achieve the
Total Stress Management? Of course; through the
remembering our true self, through the traditional
practice of NAMASMARAN, which is the core of
Total Stress Management!

Through the practice of NAMSMARAN; gradually

our forgetfulness of our true self; producing stress of
body consciousness begins to disappear. The body
consciousness; producing the stress of fear, anxiety,
worry; and tension of pain, loss and death; vanishes;
as we experience oneness with our true self and the

When we experience the immortality, there remains

nothing more to experience. This is the state of yoga
and this is also the state of SWADHARMA, which is
associated with manifestation of universally
benevolent KARMA from our true self; even amidst
the symptoms of physical death! Isn’t this a LIFE of
victory over STRESS and DEATH?

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