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Turbo Charge Your Weight Loss Program

By Richlion

Dear Friend,

I don’t know where you are in your plan to losing weight or improving your health. You might have
already decided on a diet or you might be just choosing your own course of action to take to lose
weight. As far as your health, you might already be taking vitamins and eating healthy. But what if
there is something else you can do that would greatly increase you chance of success, would you be
interested in that?

To put it another way, let me give you an example.

Say you want to drive to the mountains for a nice vacation and you really want to make sure you get
there and have a pleasant trip. So you checked the tires, you filled up your gas tank, you have the
address you want to go to, and you have the car packed. That is your plan. Do you think you’ve done

While it’s true that you will probably get to your destination, have you done everything to make sure
you get there? Are you sure you will get there in the time you plan to? There’s a chance that you
might not and here is why...

Because you didn’t ‘turbo charge’ your plans. There are other things that you can do to insure you
don’t have problems along the way and make sure you get there at your stated time. This is your

When was the last time you had a tune up? Did you check the oil? Did you see if your A/C works? Do
you have a map to your town you are going to that you’ve never been to before?

You can imagine if some part of your car has been neglected and you break down on the trip. The
cost on the road will usually be more. You might have to stay one night (or more) in a hotel. And
your time of arrival will be delayed. Think of how the kids would feel?

However, if you did these simply little things, you can assure that you will meet your goal of arriving
on the day you plan and your dream of having a happy vacation. Well, the same applies to reaching
your health goals (or any goal in life for that matter).

If your goal is something else than losing weight, write it down here _____________________

If your goal is losing weight and being in better health, why haven’t you reached it?

First, let me say I’m not going to talk about goal-setting, as you probably have heard about that
before. I’m going to talk about something that you probably have not heard about before and that

Make a movie of the way you want your life to be!

I’m assuming you know the power of goal-setting, belief and visualization. But how would you like to
make it more real until it is REAL? Do you see the power in that?

What I’m talking about is taking all that stuff you’ve read in books, heard audios of and seen videos
and brings it to life just for you. Would you be interested in that?

I hope you said yes.

Just give me few minutes to explain what I mean.

When reading about goal-setting, we agree intellectually, but they are just words on paper, right?

When we read about the importance of visualization and are told to picture (whatever you want in
your mind) the things you want in your mind, we come across problems. The problem is, that some
people are not good at picturing things in their minds. (Are you one of them?) Of course, with
practice we all can be good at it but we not stick to it. Then do you find yourself being bored with
the whole process and quitting? Once you quit, you can be sure that you won’t get what you want.

What if I told you that you can make your own movie very easily and almost make it come to life?
And it will come to life in an amazingly short time? What if you could put colored pictures in your
movie of what you want to achieve in life with your own picture in it. Think of how this will make
your very own movie more real. Then you add your favorite music, and then you add short text that
specifically states what you want.

Now, think about not having to even sit there and watch your movie, even though it’s a short one.
But what if you have it playing and your mind takes it in while you are working. Does this sound too
good to believe?

You don’t have to believe, you can see it first then the belief will come.

Your personal mind movie can play as a background image on your computer while you are doing
other things. You can be surfing the net, writing an email or doing your business report all while your
movie is playing.

And it gets better.

You can get six FREE mind movies that cover six important areas of your life. All you have to do is
enter your email here. You will be sent six free mind movies that cover:






If you like what you see, you can order your copy. There is no obligation in receiving your six FREE
Mind Movies.

When you do order, there will be simple instructions to guide you along the way to make your own
movie. I’m not talking about a fancy Hollywood type move and I’m not talking about one that is 90
minutes long. Your movie that is based on what area of life you choose can is only 1-3 minutes long.
You’ll be given all the links to go to for the pictures you need and where to get your favorite music
that you like.

If you can follow simple step-by-step instructions, have an internet connection and can click a mouse
that is all you need.

By watching your very own Mind Movie, you can achieve your dreams in a matter of months. That’s
how the Universal Laws work. We don’t know how it works but we know it does. Give it a test drive
and find out for yourself by...

Clicking Here Today!

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