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Semestevw 2D oF - 0F-2010 Tnformation Theory -Trvolves transfer of information TP - Amount of information e rt Carries Probability - ny a 1 P -P Pit em g@ - k'e? =: k' ig a Constant oe ae tea gp) 5. kK Is a Constant *|~ Entropy —= = Average information per messages. Messages ™M,,™,, +--+ 5% With probabilitt res oF Ceese Seas Soke Entropy = P log, cw) er binary units. ex: A Source em ts 4 mesSages with probabilities 0.2, 0-2,0-4 and o-1. what 1S the Source entropy ? 4 Entropy - = P; ‘og, + CH) iso Pp, 0-2 log, 1 +0.3log 4-3 +04 log, 1 a OG Ol Kk 1 “ ade. = 0-2 10g, 5 +0-3 109, '% +0.4 log, 2.5 > 1.46 bits = to-l log, 10 Binary Source -A Source which only haS 2 messages ex: = digit So” with Probability P m m= digit “7 with probability Ci- Pp) H = Plog, + + Ci-P) log () bits - oP * Ue. —_Z Ex!- Determine the entropy af this Source as a Function of ® and make Plot it Por OQ = spreads H iS maximum at P=6-5 minimum at P= 0,1 Hew eto Tog # = =o ‘ HPS. de loan So 1 gene :0 25 OG Source Coding -Provides a Woy to represent A message with the help of Symbols ex messages! A » Cf EDS 5 F Symboles + © 5 | ve presentation .- A = ool a) 100 @ = aid E tol c > oll F Tile log, x = log, % 109,92 Compact codes @ Huffman Code exi-use binary Symbols (0,1) to code @ message Set with probability 0-3, 0-25, G-15, 0:12 5, 0-1 And 0-08 Following , @) Binary Code “bd Huffman code Determine Code efFicency in each. Coase. @ Binary code m, ots oo! me O12 G10 ™, 0-10 oO my 0-0€ 100 ms 0-30 lol Me 0-35 Wo Average Cocle length = 3 digiks Average information /message H = —0-15 log, 0-15 -o0-lalog, 0-12 - 0-10 log, 0-10 = 2.4224 bits code efficeiency ="fAvg: information J message Avg: code length 29,42 = 0 S06 bits/dighs 3 aon Cb) Huffman Code 06 00 m os Ms 0-30 lenges °-40 10 10 Os Ms oO-t2 Me G25 O25 > 0-94 _ O10 1 ) m3 0-10 m, 0-15 7 0-1 0.25 ow [ O10 ut my 0-08 ™, O-12 O-15 O18, “ Wo ow m5 0-30 ™, ©10 on P _ a we me: 0195 ™m 0:08 ; Oo 0.54 ¥< o-43 ¢ ° 1 9.43 (ge: 5. GO. O34 », O.1s me 6-30 0-36 0-36 ma o-12 me o.25 0.25 7 0-24 ms, 0-10 m 0-15 Ong 6.35 my 0-08 ma. O-12 Os O.18 M5 0-30 m, O10 \ O12 x m ‘ ™, 0-25 ve 0:08 ae 0-43 © 0-43 fers o-2F We combine last 2 messages and make combine messages. Then we do this Process until we obtain 2 messages. Then after recieving 2 messages We apply SymbolS, and do as above example. os taat oO o-43 ! Average code length 2 2K0-3+ 2x0°25 +3K0-15 43X0-1343x0.10 +3X0-0t 20-64 O54 0:45 10-36 +O-30+40-24 > 2.45 digits Code efFicency + 2:42 20-9878 2.45 = Fano Code ™ 57 0-30 oO oOo Me 0-25 oO O1 m, 0-15 1 ia Te Ma O-12 1 TO Toil m, O10 1 ao Me. 0-08 1 nV mt Find code ef ficency ? Average code length = % : Code efficency > Ys 2.42 29.42 20-989 2-45 Information Theory ex! 2 messages ™, 4 Ms Probability One o-2 (a) Separately ™, 0-8 ° mm, ‘ Average Code length = 1x0-§ + 1Xo-2 So tee 1 git ws code ef ficency = _H L H = 0-8 log, o- @ - 0-2 10g,0-9 bits = O-#22 bits Los 1 digits. - Average code tength+= o-F27 bits / digits v0, mi mm mm om T = O-F22 bits/digits O-§xo0-S 0-64 oo O-8 xo-2 o- 16 ol 0-2x0-§ O-tG i O-2x6-2 0-0 16 Average code length 2 axd-64 + 9xK0-16 + 9x0-16 taxo-6F 1.28 40-32 40-32 +0-.0¢ 2 9806 digits x H = -0-64 log, 0-64 -0-16 log, 0-16 — 0-16 log, 0-16 -0-04 log, o-0% = 1.44 bits X 0-64 0-64 o-64 fe} O-16 > 0-120 Sw? o-36 ’ 0-16 S ater ogi 3 Code efficency = Average 0-462 code length - (1xo-64+ 2x0-16 +3 x0-1643%0. -@-64 40:32 40-48 +0-12)/5° 2 56 2 messages © 0-48 digits message length + 0-48 digits / message Average Code ne o-F2 = 0-923 bits /digrts . a ®@ Group in blocks of 3 m, 70-8 m2 0-2 rm, =, MM, MM, 9 MOLE, mmm, oGKo- Fxo-k ©-512 mm ms O-$xo SxKo0.2 o-13¢ mmm, O-Gxo-2KO-F oO: 138 mm, my O-BxXOIKO-2 ©. 032 mmm, O:8xo0.8xo0-2 ©:126 mmm O-2x0-8x0-2 0-032 mney 0-2x0-2x0-8 @ 032 mmm, 0-2K0-2x0-2 © -008 G52 0-512 0-512 0-512 0-512 0.512 0-5) O-1ag 0-138 0-138 0-138 > 0+232 0-256 1? 0-45 0.126 0.128 O- 108 oO-138 if ©-128 y iss 0-128 og 0.138 0-128 eas 0-632 7 0-046 7 0-064 a 0-032, if 0-032 i oxae) 0.03 oa) ‘ oat Average Code length 2 Ci xo-512) +(3x0 196) +(3.x0-128) +(3x0-128) +(5x0-032)4( 5x0 -039)4 (5x0-033) +(5x0-08) = 0-519 4+ 161524 0-48+0-046 “184 digits = Lb - 0-519 log, 0-512 ~ 3xC 0-128 log, © ioe) ~ 3x(.0-032 log, 0-032) - 9-008 log, 0.008 = 9-163 bits ~ Code eFfficency = H -2-163 bits u one 2.184 digits 2 0-9G0 bits/Atgit == Tute 3 Flag, Addwess, Control , GRE, Datq @ same - 1) ppe - Protocol, CRC differ got - in U- frame - FCS @ tere coco2los LL. O5 - Tesminate- request: @ FE FF coco21 049. 0014 Lop Tf Cross hav Switch, NO! Of Cross points = 5x4 x 5x4 AIS ~Saitlers 2 400 = o.precentage reduction 400-168 ~ 100% 400 IST EO/: se 10._abatvel ai} -.» brtorat es > 10M bps. Frame transmit time & Round Avip propagation dime C4ax¢e > a xx Ge 8 anos 0-8 X3Bx10 Gaxexi20 > x 10 C144m > x os. Net Work Span= 6 Km = st ne @ 4-O' stages , 3-2" stages, Peeler agin 5 ‘intets ~ 5 outlets. Cross 5x3 axdg axcsa points -. Total no! Of! cross paints = 4x (5x3) 4 3xCyx4) + 4 xXC3¥5) - 166 = Tate 2 OQ OOOH INGO Gottttog NNIItOo01 ; aro @ orititordoooort 1100010 uifecs{o thiiiee Flag add ress user data Flag @ S- Frame (b) Sooo (> ooo lt fe) NO © yes (MD used for acknowledgement @ 6 Ht Gooooothh lotoro LF FC SHO HLS Flag WwW bd (co) (ce oO (ez) @ to base T + 10 base 2 Loom ee « Network Span @ % oO (Cb) Ack @ a> Stop -and- wait ARQ There will be a retransmission Cb) Go-back-n ARQ Going back in frames (Cd Selectwe - reject ARQ No going back in Frames W Wo) Trangmission will Continue - QO & (») © 2 © w & «© @ Unipolar R2 Polar NR2 2 Manchester AMT A v AMT RZ AMT NR2 v (Oy, av ° Tee EO My a «2 * fe Of Ne -v -v4 @ Wa uni polar Ub) 4 Polax NRZ v av av Sor ge pe ee ae | (ey Polay R2 oy Manchester ay av] ~v -v A + MT RZ Vv AMT NRZ oe av{ av Se Pale Te 04 = 2, Polar R2 (av Manchest ex ayy *+v o ee ee al eee ee we ae -v4 -v AMI R2 AMI NR2Z 2) On . av av 3 Rare a aL Ra + + ae wv unipolar Polar NR2 Ge CO 44 yy PY 7. ST t © sf} > y Fl dy ay 01 OW ferTVIEE @ Manchester ie im ~ % a aS 2 Te he ea La a Tute Oo unipola+ (b> Polar NRZ ¥ v + avy of a3 45678910 t opt a 3456 F840 aa -v ©) Polar a2 By Mancheste* “Vv av SIT STETAT Tees OC Of Fe eyo ~v (A) p AMT RZ yn AMT NRZ v w +v SOOT e Seren? opts hee Py + + av -¥ @ up UN Pola Cb Polar NRZ av eee ae PT a Eee 7 4. z 16-07-2010 Modulation * Process of Frequency Cor Spectrum) tranglatio -n if Called “Modulation”. Let m(4) be base band: Data Signal Energy — VS -Energy is in low frequencies wm C4) MCF es J baseband gignel Z Spectrum occupies the low Frequency band @F we move this Spectrum to higher Frequencies we have t0 use a Sine Waveform aS a Cartier. Ccarrier ig a Wigh Frequency Sine wave > | mcs) enews n ef v Spectrum occupies the low Frequency band. TE mcf) is the Spectrum of mt), it Can be moved to Q differen PpoSition by USing a Carrier CSinewave of higher Frequency): For this we Can multiply m4) and the Carnier w(t) 5 x 5 mt). Cos 2nfct base band Carrier Cos 24F, + mCt) — MCF) mC4). Cos ax fet <== 4 CMCS-F4 MCF +E)] Do 5 ~jonfet Cv cos aantet = 4 festers e 1p) m CF) Vote lay = SS > £ i ya MCF EF) e j Luce Fe) LSIaRiaHiPae. Ws. os Fe SG as Let mCt) = Em COS Omt Carrier = E, COS Wet a Then modulate Signal += E,,-E.- COS t- Cos Qt ce € Ee Cog Core + ea, 4 + COS Coy- Cnt] modu lating Carrier modulate Signal Signal Chase band) > £ ee Ff TKO He Qe F *« SCDSB -Suppressed Carrier Double side Band Ce upper Side 8 lowe side Frequency ) m4) nre Carrier Gen plitw May alti is Ae variation Carrier amplitude Changes According to the magnitude of baseband. «Depth Of modulation = Maximum Carries ampli: Variation CModulation index) 2X unmodulate cartier amepritude Dsesc + Carrier = AM J Double Side Band Subprvessed carrier AM Signal eCt)= Ee cos Get + Ec-E,, CoS Omt - COS capt BECEVC ter Ei os’ cs,4.) Clasico. + envelope Exercise Devive an expression For depth of modulation (Ofer = C1Ge) ie Maximum. Omplitude = Ec Cit Em) Minimum amplitude =e AiGns iC) Marcimun variation = 2. Em- Ee De modulation Osasc- Double Side Band SupresSed Carrier m4)» €OS72.1 Fe t mC4). CoS DAF + = LPF y mct) 2 & Low- Pass aa Filter (Tre process We used is multiplication ). mCt). Cosanfet = met) C btcos 2. 2aFet] 2 =m) 4 mC4) cos 2-20 ft

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