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V (A"{ ~ CA_b \ e VV'lCAj b e. cha. Y"I9 eel .

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eov-np ~'e -( . 1: 0 S to,e t-h..e be~n_9\o.yed- ~na..

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e-r- uSed lq<()Y\~r-.eu_YrlD.Y'lY\ CA.",c. h ~ .t_-e.c:: tu._ v e
-\, ;9~ cost
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ARM <:01'--\::-<::'';( • j
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S-to.c Ie f> 0 \ rd- ~y One\. p--ro cess Sf'
@ How do .~ ou Sw;-l::ched. ·of "rO 'YY"I
Py; v; leg e thle'Q.d n'"IO cl. € t::o 1-1:

0.. r e se t

nee ce 5'SG..r(~ to k Y)ovJ t'he Sio..'l'tlY\9 voJ ue o.r Sf -

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® Hov-l do ~OU Se -l -t~e

o-r e";tcertioY) 4-to


1'~ ~ s ~ S +h e de,f (AU It e f'~ ; t is

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p-(~,,~, e.S eel handte1'

P"( I v; l ~3 e& th"'feo.d

pus", \ ltoi "U.S '" ~ R. \ ) floP tR\~ p~p t ~o~

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ho..f> fe 't\ f'f~3 ~ -\:; cx,~ te'f "rE'-S e t Q_~
"'='-'e. S{o..C' ( W) e WlO"(~ cou..\d be
Yeq,- \.t '1 e.d .~O" -the.. he.. lid \ e l' o~ ~ Sol; .r.r E'<Y e I") & -t- '" C{ Y'\ o ~ -t h e ex:e c '-'. t ( t) ~ V'\O'Y M 0\.,\ \~ b ~ 4.

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(Y)~i'Y\J.._ct lOhs .

d 0 ~ 0 u. uncle '( -sto\'icl S'Q:tU.'D"o..{ ~ OY).

'fY'\ O-~ have bee n the

~ -P-o, ~Yl\lenti'ns lA..l'1f"ed

Q-SSemb\e_r( la.n8u...~ ,

G) vJ ~ a. t d 0 ~ alA "Pt-a. UnJe"f .stand

b_j C\. Y'r\e WlO 'Y::J b 0.:0'( e 1 .

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® 5119 f) Sa._-tI.A.-yQtiOV1 :-
'h\S ope'Oo..t·~oY) does 100* p'oeve Y){
t\r, e dk£ -l015 ,t IOYl of' -the S' '51 1)0..;\ p
but I-~ \..s COE'ch.A.C ', -t '-'e
If) S ~9 YloJ,f O'OrY) .

l\Ndl -red\A_ce tJtj)e tJ\ g(6)

Eas \ e"( .-t 0 YY) I g'! ate

A R fv\ (0"6 te'X .

ba'OQ~eo :-

\ YiS r\_ "( lA C *- len-) s

Me vY)O'r Y t>U'"l '1 \ e <Y

rve ec~ eJ o..s

S::l~+ e I'I,)S COyY)~\ez_.

~y\ So~e Cu8e~ I'~ YY)ey(10''Z"~ h:\'YTi'e~

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Amp );fied wC\veterr I'l)

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® How do (JOu... 'Oeo..&. -the.- C:_Ll"ryen+

C_OY"l-t'lO \ oeSlsle'f \I olQe_~

pv...r-apo g e. of

~ '" _g '-I: Cl -ell...s re9' gt e ."..

@ e'X p\o.\Y') t~e USQ<je 0+ 'TBB

Qnd. 1't?>\-\ \nSk,,{\J..C\:~Oh~

A 'r'IS vv -e "( .s

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Y"\e_ga..;-\\je \JCllu..e.., CI'Y w""e'y) tWO

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p 'YOd\J..C' e 0- ra G \-\ he \JolQE:__' . P \)..,.y po se_ .,e_3 ~s+<-..( b~ u.S IY1 9
MRs ./ ® ."

B L S -tiCh1'

C. eN 2 R 0.) e h')CA~ I_ \ 00 \( s _ o 'kCAj _; B"l"\,

~,r 'Yesv...\+ I ~ Ylv-t

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(9 l2> h - Boo.h Ch ~d.""(ess .

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f01' " 'fY) \> \ e ro e Y) -\ \ n 9 \:n'{:A Y") c. ~ -\.Q b t e.s .

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s\Z e o~+se-t ') C\.Y"'\ d bYo'ne~ ~b\e_ 0 ~ Ot+set,

@ l' he C OY"'l-t:<l'O \ ye 8 I s+-e-f \ S

Sfe c;cJ' Ye..9,gt--e.-r. !'fo' rreu.d Q \lruue ~V)' ex. s~ec~o1

¥ cg \ s'\-e'l ' we_ Ccxh 1,.".. 'rV) ave

'\ O.r..r5e~ 5 '0

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\D)C: a, f 4- ~f'_t'p~

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Ne w pc

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N ~ '0; rH~. 'W" ~ \J o.l V-e.

'~+~e o.p+.s~+.

is ;'" -\-"'~ 'l'o..nge.. 0 +. 514 .

o ~ '\ B B s: 5"1 4- .

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::. f, 5.) 53> S x ~ -t- l;(3 I o'JO ~ 4-

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o w~cd' CA"fe' -t"e oJVa.n+~e_s

oP BIt - ba.n c\ 0 ~e."HA -t ~ 0 Y).s ~

@ w "'0.+ ~ s 1-~ e d ~ + +'~~ evt c.e

be..1:we eY\ G 1 1, - 8a.nd o..Y\c9. Q, >l- ~~.

(]) W ~ a. -\: 'S' t ~e__ "( e.Q$ 0 Yl -PO y

~Q_"'n9 Yesty, c.!te.d 0 c.cess

to rn e r00Y'9 oe..S ~ o-ns .d...b9Ve_

ex +- e y ncJ. de. v\ c.e. ry- e.8 I' 0 lj ~,


@ .e-~p\c(Yl the USe O+- ,ro"ow~~

(j) Bu.-r '\?Qy CLb\e

L\\) CQC. ~e__ b ~e

l 1\\) S~a.:-r o..b\ e.

® Who...-\-- t s the_ pu.'Y'poSe o+'

VeJ'ld..e:-r Spe C'~ .\\' c ~e.YY)oo~ 'le_(jI'()~r

@ w h CA -\- o,« e + ~ e. d i ,p.:(:' e 'Y' e Yj ~ eJ:

{n V"Y\e'rr\oy~ a..'Yc__~ ~ +ectu 'Ye 0+

-\- -c o.._d ~ +- '\ OYI oJ. 0. ... rn p '"'10 C eS' S 0'0£

Q net AR {VI Co'O+ex 'M ~ p""60Ce-CS'oy.

0) speeJ

tess code C (o&e e.USi'(_J oeoJe-<b~

Atc'f'<\;C 0 pe..,a.:H a 1'1£.


@ 1'(") t\,e_ CO'Yte~ - M3 ~ We. \.-\Se 1- he

.. h::"Y m '0 i-l- bd. hct to \ "'c\lt cQ1-e

.-t 'n u'T 1-~ e +' e_q_ +ll "Y e cs CL S FecicJ

mevnOY_:j bo.Y'1d (.ye3\onJ -IJ'\Q-t PYOv ides 6~t QCCesE) eS ..

Bl t - bQ.'n9 La V-"WY,\Oh f';3 Yere-fg M

d.Y~\Jlh9 l/O p\hS uY\cle7'

So_}:'-\: W a. 'Y'e Co n tyO r +o p-o 0 V ('de

S e'Y; cJ C 0 \t"v) vY) U \1'\ i c:a.__t, Ion ' ,f u Y"\ c+ to hS . '\ h e. \0; t - 60.. Y1d. .r e_a._k-U""fe.. 'lrh the

Coyte'X-M3 Co.V"'I be' uscJ +oy

6~ -l- b 0.. n 9 ~ n 3 \ ('()f \ E:_yY'\ e.ntG.. +- i-o hS ~

b LA. \: -\:""'- e de -+ ( V'I~' -t I' 0 V" S 0 + '

-t,", es e -t:w 0 -1cc:...,. mS o...fe:_ d~f.fe'levrf~

@ (i.) el..t,f+eYQ,b\e .-,~

\NYi+e -l.o VY\emo'Y ~ .CO .. V") be.

c». .... ned.. o~.4- 'oj ~ \N"fit e bu.+~e7'

w '" ~ \e_ ..t "" e p '(0 cesso» Co If) +~ Y)'"'-e5

OY\ Y'le"){ t lnstyuc+i Of) li ') C~ClC,,", eo__,b te ", -

(DC\..+o... 0 b-tCt, ned. +',,(OY'f)

't e_c....._cA.- C_CA_ Y'I b e. Co p \' eel

Y'Yl e VY\ 0 -y -.::) Ch cc c .. h e. ~o * hQ + Y) e~+

+~me.. t -b IS QCce.sSeot -che

'JoJ u.e Co..Y1 be ohto..~Y1 e c! t"OM +~

C~a. ch e to ~pe__eJ u..._r ~he r·(Qgro..rY) e..y e cud:.1oV\ '

0\\) ~ 'h c,Y-(A_ b \ e :-

G) C\._ ,t-o..._ \ y"\ + h ; S t'Y'Ievno'-..:j -oe9 1\ 0 Y)

cou_\d be S ~a:reJ b_j M u..H,tp 'e

blvl's YVlOs+-e_, S. tv\. e mo"Cj S~ s+e-»

Y\eeds to e..nSl.\._~e_ C_oh.e"e_hC~

o f clCA-+O_ be..+W ee: Y) d..~ '-b-Pe-renl

buS ~o..S+e,...s tV) S\.-, a.GeQ bl~

Y'll e -rr'IO «: j '" es " 0 Y"\ •

@ The pu"q:)ose 0+ Me'rV')o~ ve0dov

s pe_c~ +I'C h"\erY)o .... j "(e8) o Y) IS

,p~\\ QC .. C e55 ~Y\' \..lS-e..-'i' P.y09"QVY).

® cD :In CO"(Te7: ~ M.3 - +hey-e_ ($

0.. p'"(e_d.e~ ncl. Me_MOYj Ma..p,

0_ \ ) Co, + e'X- - M 3 S L.\.f paY +-5

b ,-t ~ bQ..Y\ d 0 pe_ <l'a + ; an $, QY'\ d-.

~'Y a.._d t ~ ton Q\ A'( rv"I J:o es hO+.,'

u,v Co"C'~ - M:3 ~r p01l'1-5

'UVloJ\9V)ed 0.. LC. e~S eS' .

\!_v) COi+e'1' ~M3

SUrpO{.-ts ~V"\d b~9

a 3- 0 a'- - ;1.0 \ 0

CD e-x p\one -t he 'YeCAS'O Y"\ W h~

\A Y"'I oJ ISh eel clCA..'-\- Q. o...C c I S

no -\: v e C.O\rv"\~ end-ed.

@ whoA IS -+ h e ~ V'v1 POl +an c.e 0+

e'1LdUSlve QC.ceC_S; I y'"'\ a..CCE'-S's~~

~ho.:-(eJ ye~ou.. "( C~.

® LIst 6o'WV\ :3 yY) 1<:'"10 9-(oceS'soYs

eo..c h lk S'Y\3 t ~*\\e e V'\d.~Qn

Q V\ c>.. h, 53 eno\ ~ 0. r. ·f'o"'( VV\c~.'+s ...

@ ~e..£A_J.. o....d..\Jo.nc_e hI~c.yO e.oh<t'rolle{

bUS Q<Y C ~'; l-e. c. .. h.Ary e Sf eel r ~ co ~ ,'C_

CAM~AJ a.I'lJ \l\us·\----rC!..+e U~lh3

ex. d~CA91'Cq/V)J the d;.~.ce'Yence

be -tv-l e_ en A l-\- B L; t- e. o, Yl 0\


CD v.hoJ ~~ e. cl


-tyo.V'lS fe'Ys o..'Ye Yl 0-+

'\ Y) l 0 a.J. /.$ 'i-<)Y C

'fY) U. \ ~ 'I p'\ e. \ YlS·-t'Yu. C. -tl 0 V'\S .

\i_i)StG. c v 0 r e To._·r~on.$ rn v..~.\- be

0-.-\ '.,9 ned. .

l..A...V\...D ... l t' 9 "" cJ clct..<t ~ c.a.... "" wc..s -t-e. 0 V'I

~ W'\o...., ~ ~ 0.... '" d.. \. e s S PI!\£. INtJl) <s

e.c s: :;c~""_~c

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~ ~ )

e_,x Ce.p-l'tOh \N\~\ b e. tYisgeyed.

,,\ 'IJ) U \f', Q \ ~ <j Y'I e_o. 1- 'Y Q h s ~e_ y- s o, -a:

Y) 0 + S'-I..f>r cr« + ed. 'tYl b I't- bQhd

ore "'( 0. -\. ~ OV'l s Res u. \ -t..s ~ I" be

\}. ~O\A oBe_iYlf3t

U 'f'\ ~.,..-- e_c\ \ c. ~ o, b \ e

-t6 0.0 So·

_So 'aeCCA..I....\.se 0+

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"" 0 '* 'Y e: c. 0 yy\ r"V'I C\. Y'\ J e cl

o, b 0'1 e '" eso V"\..S' 0. C: c~.s j_s



@ 5 e. I"Y)C\ ph o-re s

o.s e J. ~ 0 -( COhlh"'lOY'l~

Q \. \ a cc.....-\-; Y"I 9 S h 0.. -re d.

re s 00.'" C es -t 0 ~h C C<0 Y'I c e p ~

0.. P P \ : (_o_ +-- / Oh S ,

o,r e'X.c\ u.s;vc


o.c ce~S a r e"lcd:1 on :t-"he poss ~ b ~ \, t ~

~ehJo'Y~ \.OCo.tlOh ~Q'" se. W'lO,p \'-'o'Y(

ccu\c\. be. 0.. (ceSs ed by C\Y1 oth ey

hu....S N') Q .. ste'Y (J"Y o..noth e_'( pr 0 ( e SJ

~ '-.\. Y"I ("\ ~ ""' 9 0 '" -1 he SQlY) e P'YOc e SS-cy ,

00 Powe'1 fie \_\I;) 'S. ~5 \-<2. W) 13 1-'6

<: 0-1 +e ?l - M ..3 povJe., pc bo+E lV'\te.\ 8-0i?'b





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