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Designing with

November 2002 Version 1.9
Triscend supports the use of the Synplify FPGA Synthesis tool for the creation of designs to place into
the Configurable System Logic (CSL) portion of a Triscend device.

Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 2
System Requirements............................................................................................................................... 2
Before You Begin ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Creating an EDIF Netlist in Synplify .......................................................................................................... 3
Instantiating Exported Modules in VHDL and Verilog Designs................................................................. 4
Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................................................... 5
1. Unable to Access the Synplify License ............................................................................................. 5
2. Unable to Access Triscend Devices.................................................................................................. 5
3. Triscend Target Device is Not Listed ................................................................................................ 5
4. Instantiation Libraries for Black Boxes .............................................................................................. 5
5. Instantiating Modules With Attributes ................................................................................................ 6
6. Pre-defined Constants....................................................................................................................... 8
7. Why do I get this message - 860 Error: primitive view:PrimLib.z(prim) not handled yet................... 8
8. FastChip Prints an ERROR for LATCHCS, LATCHC, LATCHS, or DFFCSMACRO in a Netlist ..... 9
9. Synplify produces a Dr. Watson exception or "corrupted memory bin" message............................. 9
10. Synplify does not display the design graphically............................................................................. 9
11. ConnectedPinNotInEquation warning printed when importing Synplify EDIF netlists .................... 9
Known Bugs ............................................................................................................................................ 11
1. Synplify 6.x: Missing Clock Inversion .............................................................................................. 11
2. Synplify 6.x: Inferred ROMs............................................................................................................. 12
3. Synplify 7.0.2 and below: Index 0 is OUT of Range........................................................................ 15

© 2002 by Triscend Corporation. All rights reserved.

Triscend Part Number TCH405-0002-001
Synplify, version 6.1.3 or later, can be used to create designs for the CSL portion of Triscend devices.
Support for Triscend parts is built into versions of this tool as of version 6.1. Designs are created in the
VHDL or Verilog HDL languages and synthesized by this tool into netlists of the EDIF 2.0.0 format.
These netlists can then be imported into FastChip as modules, which can then be used as design
elements in FastChip.

System Requirements
In order to synthesize designs, you need the following items:
• Synplify/Synplify Pro version 6.1.3 or later (7.0.2 or higher recommended). This is the version of
the Synplify tool that supports Triscend. An evaluation copy can be downloaded from the Synplicity
web site .
• The Triscend FastChip Development System version 2.1.1 or later:
Designers can import the EDIF files exported by Synplify into FastChip. Once imported, your
designs become Imported types in FastChip and can be instantiated in designs.
You may also need one or more of these optional files:
• [FastChip Dir]/data/libraries/Synthesis/TriscendDefines.v or .vhd
These files contain definitions of constants which may be applied to the ports of primitives
instantiated in your design.
• [FastChip Dir]/data/libraries/Synthesis/TriscendVBB.v or TriscendVBBSynplify.vhd
These are instantiation libraries for Triscend primitives and macros which are not included in the
default libraries shipped with the Synplify product. The default Synplify instantiation libraries
triscend.v and triscend.vhd contain primitives that are inferred, and are found in the directory
[Synplify Dir]/synplify/lib/triscend/triscend.v or triscend.vhd.

Before You Begin

Before creating a new design in Synplify, first review some of the Triscend documents found in the
Docs directory of the FastChip software installation. The Documentation Guide provides an overview of
available documents. Particularly useful for synthesis users are the following documents:
• Synthesis_Design_Guide.pdf
• Using_Soft_Modules_in_EDA_Tools.pdf
• Triscend_Primitives.pdf
For complete information on using Synplify, refer to the Synplify User's Guide.

2 TCH405-0002-001
Getting Started
Follow these steps to begin using Synplify:
1. Open Synplify or Synplify Pro.
2. Create a new project (if this is the first time you are importing your design).
3. Add your input VHDL or Verilog designs to the project. Verilog source files are found in the “verilog”
folder and VHDL files in the “vhdl” folder. Add instantiation source files containing module
interfaces for black boxes ahead of your source, followed by intermediate level modules, with your
top-level module added last. There is an instantiation library in the Synplify installation under
synplify\lib\triscend for some Triscend primitives, but you may also create your own file.
4. When all the VHDL and Verilog files comprising your design have been read in, select the Project
pull down menu from the main menu bar and choose “Implementation Options.”
5. In the Options for Implementation window, select the Device tab and choose your Triscend device
family as the Technology, as well as the Part, Speed and Package for the device you want to
target. If you do not see the exact combination for your device, select the closest configuration.
There are some options to consider.
• The “Disable I/O Insertion” option must be selected. (In the current version of the tool, this is
checked by default.) Otherwise, the tool inserts pads on all dangling ports. Triscend highly
recommends hand-instantiating I/O primitives on ports instead of allowing the synthesis tool to
perform this function.
• Other implementation options are common to all vendors supported by Synplify; consult the
Synplify User’s Guide for more information.
Click on OK to set the implementation options.
6. Synthesize your design by clicking Run in the main window.

Creating an EDIF Netlist in Synplify

When synthesis is complete, an implementation folder containing your design should appear in the
source window of Synplify. For example, a folder named “rev_1” may exist. Open the folder by double-
clicking the left mouse button on the folder icon or the “+” icon to the left. Your design is written out as
an EDIF netlist by default and you should see a file with the “.edf” extension.
Your design has been exported to EDIF 2.0.0 format. You can specify the EDIF file name,
implementation name and directory using the Project->Options for Implementation window and setting
options in the “Implementation Results” tab. You can also create optional output files. You can re-
synthesize your design after changing these options.
You can now import the design into FastChip, where it appears in the Library Tree under the Imported
branch, and can be instantiated as a type in that environment.
During the import process, a design rule check is run on the EDIF design to make sure it is compatible
with the internal Triscend tools. If the design rule check fails, you must change your design in Synplify,
re-synthesize it, and then re-import your design into FastChip.

3 TCH405-0002-001
Instantiating Exported Modules in VHDL and Verilog Designs
You can use models exported from FastChip as modules in user HDL designs. A typical candidate is
an imported module in the FastChip library tree (perhaps obtained from another design environment)
that the designer wishes to use as a cell type in HDL designs. By right-clicking one of the modules in
the library tree, any of the modules can be exported to VHDL or Verilog.
Modules exported for use in this manner must be defined for synthesis as block boxes, or undefined
modules, by the appropriate “Don’t touch” statements in HDL code. These statements cause the
synthesizer to halt processing at the surface and not attempt to descend below into the contents.
This is typically done by adding comments with embedded synthesis directives to empty module
definitions in an instantiation library, and including the library as a source file for implementation. For
example, if the module type name is BBOX, the Verilog code is similar to:
module BBOX(I,O) /* synthesis syn_black_box syn_noprune=1 */ ;
input I;
output O;
more module definitions

and the VHDL code is similar to:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library synplify;
use synplify.attributes.all;
package myComponents is
component BBOX port(
end component;
attribute syn_black_box of BBOX: component is true;
attribute syn_noprune of BBOX: component is true;
more component definitions
end myComponents;

If an imported module is exported and instantiated in an HDL design, the resulting EDIF netlist from the
synthesized HDL design must be imported into the same FastChip project from which the imported
module was obtained.
When importing a design with instantiated modules, the contents are read from the imported modules
in a project and flattened into the design. Note that this means if you re-import one of these modules,
then other imported designs with instantiated versions of the module must be re-imported as well.
When working with soft modules, the csoc modlib command can be used to create HDL black box and
simulation libraries; see the Triscend technical document titled
Using_Soft_Modules_with_EDA_Tools.pdf for more information.

4 TCH405-0002-001
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about using Synplify to synthesize your design, consult the items below for some
of the more common issues experienced by users. The Triscend technical document titled
Synthesis_Design_Guide.pdf also contains useful design information.

1. Unable to Access the Synplify License

Synplify requires a FlexLM license server for floating licenses or a hardware dongle (plug) for node-
locked licenses that plugs into the parallel port of your workstation.
If you have a floating license, set the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to <port>@machine,
where <port> is the port number used by the license server to communicate with the client and
machine is the name of the license server host.
If the license is node-locked, you will need to connect a license dongle to your parallel port, and install
a driver for the dongle and a license file. A common error encountered by dongle users occurs because
the driver for the dongle has not been installed.
When updating your license file, be sure that license data copied from email or a file is properly
inserted into the license file (typically named license.txt or license.dat). You may need to correct
problems due to line breaks inserted by email programs. If license data requires more than one line,
make sure there is a back-slash character '\' at the end of each line except the last:
• Example of license data with check-out failure:
FEATURE synplify_pc synplctyd 2002.050 14-may-2003 0
9CFA39C576076B8D706B \
VENDOR_STRING=fpga,analyst HOSTID=SKEY=0C53 ck=200

• Example of the same license data without check-out failure (the missing back-slash was added
to the first line):
FEATURE synplify_pc synplctyd 2002.050 14-may-2003 0 \
9CFA39C576076B8D706B \
VENDOR_STRING=fpga,analyst HOSTID=SKEY=0C53 ck=200

2. Unable to Access Triscend Devices

Synplify/Synplify Pro 6.1 and up support Triscend devices. Make sure you have the correct version of
the Synplify software, as well as the license for the Triscend mapper.

3. Triscend Target Device is Not Listed

When targeting Triscend devices in synthesis tools, you may find that the part you wish to select is not
listed. This occurs because there may be a time lag between the release of libraries by synthesis tool
vendors and FastChip.
To target a part that is not listed, select any Triscend device family, speed grade and part. Although
timing values will differ, all device families support the same set of primitive modules in the configurable
system logic (CSL). The synthesized netlist can be imported into any FastChip project, and during the
Bind process a timing report of the actual mapped design will be produced.

4. Instantiation Libraries for Black Boxes

When instantiating Triscend primitives and macros, or any user module, as a block box in your HDL
design, you will need a black box definition which is used to declare the module name and port
interface for Synplify. You may create your own Verilog or VHDL black box interfaces or use pre-
defined instantiation libraries.

5 TCH405-0002-001
Synplify includes instantiation libraries triscend.v and triscend.vhd in the directory
[Synplify_Dir]/synplify/lib/triscend. It contains Triscend primitives which are inferred or instantiated by
the Synplify tool--for example, pad cells. The VHDL package name is component.
Triscend includes instantiation libraries TriscendVBB.v and TriscendVBBSynplify.vhd in the directory
[FastChip_DIR]/data/libraries/Synthesis (Note: TriscendVBB.vhd is for use with FPGA Express and
results in warnings when used with Synplify). These libraries are complementary to those included with
Synplify; the modules in the file do not overlap. The VHDL package name is TCOMPONENTS, which is
the same as the Triscend simulation library.
To use these libraries, simply add them as a source file to be compiled.

5. Instantiating Modules With Attributes

Synplify supports mechanisms for specifying attributes embedded in comments for Verilog or using the
VHDL attribute mechanism for an instantiated module.
The syn_props synthesis attribute is used to pass vendor-specific attributes through to the EDIF netlist
as a property for processing by FastChip software and is not used by Synplify. The FastChip EDIF
reader processes these properties and attaches them to the imported netlist.
Other synthesis attributes are read by Synplify, but are not read by FastChip. The syn_black_box
attribute is an example.
Here are some general guidelines for instantiating modules.
• Triscend bus ports, for example, the SIM port on CSI bus primitives SIDESIM port on sideband
primitives, need to be connected if you simulate your RTL or post-synthesis design. Otherwise, you
may leave them unconnected (during FastChip netlist import, these ports are connected
automatically for you). Do not insert pads automatically for the SIM or SIDESIM ports.
• The symbolic name associated with a selector primitive, for example SELECTRANGE, is defined
as the name of the input port of the top-level module connected to the SYMBOLIC port. The
SYMBOLIC port of instantiated selector primitives should be connected to a top-level input.
• Instantiating pads within FastChip gives you much flexibility in assigning pin numbers and electrical
characteristics in a graphical environment. If you choose instead to instantiate pads in your
synthesized netlist, be sure to connect the NAME port of the pad primitives to a port of the top-level
module. Automatic insertion of pads during synthesis is not recommended.
• Modules with INITV ports on the simulation model can be instantiated using an attribute. In the
netlist to be synthesized, instantiate the module with a syn_props attribute, which can be used to
define the INITV value.
In Verilog netlists, Synplify uses comments beginning with the keyword “synthesis” to define synthesis
attributes; separate multiple synthesis attributes with spaces. VHDL attributes are used in those netlists
to define synthesis attributes; use the library “synplify” and package “attributes”. Some examples are:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
library synplify;
use synplify.attributes.all;
architecture TEST of MyExample is

6 TCH405-0002-001
attribute syn_props: string;
attribute syn_props of myPad1: label is "HYSTERESIS=TRUE";
myPad1: PAD port map( ... );
end TEST;

• Verilog
PAD myPad1( ... ) // synthesis syn_props="HYSTERESIS=TRUE"

Within the syn_props attribute value (which is enclosed in double quotes), separate multiple FastChip
attributes with commas. For example:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
library synplify;
use synplify.attributes.all;
architecture TEST of MyExample is
attribute syn_props: string;
attribute syn_props of myPad2: label is "HYSTERESIS=FALSE, BUSMINDER=PULLUP";
myPad2: PAD_IN port map( ... );
end TEST;

• Verilog
PAD_IN myPad2( ... ) // synthesis syn_props="HYSTERESIS=FALSE, BUSMINDER=PULLUP"

Pad modules instantiated in HDL netlists are likely candidates for specifying FastChip attributes.
Attribute names are not case sensitive. Supported pad attributes include:
Attribute Value
Name <pad_name>
IsInputLowPower TRUE, FALSE (inputs)

7 TCH405-0002-001
IsClamped TRUE, FALSE (inputs, A7 only)
Hysteresis TRUE, FALSE (inputs)
SlewRate SLOW, FAST (outputs, A7 only)
IsOutputLowPower TRUE, FALSE (outputs)

6. Pre-defined Constants
When instantiating Triscend primitives, you may save time by using libraries of pre-defined constants
included with FastChip. The files TriscendDefines.v and TriscendDefines.vhd in the directory
[FastChip_Dir]/data/libraries/Synthesis contain useful constants. The VHDL package name is

7. Why do I get this message - 860 Error: primitive view:PrimLib.z(prim) not handled yet
When synthesizing a design with Synplify, the last module of the last source file is selected as the top
level module, unless otherwise specified. One way to do this in the Synplify GUI is to click and drag the
top-level source file to move it after the other files (move it vertically on the screen), or make sure that it
is added as the last source file.
For example, if the last file compiled were the instantiation library TriscendVBB.v, you might get the
error below (assuming WAITCTRL is the last module in that file):
$ Start of Compile
#Wed Mar 21 22:28:27 2001
Synplicity Verilog Compiler, version 6.1.3, Build 077R, built Nov 27 2000
Copyright (C) 1994-2000, Synplicity Inc. All Rights Reserved
@I::"c:\my documents\triscend\data\source\top.v"
@I::"c:\my documents\triscend\data\source\TriscendVBB.v"
Verilog syntax check successful!

Compiler output is up to date. No re-compile necessary

Selecting top level module WAITCTRL
Synthesizing module WAITCTRL
Process took 0.38 seconds realtime, 0.38 seconds cputime
Synplicity Triscend Technology Mapper, version 6.1.0, Build 068R, built
Oct 23 2000
Copyright (C) 2000, Synplicity Inc. All Rights Reserved
List of partitions to map:
\\synnac\syn\george\nt\syn610\src\mappers\triscend\trmap.c:860 Error:
primitive view:PrimLib.z(prim) not handled yet
Process took 0.33 seconds realtime, 0.33 seconds cputime

You should make your top level module the last one compiled. TriscendVBB.v is compiled last, and the
last module in it is being treated as the top level module. If you move TriscendVBB.v ahead of the other
source files, this message should go away (or at least a different message will be observed).

8 TCH405-0002-001
8. FastChip Prints an ERROR for LATCHCS, LATCHC, LATCHS, or DFFCSMACRO in a
The Triscend configurable system logic (CSL) does not support latches with asynchronous clear or set
pins, nor does it support a D-type flip-flop with both a clear and a set pin. Synplify assumes these
primitives are available and may infer them in your design:

• LATCHCS - latch with asynchronous clear and set pins

• LATCHC - latch with asynchronous clear pin

• LATCHS - latch with asynchronous set pin

• DFFCSMACRO - D-type flip-flop with asynchronous clear and set pins

Designs containing these elements cannot be imported by FastChip. If your design contains any of
these elements, you should modify your HDL code and re-synthesize your design. Also, the CSL
architecture does not support true transparent latches, and it is recommended that synthesized designs
containing the LATCH primitive be re-implemented without latches if possible.
If you are using VHDL, conditional signal assignments will result in the inference of latches. For
example, q <= d when clk = '1' else q. If you have a process block with an "if", a latch could be inferred:
if (clk = '1') then q <= d.

In "case" statements with "when" statements where signals are not always assigned a value, a latch
may result.
Synplify generates a warning message if unsupported flip-flops or latches are inferred:
@W|Found flip-flop with both clear and set; requires an implementation model for Triscend
place and route.
@W|Found latch with clear and/or set; requires an implementation model for Triscend place
and route.

9. Synplify produces a Dr. Watson exception or "corrupted memory bin" message

On rare occasions during logic mapping Synplify may experience an application exception, e.g. a
Windows Dr. Watson error, or detect an error condition, e.g. the <design>.srr report file contains a
"corrupted memory bin" message.
These types of errors are difficult to diagnose, but a possible workaround involves setting an
environment variable which causes Synplify to use a different memory allocation scheme. It should not
cause any differences in the results.
Set the environment variable SYNPLIFY_SAVEMEM to a value of 1 and re-run the design. You will
need to launch Synplify again after setting the environment variable. If this does not solve the problem,
try running the design with FSM Compiler/Resource sharing turned on and off.
If the problem persists, contact Synplicity technical support.

10. Synplify does not display the design graphically

The Synplify HDL Analyst option must be purchased to view a user's design graphically. It supports a
number of views of the design, from RTL to vendor implementation.
This option must be purchased directly from Synplicity; Triscend does not sell this option and it is not
included with the standard Synplify product.

11. ConnectedPinNotInEquation warning printed when importing Synplify EDIF netlists

When importing an EDIF netlist synthesized by Synplify, a ConnectedPinNotInEquation warning similar
to the one may be displayed:

9 TCH405-0002-001
WARNING: Import Command: ConnectedPinNotInEquation: The pin
'fifo_ctrl_N_216_i.i[3]' of item 'fifo_ctrl_N_216_i' is
connected but is not a parameter of its equation:
'( 2)|( 0)|(~ 1)'.
This message is displayed if an input of a look-up table (LUT) cell is connected, but the input is not
used in the equation that defines the functionality of the LUT. In the example above, input 3 is
connected but not used.
Synplify will connected unused inputs in the synthesized netlist to a net. LUT inputs that are connected
but not used are flagged during import. If you examine the netlist and determine this is the case, the
warning can be safely ignored.
This issue will be addressed in future releases of FastChip (enable the user to control the display of
messages) and Synplify (LUT inputs connected to ground but not specified in a LUT equation are
ignored by FastChip).

10 TCH405-0002-001
Known Bugs
If you experience problems using Synplify to synthesize your design or in importing designs into
FastChip, consult the list of known bugs below.

1. Synplify 6.x: Missing Clock Inversion

The Synplify mapper for Triscend devices has a known problem with using an inverted clock, or the
falling clock edge, from synthesis using Synplify versions 6.3 and earlier. The inversion is missing in
the synthesized netlist.
This issue is being tracked by Synplicity as Synplify bug 31674, scheduled to be fixed in Synplify
release 7.0, which is productional in the 4th quarter of 2001. A work-around is to explicitly create an
inverted signal and apply the syn_keep attribute to the net to prevent it from being optimized. The
resulting EDIF netlist contains an inverter that is merged into the flip-flop by FastChip.
An example is shown below.
Consider the following VHDL code snippet, which creates two flip-flops after synthesis. One flip-flop,
called ‘q_rising’, is clocked on the rising or positive clock edge. The other flip-flop, called ‘q_falling’, is
clocked on the falling or negative clock edge.
architecture example of clk_inversion_example is
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
q_rising <= d;
end if;
if (falling_edge(clk)) then
q_falling <= d;
end if;
end process;
end example;

Synplify’s Technology Viewer shows a clock bubble into the clock on ‘q_falling’ flip-flop, which is the
expected behavior.
However, the EDIF netlist file created by Synplify version 6.3 or earlier does not include the inverted
clock in the resulting netlist. Consequently, the design fails to operate as expected when imported into
FastChip and implemented on a Triscend Configurable System-on-Chip (CSoC) device.
Fortunately, there is a simple work-around using a Synplicity synthesis attribute called ‘syn_keep’. To
use this attribute, add the Synplicity library to the top your VHDL source file.
library synplify;
use synplify.attributes.all;

Then, create a new signal for the inverted clock, called ‘clk_inv’ in this example. Placing a ‘syn_keep’
attribute on this signal prevents the Synplify optimizer from attempting to merge the inverted clock into
the flip-flop.
Finally, instead of clocking the ‘q_falling’ flip-flop on the falling edge of ‘clk’, clock the flip-flop on the
rising edge of the inverted clock ‘clk_inv’.
architecture fixed_example of clk_inversion_example is

11 TCH405-0002-001
-- signal created to explicitly invert 'clk' input
signal clk_inv : std_logic;
-- this special Synplicty attribute prevents 'clk_inv' from
-- being optimized away
attribute syn_keep of clk_inv : signal is true;
-- invert 'clk'
clk_inv <= not(clk);
process(clk, clk_inv)
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
q_rising <= d;
end if;
-- instead of clocking on the falling edge
-- of 'clk', clock on the rising edge of the
-- inverted 'clk' signal
if (rising_edge(clk_inv)) then
q_falling <= d;
end if;
end process;
end fixed_example;

Viewing the synthesized design, note the explicit inverter on the ‘clk’ signal entering the clock input on
the ‘q_falling’ flip-flop. This inverter correctly appears in the EDIF file created by Synplify and works
correctly when the logic is implemented on a Triscend CSoC device.
During Bind, FastChip is smart enough to merge the inverter into the Configurable System Logic (CSL)
flip-flop using the optional clock inversion allowed on each cell, resulting in optimal timing and routing.

2. Synplify 6.x: Inferred ROMs

The ROM support for Triscend devices has the following known problems with Synplify versions 6.3
and earlier: 1) inferred ROMs are missing the prefix “#B” in the INITV property of the ROM instantiated
in the EDIF netlist, and 2) ‘X’ default values for inferred ROMs are not mapped to a logic 0 or 1.
This issue is being tracked by Synplicity and is scheduled to be fixed in Synplify release 7.0, which is
productional in the 4th quarter of 2001. Synplify 7.0 contains corrections for both of the issues described
above, and also outputs the INITV property in the EDIF netlist using a hexadecimal format which is
easier to read. Two work-arounds are described below.
For use with Synplify 6.x only, you may obtain an updated ROM generator file rombin.vhd from the
Triscend Support Center and install this file as rom.vhd in the Synplify software installation (back up
your original rom.vhd file): <Synplify_root>\synplify\lib\triscend\gen_e5\rom.vhd. Run Synplify again to
synthesize your design and this new rom.vhd file will be used automatically when ROMs are inferred by
the Synplify Triscend mapper.

12 TCH405-0002-001
Alternatively, the following manual work-arounds may be used.
1. In the EDIF netlist, if the INITV property for inferred ROMs is missing the prefix "#B", for example
(instance U0 (viewRef prim (cellRef ROM32X1 (libraryRef Triscend)))
(property INITV (string "00001000010000000001001111110000"))

correct this by inserting "#B" in the binary string using a text editor:
(instance U0 (viewRef prim (cellRef ROM32X1 (libraryRef Triscend)))
(property INITV (string "#B00001000010000000001001111110000"))

2. Default values for inferred ROMs which are specified as 'X' are not mapped to a known logic value of
0 or 1. For example, a "default" clause of 'X' in a Verilog "case" statement inferred as a ROM results in
INITV properties in the EDIF netlist with 'X' logic values, for example
(instance U0 (viewRef prim (cellRef ROM32X1 (libraryRef Triscend)))
(property INITV (string "X0001000010000000001001111110000"))

To correct this, change the default in your HDL source code for ROMs to logic '0' (or change 'X' to '0' in
the ROM INITV property in the resulting EDIF netlist). Remember to insert "#B" in the binary string
using a text editor to correct the ROM INITV property in the EDIF netlist.
(instance U0 (viewRef prim (cellRef ROM32X1 (libraryRef Triscend)))
(property INITV (string "#B00001000010000000001001111110000"))

An example of Verilog code inferred as a ROM is included below:
module myrom(z, a) ;
output [3:0] z;
input [6:0] a;
reg [3:0] z ;
always @(a) begin
case (a[6:0])
7'b0000000: z = 4'ha;
7'b0000010: z = 4'b0011;
7'b0000100: z = 4'b1110;
7'b0000101: z = 4'b0111;
7'b0000110: z = 4'b0101;
7'b0000111: z = 4'b0100;
7'b0001000: z = 4'b0111;
7'b0001001: z = 4'b1101;
7'b0001010: z = 4'b1011;
7'b0001011: z = 4'b1010;
7'b0001100: z = 4'b1100;
7'b0010101: z = 4'b1011;
7'b0010110: z = 4'b1111;
7'b0010111: z = 4'b1001;
7'b0011000: z = 4'b1011;

13 TCH405-0002-001
7'b0011001: z = 4'b1001;
7'b0011010: z = 4'b1011;
7'b0011011: z = 4'b1101;
7'b0011100: z = 4'b1011;
7'b0011101: z = 4'b1011;
7'b0011110: z = 4'b1010;
7'b0011111: z = 4'b1011;
7'b0100000: z = 4'b0010;
7'b0100001: z = 4'b1001;
7'b0100010: z = 4'b0101;
7'b0100011: z = 4'b0100;
7'b1001000: z = 4'b1110;
7'b1001001: z = 4'b0100;
7'b1001010: z = 4'b1001;
7'b1001011: z = 4'b0101;
7'b1001100: z = 4'b0000;
7'b1001101: z = 4'b1001;
7'b1001110: z = 4'b0110;
7'b1001111: z = 4'b1001;
7'b1010000: z = 4'b1011;
7'b1010001: z = 4'b1010;
7'b1010010: z = 4'b1000;
7'b1010011: z = 4'b1010;
7'b1010100: z = 4'b0101;
7'b1010101: z = 4'b1001;
7'b1010110: z = 4'b0100;
7'b1010111: z = 4'b1101;
7'b1011000: z = 4'b1110;
7'b1011001: z = 4'b1101;
7'b1011010: z = 4'b0101;
7'b1011011: z = 4'b0110;
7'b1011100: z = 4'b1011;
default : z = 4’b0000; // default to logic 0
// original default clause which is not handled properly
// default: z = 4'bxxxx;

14 TCH405-0002-001
3. Synplify 7.0.2 and below: Index 0 is OUT of Range
When inferring ROMs with Synplify version 7.0.2 and earlier, an "index 0 is out of range" error message
is printed if the word data at address 0 is not defined (Synplify bug #43808).
To work around this problem, explicitly define the word data for ROM address 0. You may also contact
the Triscend Support Center to obtain a patch. The problem is corrected in later versions of Synplify.

Triscend Corporation
301 North Whisman Road Mountain View, CA 94043-3969 USA
Tel: 1-650-968-8668 Fax: 1-650-934-9393 Web:

15 TCH405-0002-001

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