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动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Action English(151) 动感英语( 151)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
property manager 道具管理员
American slang 美国俚语
chasing the skirt 追求女性
例:He never did well at university, because he was always out drinking beer and chasing the skirt.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1) pull sth Off 把什么事做好
例:I didn 't think the dinner would go well ,but we pulled it off beautifully.
(2)get away with 逃避,推卸责任
例:Don`t try to get away with cheating.
(3)set sb up 介绍...给....(异性)
例: My cousin is always trying to set me up with women from her officer.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself A Letter I'm gonna write words, oh, so sweet
They're gonna knock me off my feet. A lotta kisses on the bottom, I'll be glad I've got'em….

Action English(152) 动感英语( 152)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
sword fighting 击剑 剑的种类不同,所以击剑的方式不同。
American slang 美国俚语
On the blink, I think you like me.(片中) on the blink 坏了,恐怕有问题 blink 眨眼
例:I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the lake. 自从我的手机
Classic film clips 经 典 对 白
(1)oh , right, oh God like , we go way back.(片中) go way back 有交情,两个人在一起很长时间
= two or more people have know lang time
例:Angela and I go way back, we've known each other since elementary school.
我和 Angela 很有交情,我们高中的时候就认识了。
My boss and I go way back , she was my boss at my first job.
( ) we just clicked.(片中)
2 click 一拍即合
例:I met my gf at a party and we clicked right away we ended up talking for five hours
Movie Tunes 原声碟
I Dare You to Move welcome to the planet welcome to existence everyone's here , everybody's watching you now everybody's
wants for you now what happens next?

Action English( 153) 动感英语( 153)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

scene painter 布景画师 绘制所需的布景,可以介绍大量的资金。

American slang 美国俚语
God , talk about a bad case of the third wheel.(片中) the third wheel 电灯泡
例:It wasn't until I arrived at the party and met Suzie that I realized that I was the third wheel on my friend's date. 直到我到了晚会
看见了 Suzie 我才发现自己在朋友的约会中是个电灯泡。
He felt like a third wheel because he doesn't know how to cook.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1) I'm on to you.(片中) on to 识破意图 = to know what someone doing
例:After months of detective work, the police were finally on to the plans of the criminals.
I want to keep the birthday present a secret but I think she is on to me.
(2) Take it on the chin 忍气吞声
例:When I found out that you were lying to me , did you expect me just to take it on the chin and move on?
When he was fired for no reason he took it on the chin and looked for another job.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
You And I find peace when I'm confused I find hope when I'm let down not in me, but in you I hope to lose myself

Action English(154) 动感英语( 154)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
supervisor 监制 监督其他人确保剧本上的每个情节顺利拍摄。
American slang 美国俚语
Am I off base here .(片中) off base 搞错了= wrong about sth
例: The report was well written , but it was slightly off base .
She was completely off base in thinking that I had lied to her
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1) survive on 100 grand a year .(片中) grand 一千元
例:At my first job out of university , I was only * twenty grand a year .
If you have a child, it's very difficult to survive on thirty grand a year in New York city.
( ) They love me because I bust their balls .(片中) bust one's balls 批评,讥笑(友好的态度)
例:My dad always busted my balls for being a terrible soccer player.
Those guys busted my balls when I told them that I was going to marry the actress.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Only Hope There's a song that's make of my soul it's the one that I've tried to write over and over again I'm awake and in the
infinite but you sing to me over and over again

Action English(155) 动感英语( 155)

动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Movie dictionary 电影词 典

prerecording 先期录音 拍摄前先记录一下音乐材料,演员可以对口型,载歌载舞。
American slang 美国俚语
I mean it , or no treat (片中) treat 小的奖励 n; 款待,请客 v
例:Our daughter Suzy was so quiet on the flight that we bought her ice cream as a treat.
It was Nathan's birthday on Tuesday so we all treated him to dinner.
星期二是 Nathan 的生日,我们请他吃顿饭。
Classic film clips 经典对 白 from “决战星 球”
(1) He's off course . (片中) off course 偏离方向,走错路
例:Because we didn't have an accurate map we went totally off course by mistake and arrived an hour late. 因为我们没有准确的
I went off course during the boat race and got disqualified.
(2)Line him up again (片中) line something up 排队
例: The teacher lined up the naughty students and punished them.
We've lined up five tickets for the soccer game tomorrow night.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
This is Halloween Boys and girls at every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange? This our town of Halloween This is
Halloween, This is Halloween pumpkins scream in the dead of night everybody make a scene

Action English(156) 动感英语( 156)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
stunt coordinator 武术指导
American slang 美国俚语
I've lost my appetite (片中) lose one's appetite 失去胃口,没有了食欲
例:I think drinking too much beer this eventing has made me lose my appetite.
Watching this horror movie on TV has made me lose my appetite.
我刚才看了一部恐怖片, 让我完全没有了胃口。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)I have contact (片中) have contact 有联系= to be working communication with sb or sth
例:I haven't had any contact with the boss recently so I'm not sure what the company's plans are.
You should contact with the professor before you leave for your vacation.
(2)We're in control now .(片中) be in control 在掌控之中
例:Our company is in control of six factories throughout China.
It's very dangerous to drive if you're not totally in control of the car at all tmes.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Jack's Lament oh, somewhere deep in side of these bones an emptiness began to grow on emptiness, there's something out there Far
from my home a longing that I've never known I'm the master of fight lament 悲叹,伤心,遗憾,难过 longing 极
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200


Action English(157) 动感英语( 157)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
costume designer 服装设计 负责服装风格的设计,设计并制作影片所需的服装。
American slang 美国俚语
You said they'd come for us.(片中) come for sb 来做....为.... sth 来送.....
例:The postman is going to come for the parcels around 3pm.
邮递员大概要下午 3 点来送包裹。
My mother can't come for me because her car broke down.
Classic film clips 经典对 白 from“决战星球”
(1)This is what the messager was picking up (片中)
pick up 接收(和电子有关) 其他意思开车接... / 买东西/ 捡起
例:My stereo isn't working very well, I can't pick up any radio stations.
( )If I can access the database.(片中)
2 access 获得....途径
例:If I lose my library card they won't let me access the book collections.
A good password prevents other people from accessing your email accout.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
What's This What's This ,What's This There's something very wrong, What's This , there's people singing song, what's this
,streets are lined 路的两旁 with little creature 不能识别的东西,有生命的东西 laughing everybody seems so happy have
gone daffy 疯狂

Action English(158) 动感英语( 158)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
tripod 三角架 tri 三个 是前缀, 摄像机放在上面起稳定作用,确保镜头的稳定和流畅。
American slang 美国俚语
Now , clear them back . (片中) clear back / clear out 驱除 remove it ; get it out of way
例:I want you to clear out all the trash from your room before she comes over.
The spectators had to be cleared back from the field because they were getting too close to the players.
Classic film clips 经典对 白 from “决战星球”
(1)I was just getting ready to make my move . (片中) make one's move 采取行动
例:We need to have all the necessary information on the company before we make our move and try to buy it .
Don't be sheep, be lion Tomorrow I'll make my move and ask the girl out to dinner.
(2)Take good care of him, okay? (片中) take good care of something 好好照顾
例:Alice takes very good care of her grandparents , she visits them everyday.
Alice 把祖母照顾的很好,她每天都去看他们。
I have to take good care of the car while my parents are away.
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Movie Tunes 原声碟
Jack's obsession Christmastime is buzzing in my skull kill it let me be ? I cannot tell There's so many things I cannot grasp
when I think
obsession 执迷,对....感兴趣 Christmastime 圣诞节那段时间 buzzing 嗡嗡的响
let me be 不要打扰我 grasp 把握

Action English(159) 动感英语( 159)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
kirk Douglas 柯克.道格拉斯
American slang 美国俚语
It's really just blind luck .(片中) blind luck 运气
例:It was blind luck that I found 100 RMB on the ground .
我在地上捡到 100 元钱纯属运气。
Success is not gained through you have to work hard for it .
Classic film clips 经典对白 from “异形 2”
(1)You have my word on it (片中) have one's word on something 保证....
例:Will you drive me to work tomorrow? 你明天送我去工作吗?
Yes, you have my word on it . 你向我保证过。
I can't believe you didn't call me last night, you gave me your word on it.
(2)All right , I'm in.(片中) I'm in 我也去,算我一个
例:If you can find enough people to play baseball, I'm in.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Kidnap the Sandy claws I want to do it let's draw straws Jack said we should together , three of a birds of a forever

Action English(160) 动感英语( 160)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
Laurence Olivier 劳伦斯.奥利弗
American slang 美国俚语
hold up 慢一点;推迟,拖延
例:I asked my tennis partner to hold up so I could tie my shoelace.
The plane was held up for 1 hour because of a snowstorm.
Classic film clips 经典对 白 from “异形 2”
(1)oh, give it a rest , why don't you ? (片中) give it a rest 停下来(厌烦)
例:I'm tired of practicing the violin, I’m going to give it a rest for a while.
Could you please give it a rest? You're always complaining.
(2)Hard to believe there's a little girl under the all this .(片中) hard to believe 难以置信
例:It's hard to believe that you're a grandfather, you look so young.
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

It's hard to believe that I'm graduating from college, It feels like I just started.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Making Christmas Making Christmas, * Christmas snakes and mice get wrapped up so nice with spider legs and pretty bows,
it's ours this time altogether that and this.

Action English(161) 动感英语( 161)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
Rita Hayworth 丽塔.海华丝 19 世纪四五十年代的女明星。
American slang 美国俚语
look sharp 提高警惕,振奋
例:Our boss told us to look sharp when the president comes for a visit.
It's hard for the soccer team to look sharp when it's 40 degrees outside.
外面 40 度的高温,要想让球队反应快些很难。
Classic film clips 经典对 白 from“异形 2”
(1)It's worth a try . (片中) worth a try 值得一试
例:Applying for that job is worth a try, you might get it.
If you like her it's worth a try to ask her out she might say yes.
(2)but let's not make snap judgment, please .(片中) snap judgment 太草率,太仓促做决定
例:I'm sorry, I called your bf playboy, It was a snap judgment,I don't even know him.
You shouldn't have fired me without listening to my explanation, It was a snap judgment .
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Oogie Boogie's song Release me fast or you will have to answer for this heinous act oh, brother you're something you put
me in a spin
Oogie Boogie's 妖怪,可怕的野兽,吓人的家伙 have to answer 受到惩罚
heinous 罪恶之极,非常坏 oh, brother 哦,我的天啊 put me in a spin 站不稳
Action English(162) 动感英语( 162)
Movie dictionary 电影词典
Doctor Zhivago 日瓦格医生
American Slang 美国俚 语
We're rolling. (片中) let’s roll. 我们走,要离开了。
例:If the waitress doesn't take our order, we're rolling.
I don't like this dance club, let's roll.
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1). We'll be set up for life(片中) set up for life 衣食无忧
例: If I win the lottery, I’ll be set up for life.
如果我中了彩票,以后生活就不用愁了 。
Marry him, and she'll be set up for life.
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

(2). I’m not sure if they’ll nail you right to the wall (片中) nail someone to the wall 重重的惩罚谁
例: He got nailed to the wall for cheating.
If you get caught stealing, you’ll get nailed to the wall.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Poor Jack

Action English(163) 动感英语( 163)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
prop maker 道具制作人
American slang 美国俚 语
Get real, man.(片中) get real 现实点
例:When I tell people that I want to be a billionaire, they just tell me to get real
I wish my parent would get real, they think that I will graduate with the best grades in the country.
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)few and far between 稀少
例:Fresh strawberries out of season are few and far between.
It hasn't been a very wet summer, rainy days have been few and far between.
(2)Find yourself a keeper. keeper 陪伴你一生的人
例:Ever since my dogs followed me home when he was a puppy.I knew he was a keeper.
The photos taken on my 18th birthday party are keepers, I've framed them and hung them on the wall.
我十八岁生日 party 照的照片将伴我一生,我以将它们镶在像框中挂在墙上。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
what the world needs now is love. Lord, we don't need another meadow, There are cornfields and wheatfields enough to grow,
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine, What the world needs now, Is love, sweet love,

Action English(164) 动感英语( 164)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
gaffer 照明电工
American slang 美国俚 语
He's hanging in there .(片中) hanging in there 保持/坚持某种状态
例:At first i diidn't want to finish the book because it was so long.But I hung in there and read it to the end.
The hours of training everyday made the althlete want to quit, But he hung in there and won the competition. 每天那么多小时的
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)Well how else was I supposed to flag you down?(片中) flag you down: 吸引某人注意力=attrack sb's attention
例: When it began to rain, I had to flag down a taxi
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

When I arrived at the crowded noghtclub, my friend had to flag me down by yelling.
(2) I'm wired(片中) be wired 精力充沛
例:After 3 cups of coffee last night I felt totally wired.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
"I'll say a Little Prayer" 小小祈祷 I ran for the bus dear While riding I trhink of us Dear I'll say a Little Prayer for you at
work , I just take time and all through my coffeebreak time I say a Little Prayer for you From the moment I wake up Before
I put on my makeup I say a Little Prayer for you

ACTION ENGLISH (165) 动感英语 ( 165)

equipment staff 道具人员
Thanks a bunch. (片中) a bunch = a lot
例: I thanked my parents a bunch after they gave me a present for my birthday.
There were a bunch of reasons why I couldn’t go to the marathon on the weekend.
1. That was just show business. – in the film show business 做做样子看
例: The manager seemed full of confidence to the other executives, but that was just show business.
It was just show business when the man tried to attract women by wearing expensive suits.
2. Slide over to my place. (片中) Slide 意思是 去什么地方(玩) = go to somewhere/ travel
例: We had dinner at home first, then we wanted to slide into town for some more drinks.
I had spent enough time in one place and decided it was time to slide and go somewhere different.
“Finale” la, la, la, (etc.) jack's ok and hes back ok hes all right lets shout, make a fuss scream it out, wheeee jack is back
now, everyone sing in our town of Halloween
make a fuss 引起注意

Action English(166) 动感英语( 166)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
period film 古装片
American slang 美国俚语
Just take it easy!(片中) take it easy 放轻松
例:The doctor told me to take it easy and get lots of rest.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)I'd like to propose a toast.(片中) propose a toast: 祝酒词
例:At my friend farewell I propose to toast his travel and his new job.
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

At the graduation party they proposed a toast to the end of school and the beginning of adult life.
(2)wanted a crack at Jack's money.(片中) have a crack at: 涉及……参与
例:I was never all athletic person,but I wanted to have a crack at basketball.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Someday my prince will come Some day I'll find my love, Someone to call my own, and I'll know him the moment we meet,
For my heart will be skipping a beat.

Action English(167) 动感英语( 167)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
Indiana Jones《夺宝奇兵》
American slang 美国俚语
That wall is jinxed.(片中) jinxed 不吉利,不幸
例:After 3 divorces she started to believe the marriage was jinxed.
He felt that the summer was jinxed because there had even been one hot day.
Classic film clips 经典对 白 from “魅力四射”
(1)I have a feeling about you. (片中) have a feeling about someone 有什么样的感觉
例:Even though the evidence proved otherwise, the judge had a feeling that the man on trial was guilty.
After meeting my boss for the first time, I had a feeling that we would get along.
(2)You'd better not push me. push somebody 惹怒
例: Don't push me when I'm tired or I will get angry.
The students pushed the teacher so much that he resigned.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
I'm Still Here I am a question to the world Not an answer to be heard or a moment that's held in your arms

Action English(168) 动感英语( 168)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
Meryl Streep:梅尔瑞.斯特里普
American slang 美国俚语
a power trip 自大
例:It was a power trip for Tim when all his classmate began asking him for help with their work.
所有的同学都请他帮忙,Tim 显得很自大。
When the employer is on a power trip,he think it gives him the right to be rude to everyone that works for him. 雇佣者很自大,他
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)Let's see you moves.(片中) see someone's moves 表现,展示
例:The camerman told the model he wanted to see her moves for the music video.
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

He loved going to nightclubs because all the girls could see his moves on the dance.
(2)Break my rules,I fire you on the spot.(片中) on the spot: 立刻,立即
例:When the boy told his girlfriend that he had cheated on her,she broke up on the spot.
The woman stowted spending money on the spot after she found she win a prize.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Don't Fence me in Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above Don't fence me in Let me ride through the wide open
country that I love Don't fence me in Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever but I ask you please Don't fence me in

Action English(169) 动感英语 ( 169)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
Dustin Hoffman:达斯汀.霍夫曼
American slang 美国俚语
a one night stand 一夜情
例:Although she only had a one night stand with him, she still thought about him often.
He wished that it hadn't been a one night stand because he had lefe his bag at her house and wanted to get it back. 他真希望那不是
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)He owes me a favor.(片中) owe one's a favor 欠一个人情
例:I owe my sister a favor because she lent me money when I couldn't pay my rent.
Just because he gave me a ride home, he thinks I owe him a favor in return.
(2)I hate to burst your bubble.(片中) burst someone's bubble 某人梦想,希望破灭
例:I got a second audition for the role in the movie, but it really burst my bubble when I didn't get the part. 我得到了电影中的哪
I didn't want to burst the boy's bubble by telling him that his favourite comic book characters weren't real. 我真不想让那孩子梦
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Scarborough fair Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine

Action English(170) 动感英语 ( 170)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
Apocalypse Now 现代启示录
American slang 美国俚语
You were never a lifer.(片中) a lifer 做..... 很长的一段时间
例:My dream job is to be a lifer on a famous television show.
The guilty criminal got a lifer, he was sentenced to forty years in prison.
罪犯得到了无期徒刑,他被判了 40 年监禁。
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Classic film clips 经典对 白

(1)You got me?(片中) You got me? 你明白我的意思吗?
例:I want you home before midnight, you got me?
Sometimes I just don't got my friend, He hardly eats anything, but he's never hungry.
(2)We're right behind you.(片中) be right behind sb 支持某人(恰好站在某人的后面)
例:When my uncle decided to run for mayor, the family was right behind him.
I was right behaind my friend when he was choosing which university courses to take..
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Daddy wasn't there When I was first baptized. When I was criticized. When I was ostracized.

Action English(171) 动感英语( 171)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
AVID 一套计算机系统
American Slang 美国俚 语
a natural 天才
例:He’s a natural sportsman .He never trains but still does very well.
It was the first he’d acted, but he was very good, definitely a natural.
Classic Movie Clips 经典对 白
(1)sweet 好的(感觉)
例:He’s got a sweet job ,He just needs to sit and read books all day .
He had a sweet season last year, he played great at every game.
(2)on a roll 越来越顺
例:I’ve really been on a roll, I’ve had five dates in the last week.
He’s made 6 goals, He’s on a roll this game.
他一连进了 6 个球,那场比赛他太顺了。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
I will always return I hear the wind call your name It calls me back home again It sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns
Oh it's to you I'll always return
sparks 火星(指火苗) flame 一缕缕火焰

Action English(172) 动感英语 ( 172)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
monitor 监视器
American slang 美国俚语
I'm just gonna order something to go.(片中) to go 打包带走吃,外卖,带走
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

例:I'll have two Big Maces and a large fries to go, please.
I don't have time to eat at a restaurant, so I'll order some food to go.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1) I must have missed the memo. (片中) memo 备忘录
例: After the conference I wrote a memo on the ideas we had discussed.
When is the company trip to Beidahe? I didn't get the memo.
(2)It's danceing with joy!(片中) dancing with joy 高兴得手舞足蹈
例:When I got my paycheck I was so happy,I was dancing with joy.
I was dancing with joy when I met my close friend at the airport.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
You can't take me Never gonna give in, Never gonna give it up ,no if you can't catch a wave, Then you're never gonna ride it,
You can't come uninvited,

Action English ( 173)动感 英语 ( 173)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
stereo sound 扬声器
American slang 美国俚 语
I got us a way out of this mess (片中) a way out of this mess 想一个方法摆脱麻烦
例:The traffic is terrible today! we need to find a way out of this mess.
I have 3 exams and an interview tomorrow. I really need a way out of this mess!
我明天有 3 次测试和一次面试。我真得想办法摆脱困境。
Classic film clips 经典对白
<1>just get over here 来我这
例:I need you to get over here my office to help me with this report.
Can you get over here my place and then we'll go to the party together
<2>Somebody's certainly been a busy bee.(片中) busy bee 很忙碌但效率很快
例: He's not much of a busy bee. It always take him hours to do a small piece of work .
I was a real busy bee yesterday and painted the whole house.
Movie Tunes 原声碟 from<<玩具总动员>>
strange things "真是怪事” I was on top of the world it was right in my pocket I was living the life things were just the way
they should be
on top of the world 你的感觉到了顶峰 in my pocket 掌握在手 living the life 享受一生

Action English(174) 动感英语( 174)

动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Movie dictionary 电影词典

film projection 放映电影
American slang 美国俚语
Care to do the honors?(片中) do the honors 做...很荣幸 很多人中单单挑中你做某事,很荣幸
例:Why don't you do the honors and open the bottle of champagne for us all?
I'll do the honors and open the present. 我很荣幸能打开这个礼物
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)Two and a half yours of undercover work(片中) undercover 秘密从事的, 秘密的, 被雇进行间谍活动的
undercover work 秘密的工作 (附:undercover work 除了做名词还可以是做动词的, 就是 work undercover)
例:The police have to work undercover to capture the drug dealers.
James Bond works undercover to get secret information from his enemies.
(2)Well,so long(片中) so long 再见(分别很长的时间)
例:I'll see you when you return of Beijing,so long. 等你返回北京时我们再会,再见。
Take care and so long,I hope you have a good trip. 保重。一路顺风。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
I will go sailing No More All the things I thought, I'd be all the brave things, I'd done vanished like a snowflake, with the rising
of the sun.
Vanished 消失 snowflake 白色的小雪花

Action English(175) 动感英语( 175)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
standard lens 标准镜头
American slang 美国俚语
Don't throw it all away.(片中) throw it all away 浪费机会
例:He was a great success until he threw it all away gambling.
You could do so much with your lift. So don’t quit school and throw it all away.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)till the end of his days.(片中) till the end of someone's days 直到一辈子最后一天
例:He lived in the same apartment till the end of his days.
My grandparents were married till the end of their days.
(2)I keep a low profile.(片中) low profile 低调,低姿态 high profile 高调
例:I was late for work today. I should keep a low profile so the boss doesn't notice.
Dave’s keeping a low profile until his exam is over. He really wants a good grade.
Dave 在考试结束前一直保持低调。他真的想要一个好分数。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Beyong the see Somewhere beyond the sea Somewhere waiting for me My lover stands on golden sands And watches the ships
that go sailing

动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Action English(176) 动感英语( 176)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
colour reversal film 彩色反转片
American slang 美国俚语
Be my guest.(片中) be my guest 你想做什么就去做吧
例: If you think you can do the job. Be my guest and give it a try.
Can I try you new badminton racket? Sure, be my guest.
我可以试用你的羽毛球拍吗? 当然可以。
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)I gotta hand it to ya.(片中) hand it to ya 恭喜你 ya=you
例:I have to hand it to ya. I mean that is a great party.
I don't know how you meet so many girls, I have to hand it to ya.
(2)You really came through.(片中) come through 帮了我一把,一个大忙
例:My brother really comes through when he lent me the money to pay for college.
Thanks for driving me to work this morning, you really came through, I would have been late.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Some Fun now Poor Seymour pushed a broom, nothing in his news but Gloom and doom Then he lit a fuse And give him
room He started an explosion, Holy cow, That thing went bang ka-boom And he's havin' some fun now

Action English(177) 动感英语( 177)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
resolution capability 分辨率
American slang 美国俚语
They do not know any better.(片中) not know any better 不懂事
例:Don't punish my son for stealing, he doesn't know any better.
You can't get mad at the dog for ruining your shoes, he doesn't know any better.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)Welcome to the club.(片中) welcome to the club (欢迎加入我们俱乐部)同病相连
例:Your girlfriend dumped you, welcome to the club, mine dumped me last week.
你被女朋友甩了? 咱俩真是同病相连,我的那位上周把我给甩了
I hope my band gets famous, welcome to the club—who doesn't want to be a rock star?
(2)I hate it when negotiation gets sour.(片中) get sour (变酸了)变得不好了!
例:The game gets sour when all the players started yelling at the referee.
The date got sour when my ex-girlfriend showed up last night.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Round Round If you hate me I will show you How to brain me into something new If you want me run away now If you
stop me then I'll hit the ground
play me 说服我 改变我 hit the ground 迅速很快的移动(形容跑得很快)

Action English(178) 动感英语( 178)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
sound studio 录音棚 这里有隔音的设施,不能参杂其他声音,任何电影里需要的声音都在这里录制。
American slang 美国俚 语
I didn't catch it 我没有明白 = I didn't understand
例:A: What did the weather report say? 刚才天气预报说什么了?
B: I didn't catch it . 我不是很清楚。
A: What was her name again? 她叫什么名字了?
B: I didn't catch it when she was introduced. 当她介绍的时候我也没有注意。
Classic film clips 经典对白 from "ATLANTIS"
(1)we're on it 我们马上做完 / 我们马上开始做
例:The boss asked us if we could finish the report by 5pm I told him we we're on it .
老板问我们是否能在 5 点前完成报告,我告诉他我们马上就会做完。
A: Did you remember to call your mother. 别忘了给妈妈打电话。
B: No but I'll get on it 我马上就去。
(2)You're a bigger pain in the neck (片中) pain 疼痛 neck 脖子
pain in the neck (一个人,一件事)头痛,心情不好,心烦
例:Her sister is a pain in the neck, she's always stealing Nancy's clothes.
Nancy 的姐姐是个很麻烦的人,因为她经常偷穿 Nancy 的衣服。
I really wish my ex-bf would stop calling me , He's such a pain in the neck
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Here I Am Here we are we’ve just begun And after all this time our time has come Ya here we are still goin’ strong Right
here in the place where we belong Here I am next to you

Action English ( 179) 动感英语 ( 179)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
trick shot 欺骗性镜头
American slang 美国俚语
You're a sneak.(片中) sneak 鬼鬼祟祟的人、 偷偷摸摸的行为, 偷偷摸摸、鬼鬼祟祟做事
例: You threw me a surprise party? You're such a sneak.
You sneak! How did you get into the movies without money?
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)good for a laugh(片中) good for a laugh 什么人、东西是很好笑、有趣的
例:My uncle's always good for a laugh, He tells funny stories.
The movie is worth seeing. It's good for a laugh.
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

(2)wow, heavy, a pilot (片中) heavy 有思想内涵的、深沉的

例:The book I'm reading is heavy. It's making me think seriously about my life.
Duran is a heavy guy, he's always talking about philosophy.
Duran 是个很深沉的人。他经常谈论哲学。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Miracle child You are a Miracle child You are the best. You shine the brightest. Your days nill be cloudless, and mild Your trails
be blessed Your trials the

Action English(180) 动感英语( 180)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
view finder 取景器
American slang 美国俚语
Okey Dokey (同意)好的
例:I'm going to start the movie now. Okey Dokey! I'm coming.
我现在要开始放电影了。 好的,我来了。
Jennifer's coming over for dinner. Okey Dokey! I'll make extra.
Jennifer 要来吃晚餐。 好的,我会多做点。
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)Do you want it sugar coated....(片中) sugar coated 粉饰 (在衣服上涂上一层糖)
例:I told Jessica what happened, but I had to sugar coat it.
我告诉 Jessica 发生了什么事,但是我不得不加以粉饰。
Don't sugar coat the truth, tell me everything.
(2)It's like trying to find a flea on an elephant's ass. 形容一件事情很难(就像要在大象屁股上找到一个跳蚤)
例:Trying to find you in a crowd is like trying to find a flea on an elephant's ass, It's impossible.
The studio is hard to find, I feel like I'm trying to find a flea on an elephant's ass.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Bloom The flowers reaching for the sun are all uniquely blessed But though each is special none is better than the rest

Action English(181) 动感英语( 181)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
time code 时间码
American Slang 美国俚 语
pissed it away(片中) piss something away 把....浪费掉
例:My father thinks I'm pissing my life away because I'm in a rock band.
I could have gone to Sydney, but I pissed all my money away gambling
Classic film Clips 经典对 白
(1)I gave them my blessing.(片中) give sb my blessing 把祝福给某人
例:They wanted to get married, so I gave them my blessing .They make a lovely couple.
When she quit her job for a better one .I gave her my blessing .It was a good opportunity for her.
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

(2)Never looked back.(片中) Never look back 永远不要后悔 look back:(望后看)表示后悔
例:After I moved to Beijing, I never looked back .I love it here.
我迁居北京后,从不后悔 ,我喜欢这里。
I quit the band and never looked back .I made it as a rock star on my own .
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Marketplace Behold the glory Behold the wonder what we have made shall not be turn asunder such vast achievement
glory 荣誉, 光荣 achievement 成就 vast 巨大的, 辽阔的

Action English(182) 动感英语( 182)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
material 素材
American Slang 美国俚 语
give someone a hand 帮助....
例:Could you give me a hand and pass me the scissors? I can't reach them myself.
Why don't you give dad a hand with garbage? It looks heavy.
Classic film Clips 经典对 白
(1)what's the deal ? 出什么事了?
例:You said you'd pick me up at 10 and it's now 11.What's the deal?
你说 10 点来接我,现在都 11 点了,出什么事了吗?
What's the deal? Are you coming to the party or not?
出什么事了, 你到底还来不来 party.
(2)be smart about sth 做事聪明点
例:You have to be smart about the kinds of friends you make. Not everyone is honest.
If you want to be a famous actress, you have to be smart about it and take good roles.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Whatever Road's At Your Feet

Action English(183) 动感英语( 183)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
North by Northwest 西北偏北
American slang 美国俚语
Got it.(片中) got it 明白了吗?
例:I can't quite seem to get this math problem.
I want you to come home right after school, got it?
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)Keep track of time(片中) Keep track of time(保持时间的轨迹)表示遵守时间 track:轨迹
例:I have to be somewhere at 8pm,so I'd better keep track of the time.
今晚 8 点我要去个地方,所以我最好要掌控好时间
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Joe can't keep track of time and he's often late for important meetings.
Joe 没有时间概念掌控不好时间, 他总是在重要会议时迟到
(2)I don't want it to slip away.(片中) slip away (不知不觉、悄悄的)溜走
例:I think I'm going to try to slip away from this party early tonight.
我想今晚的这个派队得早点溜了, 我实在太累了想好好休息
As we get older, time seems to slip away much faster.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Always know where you are It's good to see the sun and feel this place I never though would feel like home And I run forever
far away and I always know where you are though I'd end up here alone end up 到达

Action English(184) 动感英语( 184)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
West side story “西区故事”
American slang 美国俚语
How come?(片中) How come 为什么?= why
例: How come you are always late for work? (Why are you always late for work?)
I wonder how come Beth scored better than Bob on the exam when Bob's English is much better.
Bob 的英语比他强得多,但是为何英语考试是 Beth 反而比 Bob 考得好
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)and then they pass away(片中) pass away=die,pass away(离开了,更委婉)表示死了
例:Jeff's grandparents passed away last year in auto accident.
Jeff's 的祖父母在去年的一场车祸中去世
Tom was very sad after his dog pass away after ten years.
他的狗跟随他十个年头就这样死了,Tom 伤痛欲绝
(2)a guy with a Master's(片中) a Master's 硕士
例:I'm thinking about going back to school to get my Master's.
He has a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and a Master's in the Art History.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
May It Be Darkness has come Believe and you will find your way Darkness has fallen A promise lives within you now.
promise:许诺 Darkness has fallen:天黑了

Action English(185) 动感英语( 185)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
Star Wars “星球大战”
American slang 美国俚语
You've been running around(片中) run around 在短时间内跑了很多地方;粘花惹草
例: After running around doing all of those errands, I just want to relax and watch TV.
He is very good husband and never runs around on his wife.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)She looked out for you.(片中) look out 照顾
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

例:I have three older brothers who look out for me.
Lily is thankful to have such good friends who always look out for her.
Lily 非常感激有这样好的朋友,他们总是照顾她。
(2)They're calling for...(片中) call for ,call for sb 找某人,call for sth 预测什么
例:Hello? Yes, I'm calling for Ann, is she there?
喂,对, 我找 Ann, 她在那吗?
They are calling for rain tomorrow, so I don't think we will be able to visit the zoo.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
When she loved me When somebody loved me everything was beautiful Every hour we spent together lives within my heart

Action English(186) 动感英语( 186)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
E.T. “ET 外星人”
American slang 美国俚语
You think I'm a freak?(片中) freak 奇怪的人
例: My friends think I'm a freak, because I don't like to sleep more than 3 hours a night.
我的朋友认为我很怪,因为每晚我睡觉都不喜欢超过 3 小时。
This costume is so ugly. It make me look like a freak.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)A couple things(片中) couple (大于 2)就几个,有一些
例:I need to finish a couple things at the office and then I'll come home.
It took a couple weeks ,but the letter finally arrived.
(2)Good night sweetheart(片中) sweetheart(情侣、爱人之间、父母与孩子)甜心、宝贝
例:Sweetheart, what should we do on Valentine’s Day?
I can't believe you baked this cake for me! You are such a sweetheart.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Sin City I'm going in to sin city I'm going to win in sin city Where the light are bright Do the town tonight I'm gonna win in
sin city
Action English(187) 动感英语( 187)
Movie dictionary 电影词典
Schindler's List 《辛德勒的名单》
American slang 美国俚语
easy on 节制点
例:Easy on the beer, you don't want to have a hangover tomorrow, do you?
If you want to lose weight, you should go easy on the fried food.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1) get away with 侥幸成功, 逃脱处罚
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

例:My little sister is so lucky, she gets away with everything just because she is cute.
Sam thought he could get away with cheating on the test, but he was caught by the teacher.
Sam 认为考试可以作弊一下以为老师逮不住他,但不巧被老师逮个正着
(2)he was just suck up to you(片中) suck up to 恭维别人,献媚
例:Eve is always sucking up to her boss, telling him how wonderful he is.
Eve 喜欢去向她的老板献殷勤,告诉他有多棒
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Borderline It's taking a toll It's hard to break away from lovin when it feel so good we're always laugh and singing and
taking a toll 会产生不好影响

Action English(188) 动感英语( 188)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
Citizen Kane 《公民凯恩》
American Slang 美国俚 语
ditch 摆脱,甩掉
例:Your car is a worthless piece of junk .You should ditch it by the side of the road.
你的汽车是一堆没用的垃圾, 你应该把它扔在路边
Classic Movie Clips 经典对 白
(1)work on 提高
例:You play tennis very well, but I think you should work on your backhand stroke.
(2)hold it 等一下
例:Hold it ,This bottle is leaking .Use a different one .
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Anyway The Main Thing Is

Action English(189) 动感英语( 189)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
Birth of a Nation 一个国家的诞生
American slang 美国俚语
I'll drop in on them(片中) drop in 顺便走访, 不预先通知的拜访 drop in+地点,drop in on+人
例:Drop in whenever you're in Haidian, I'd love to see you.
My best friend lives in this neighborhood. Let's drop in on her.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)beat it(片中) beat it:(语气较强硬,不礼貌)滚开
例:Can you please tell your dog to beat it? I'm allergic to dogs.
(2)This is what I had in mind(片中) have sth in mind:(有什么东西、想法在脑袋里)你有什么想法已经想好了
例:Do you want to go out tonight? Sure, what do you have in mind?
今天晚上你想出去吗? 当然。你想好了要去哪?
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Movie Tunes 原声碟

Remember me this way Every now and then we find a special friend whose never let's down who understand it all reaches out
to each time we fall
Every now and then:不时,常常 let's down:失望 reach out:伸出

Action English(190) 动感英语( 190)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
To kill a mockingbird “杀死一只知更鸟”
American slang 美国俚语
You can't mess with kids on Christmas.(片中) mess with 挑衅、招惹
例:A drunk guy at the bar tried to mess with me, but the bartender kicked him out.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)Put yourself in your kid's shoes.(片中) put yourself in someone's shoes 站在别人的角度想
例:Put yourself in your father's. He works every. That's why he's always tired.
( )Hop in.(片中) hop in 上车
2 hop out(动作快)下车
例:Can you give me a ride to the airport? Sure, hop in.
可以载我一段去机场吗? 没问题, 快上车吧
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Slicin sand Slick down your hair Turn on the music and we'll get somewhere Dance dance dance fill you're toes get tanded
we'll gonna have us a ball

Action English(191) 动感英语( 191)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
trick shot 特技拍摄
American slang 美国俚语
Wind's died down.(片中) die down 变弱, 渐渐消失、平息
例:The big fuss over Real Madrid playing in Beijing died down after the game.
We're hoping for the storm to die down before we go out sailing. Otherwise it could too dangerous.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)I especially didn't want to make you look bad.(片中) make one's look bad 使某人难看
例:I had a job interview yesterday, but I arrived late, which made me look bad.
I didn't want to look bad so although I hadn't started the project I lied to my boss and told him that I'd almost finish all my work.
(2)Grant you your request.(片中) grant sb one's request 同意某人的请求
例: I needed to take a few days off university to go home and my professor agreed to grant me my request. so I'll set out tomorrow.
The embassy grant me visa request so now I can book my airline ticket.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Out Of Place You're be coming home soon and you are out of place You'll knock on my door soon I just need to see you face.

动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Action English(192) 动感英语( 192)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
mixer 混音
American slang 美国俚语
I've just about had it with those losers.(片中) had it with 受够了
例: The trains are always running late, I've absolutely had it with them.
I've had it with all this traffic. It's impossible to get across town these days.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)We'll take the job.(片中) take a job 接受一个工作
例:I get offered a job at a bank, but I didn't take it. The hours were too long.
I've always wanted to travel so I want to take a job that sends me overseas a lot.
(2)This is too good to be true.(片中) too good to be true 好得不敢相信
例:I managed to pass all my exams. It was almost too good to be true.
I've been selected to play for the BeiJing football team. I can't believe it, it's almost too good to be true.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Because You Loved Me For all those times you stood by me for all the truth that you made me see for all the joy you
brought to my life for all the wrong that you made you right
stand by sb:支持某人

Action English(193) 动感英语( 193)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
animal training
American slang 美国俚语
Thanks, You're sweet.(片中) sweet 某个人非常好
例:I'm a very sweet son. Although I'm busy at work, I visit my parents every day.
She was very sweet and bought me flowers and took me out to dinner for my birthday.
Classic film clips 经典对 白
(1)order another round(片中) round 一圈、一轮、一盘
例:Before we go we should play one more round of poker.
I bought the last round of beers so now, it's someone else’s turn to go to the bar and get some.
(2)Are you kiddin'?(片中) kid n.小孩 / v.开玩笑 to kid
例:If you get caught kidding around in class and not a concentrating on the work, then the teacher will get very upset. 如果你在课
My friend told me that the basketball game was off tomorrow. Luckily he was only kidding, it's still going ahead. 我的朋友告诉我
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

Movie Tunes 原声碟
Bloom How long there be anger here before we can rejoice? Embracing love instead of fear is but a * choice rejoice 狂欢、
狂喜 embracing 拥抱

Action English(194) 动感英语( 194)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
off line editing 非线性编辑
American Slang 美国俚语
cheer sb up 让....高兴起来
例:After I failed my driving test, I needed some cheering up, so my friends took me out to a nightclub.
I wanted to cheer my mother up when she was feeling sick, so I bought her a large bunch of flowers.
Classic film Clips 经典对 白
(1)gall 勇气,胆量
例:Tony never comes to work on time .I cant believe he has the gall to ask the boss for a raise.
Tony 上班从没准时过,我不相信他居然有胆量要求老板给他加薪。
You sleep until noon everyday .How can you have the gall to accuse other people being lazy.
(2)give away the ending 先讲出结果
例:I prefer to go to movies on my own because if I go with friends sometimes, they ruin it by giving away the ending. 我喜欢一个
I read the book before I saw the film, so I already knew what was gonna happen the book had gave away the ending . 看这部电影
Movie Tunes 原声碟
London Calling London calling to the faraway towns now that war is dedared and the battle come down

Action English( 195)动感 英语( 195)

Movie dictionary 电影辞典
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest “飞越疯人院” 导演:米洛斯.福尔曼 Milos Forman
American slang 美国俚 语
There is much more to you than that (片中) there is much more to 没有看起来那么简单
例: John looks like a dumb athlete, but there's much more to him than that ,He also has a law degree from Princeton and is a good
painter. John 看起来像个体育白痴,但是他没有那么简单,他在 Princeton 大学取得了法律学位,而且他还是个好的画家。
Many people expect Sue to be naive because she grew up in the countryside but there is much more to her than that, She has traveled
all over the world. 大家都认为 Sue 天真幼稚,因为她在乡下长大,但是她没有那么简单,她游遍了全世界。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)Our offensive in the Andrness (片中) offensive 大规模的进攻
例:During the war the Japanese launched a large offensive to the south and were able to capture Singapore.
Napoleon's offensive against Russia in 1812 failed because of the cold winter.
拿破仑在 1812 年对俄国发动了大规模的战争中失败了,因为寒冷的冬天。
(2)You third army Patton, in full retreat (片中) make / in full retreat 全面撤退
例:They were trying to climb to the top of the mountain but when a storm came they had to make a full retreat and get back to the cam
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

The company tried to open branches in America but it has been in full retreat since it lost millions of dollars. 公司原打算在美国
Movie Tunes 原声碟
I wanna be there I'm losing all my cool I'm about to break the rules, 'cuz I wanna be there
losing all my cool 丧失理智 ,发怒 'cuz = because wanna = want to

Action English ( 196)动感 英语( 196)

Movie dictionary 电影词典
彗星美人 20 世纪 50 年代的电影,获得 6 项奥斯卡奖,由巴蒂.戴维斯主演。
American slang 美国俚 语
It's high stakes around here, sir (片中) high stakes 生死关头
例 : The company is playing for high stakes, if the takeover bid goes well then they'll make a huge amount of money,if not, they
might go bankrupt . 这家公司到了生死关头,如果他们预算的好,他们会赚很多钱,否则的话他们会破产。
It's high stakes for the Beijing team in tonight's game , if they lose it'll be the end of their season.
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)To lodge a complaint about Lieutenants Archer and scott (片中) lodge a complaint 很严肃的,正式的提出起诉
例:The airline lost my bags so I had to lodge a complaint to make sure I got them back
It is useless to lodge a complaint about the bad service at the bank, Nobody cares about the complaints.
(2)What did you do, before the war , for a living ? (片中) what did you do for a living 你是以什么为生,靠什么生活
例:I've been working as a writer for the four years, it's what I do for a living.
I enjoy being a gardener, but it's not much of what did you do for a living, I only get paid RMB 300 a month. 我很喜欢做园丁,
但是它不能够为生,因为一个月只有 300 元的薪水。
Movie Tunes 原声堞
Long Time Coming Can you whisper in my ear ,let me know its all right , it's been a long time coming down this road and now i
know what i've ...
Long Time Coming 等待已久 whisper 小声的说话 all right 没问题

Action English ( 197)动感 英语( 197)

Movie dictionary 电影词 典
Some Like It Hot 《热情如火》
由玛丽莲·梦露,托尼·柯蒂斯,杰克·莱蒙,乔治·拉夫特主演,比利·怀尔德(Billy Wilder)导演的美国片“热情如火”非常受到
American slang 美国俚 语
With you colone throwing you to the wolves (片中) be thrown to the wolves 完全抛弃,送入虎口
例:After the Beijing soccer team did really badly last season they all blamed the captain , He was really thrown to the wolves by his
teamates. 北京队比赛完毕后,他们彻底输掉了这个赛季。他们都谴责教练,他完全被他的队员抛弃了。
When our chairman criticized the work of our company my boss told him it was all my fault , He totally threw me to the wolves and
I was very upset . 当董事长批评公司业绩的时候,老板说责任都在我,我完全被出卖了,我感到非常的伤心。
Classic flim clips 经典对白
(1)But I'm quite fond of them (片中) be (quite )fond of 喜欢 = like
例:I'm getting rather fat these days , it's because I'm quite fond of chocolate ice cream and can't stop eating it . 这些天我又变胖了,
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

I'm not very fond of drinking beer so I don't often go out to bars and night clubs.
(2)Take a seat 请坐 =seat down
例:As soon as I arrived at the interview the person behind the desk told me to take a seat .
When there is turbulence on a plane the pilot always tells passengers to take their seats and put on their safety belts. 当飞机遇到
Movie Tunes 原声碟
You Got Me Hey you were on my side and hey, they just rolled their eyes you get me when body understands
you got me 了解我,理解我 on my side 支持我 rolled their eyes 转眼睛

Action English ( 198)动感 英语( 198)

Movie dictionary 电影辞典
The Bridge on the River Kwai“桂河大桥”
American slang 美国俚 语
Built up enough of a rapport (片中) rapport 融洽,和谐 built up a rapport 建立和谐
例: My colloge roommate and I lived together for one year but we never go on very well, I was never able to build up any rapport
with him. 我和我的大学室友在一起差不多住了一年了,但我们两个的关系好不起来,我觉得曾经尝试过改变,可是我们两
Everyone at my office has a very good rapport we enjoy working together.
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)and don't worry , I'll play my part (片中) play one's part 各尽其责,扮演好自己的角色
例:Five of us are going camping next week so I need to play my part and get the food organized , the others are looking after the tent
and equipment. 我们五个人下周要去玩,因此我的工作是把食物准备好,其它四人,一个去准备账蓬,还有一人去准备器材
We had a conference at work today and were told that everyone needs to play their part , if we're to successfully finish all our new
projects. 今天我们在单位开了一个会,会上说:“每个人都要把自己的活做好了,要不然我们这么多新项目就不能顺利完
(2)You're going to confess to the murder (片中) confess (to )承认,坦白
例:The criminal will definitely be going to jail because as soon as the police arrested him, he confessed.
那罪犯逃不掉了一定会进监狱, 因为警察一逮住他就马上招了
My parents were't very happy because I had to confess to them that I didn't get home until four o'clock in the morning. 我的父母
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Get A Move On 动起来 Somebody's got to keep my body rockin' 跳舞 til late night I'm warning you don't try to block
me 阻止 on my time 自己支配时间

Action English( 199)动感 英语( 199)

Movie dictionary 电影辞 典
Emma Thompson
American slang 美国俚 语
Hang on , cowboy !(片中) hang on 等一下
例:A:Are you already at the train station? 你到已经到车站了吗?
B:Hang on! 等一会。
动感英语笔记 Action English 151-200

A:Hi! Is Alex home? 嗨,Alex 在家吗?

B:Hang on , let me go check . 等一下,我去看看。
Classic film clips 经典对白 from "玩具总动员 2"
(1)Let me take the wheel (片中) take the wheel 掌控
例:My little sister is terrible at cooking ! She should let me take the wheel for this dinner party.
I really don't understand how to fix this computer , Can you take the wheel ?
(2)So who's with me ? (片中) who's with me ? 谁愿意加入我的行列 / 谁同意我
例:I'm going to that new Japanese restaurant to eat some sushi, who's with me?
I want to study E at Action English program, who's with me?
我想去 AE 节目组学习英语,你加入吗?
Movie Tunes 原声碟
You Wanted More Love is challenging Love is bold you will always do what you are told love is hard , love is strong you
will never say that you
challenging 挑战 bold 强劲 do you will always do 服从别人,总是听从别人的

Action English( 200)动感 英语( 200)

Movie dictionary 电影辞典
Copyright 著作权 具有保护你的作品的功能。
American slang 美国俚 语
I get it . (片中) get it 明白 = understand
例:Ha ha! I get it. That's a funny joke.
This math problem is so hard! I don't get it.
Classic film clips 经典对白 from" 玩具总动员"
(1)If the boot fits (片中) the boot fits 非常合适,事实如此
例:If the boot fits, you should take this new job.
I'm so glad Jane decided to become a dancer, the boot really fits.
我很高兴 Jane 决定成为舞蹈家,因为那很适合她。
(2)How do you like that ? Take it back (片中) take it back 收回所说的话,为所说的道歉
例:It wasn't nice of you to make fun of your little brother, take it back and never do it again.
I can't believe you told your gf she was fat! If you don't take it back, you may never see her again.
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Star Light It's all right It's okay I keep holding on today cuz I'm waiting for the star light in you eyes
hold on 不放弃 .


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