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The word problem may have different meanings depending on context. In English a
problem is any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty or a question
proposed for solution or discussion.
In mathematics, a problem is a statement requiring a solution usually by
means of a mathematical operation/ geometric construction.


Prior to the detailed discussion of Problem Solving, it is important for us to
understand first these three words “method”, “answer” and “solution”. The word “method”
means the ways or techniques used to get an answer which will usually involve one or more
problem solving strategies. On the other hand, the word “answer” means a number, quantity
or some other entity that the problem is asking for. Finally, the word “solution” is the whole
process of solving a problem including the method of obtaining an answer and the answer
So, we can summarize the discussion above by this very simple equation which can
be applied in problem solving.
Method + answer = solution

Problem solving is about resolving problems. It is finding solutions and not just
answers to problems. It is a mathematical process where one uses his skills creatively in
new situations.

Many mathematics skills were involved in problem-solving.

Problem-solving is a process- an ongoing activity in which we take what we know to

discover what we don’t know. It involves overcoming obstacles by generating hypo-theses,
testing those predictions, and arriving at satisfactory solutions.
Problem-solving involves three basic functions:
1. Seeking information
2. Generating new knowledge
3. Making decisions

Problem-solving is the ability to identify and solve problems by applying appropriate

skills systematically.
Inductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning is a process that uses our knowledge in making a general
inference about unfamiliar occurrences based on observation and patters. It is using specific
examples to make a general rule.

Use inductive reasoning to find the next two terms.
a. 5, 50, 500, 5000, __, __
b. a, 6, c, 12, e, 18, __, __
a. Looking at the terms in the given sequence, notice that the succeeding term are
multiplied by power of 10. Hence we can deduce that the next term will also be a product of
a power of 10.since we are looking for the 4th and 5th terms, then we can multiply the 4th term
by 104 and the 5th term by 105 so the next two term in the sequence are 50,000 and 500,000.
b. Examining the terms in the given sequence, observe that the letters and numbers
alternate. The letters are those are in the odd position in the alphabet while the numbers are
multiples of 6. Thus, the next two terms in the sequence are the letter g and the number 24

A counterexample is an example that contradicts the assumption and shows that a
statement is false.
Every number that is multiple of 10 is divisible by 4.
First, we have to list some numbers that are multiples of 10.
100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200
Next, we check if all the numbers in the list are divisible by 4.
100/4= 25 120/4= 30 110/4= 27.5
Since the quotient of 110 and 4 is 27.5 which is not exact, so we can
say that 110 is not divisible by 4. With this example, we have shown
that not all multiples of 10 are divisible by 4. So we can call 110 as a
Deductive reasoning is a process by which conclusions are made based on
previously known facts or by employing general assumptions, procedures or principles. It is
applying general rule to specific examples.
Deductive reasoning is also the way of showing that certain statements
follow logically agreed-upon assumptions and proven facts and there is a need to justify
every step with a reason.

Use deductive reasoning to show that when a number is multiplied by 10, the product is
decreased by 8, the difference is divided by 2, and 4 is added to quotient, then the number is
five times the original number.
Use the original number.
a number is multiplied by 10: 10x
the product is decreased by 8: 10x-8
the difference is divided by 2: 10x-8/2 = 5x-4
4 is added to quotient: 5x-4+4 =5x
Since from the original number, x, we got 5x, the statement therefore is proven.
Note: Deductive reasoning is commonly used in Geometry particularly in proving
geometric statement.


To be able to solve problems systematically, we follow the four basic steps
enunciated by George Polya in 1945 though all of these steps were known already and used
well before then. The Ancient Greek Mathematicians like Euclid and Pythagoras certainly
knew how it was done.
First, you have to understand the problem. Study the essential mathematical
concepts by considering the terminology and notation used in the problem. Rephrase the
problem in your own words, if needed. Then, write down specific examples of the conditions
given in the problem. Ask also yourself these questions:
a. What kind of a problem is it?
b. What is the unknown?
c. What information is given?
d. What do the terms mean?
e. Is there enough information or is more information needed?
f. What is or are the conditions in the problem? Is it possible to satisfy the
condition/s? Is/are the condition/s sufficient to determine the unknown?
First, find the link between the data and the unknown. You must start some\where, so
try something. But if an immediate connection cannot be found, then it would be necessary
to consider more problems. You should obtain eventually a plan of the solution. Think of
ways on how you are going to attack the problem, that is, try using strategies that could help
you solve the problem.
Here are some of the possible strategies that you can use:
1. Identifying a Subgoal
2. Making a Table
3. Make an Organized List ( Tree Diagram, Venn Diagram )
4. Making an Illustration/Drawing
5. Eliminating Possibilities
6. Writing an Equation/Using a Variable
7. Solving a simpler version of the problem
8. Trial and Error/ Guess and Check
9. Work Backwards
10. Look for a Pattern/s


As soon as you have an idea for the solution of the problem, write it down instantly
then carry out your plan of the solution. Just make sure that each step in the solution is
logically correct. However, if the plan does not seem to be working well, then start over again
and try another strategy. Remember, the secret here is to keep trying until something

Once you have a potential solution, check to see if it works. Ask the following to
1. Did you answer the question?
2. Is your result reasonable?

Then, double check your solution to make sure that all of the conditions related to the
problem are satisfied. Make sure also that any computation involved in finding your solution
is correct. If you find that your solution does not work or satisfy the problem, there may only
be a simple mistake. Try to fix or modify your existing solution before disregarding it.
Remember what you tried—it is likely that at least part of it will end up being useful.


Identifying a subgoal strategy is used when solving math problems that need to be
solved in more than a single step and each step can be solved separately. Many large and
complex problems can be solved by using the strategy.

1. MAGIC SQUARE PROBLEM ( Magic squares are square grid with a special arrangement
of numbers in them. These numbers are special because every row, column and diagonal
adds up to the same number.)
Arrange the numbers from 1 to 9 in a 3 x 3 magic square so that the sum of every row,
column and diagonal adds up to the same number.
Step 1: Understanding the problem
Remember that we have the numbers 1 to 9 which are to be arranged in a square
subdivided into nine smaller squares, where each small square contains a different number.
Then we have to make sure that the sum of every row, column and diagonal adds up to the
same number.
Step 2: Devising a Plan
Take note that for the square to be a magic square, we must first know what the
common sum is. Thus, our subgoal is to find that common sum. (Therefore, the strategy
that we will use here is identifying a subgoal strategy.
Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan
First, we find the common sum. Note that the sum of the nine numbers is 45.
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9= 45
Notice also that 45 is 3 times the sum of one row or column. ( Why do you think so? )
Next, we find the common sum by dividing the sum of the nine numbers, 45 by 3. So,
we get 15 as the common sum.
Then we decide as to what number is to be placed in each square. Try dividing the
common sum by 3. The quotient is 5. Now place this at the center most square (figure a).
Next, place the other numbers in the remaining squares such that the even numbers will
occupy the corner squares (figure b) and the odd numbers, the middle squares (figure c).
You can do trial and error on this. So our magic square would look like this (figure d).
Step 4: Looking Back
Now, we have to check if our answer is reasonable. To do this, we have to examine if
the sum of the numbers in each row, column and diagonal adds up to 15. Hence we have,


2 + 7 + 6 = 15 2 + 9 +4 = 15 2 + 5 + 8 = 15
9 + 5 + 1 = 15 7 + 5 + 3 = 15 6 + 5 + 4 = 15
4 + 3 + 8 = 15 6 + 1 + 8 = 15

Since all rows, columns and diagonals sum up to 15, then this means that our
answer is correct and reasonable.


Making a table is a problem-solving strategy that students can use to solve
mathematical word problems by writing the information in a more organized format. This
problem-solving strategy allows students to discover relationships and patterns.

1. There are eight runners on each relay-race team. The first team members runs 360
meters. Each team member runs 45 meter less than the runner before. How many meters
did the last team member run in the relay race?
Step 1: Understanding the Problem
We know that the first member of the relay- race team runs 360 meters.
We also know that the other members of the team run 45 meters less than the runner
before them.
So our objective here is to determine the distance that the last team member runs in
the relay.
Step 2: Devising a Plan
An appropriate strategy to use here is making a table strategy. What we will do here
is to do list the given data in the table and use the given information to find new information.
Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan
We know that the first member of the relay-race team runs 360 meters. Also, we
know that the other members of the team run 45 meters less than the runner before them.
We use this information to construct our table.

1 360
2 315
3 270
4 225
5 180
6 135
7 90
8 45

As we can see from the table, the eight runner was able to cover a distance of 45
Therefore, our answer is 45 meters.
Step 4: Looking Back
To check if our answer is correct, we can divide the total distance by the number of
runners. So we have,
360 ÷ 8 = 45
This show that each of the runners was able to cover a distance of 45 meters this is
why the last runner has a distance of 45 meters.
Thus, our answer is correct.


Making an organized list strategy is used to solve problems that have multiple
solutions and this is done by writing down all the combinations or possibilities in an
organized list. This would help one see clearly the answer and be sure not to forget any
parts. This strategy also helps problem solvers organize their thinking about a problem.
Recording work in an organized list makes it easy to review what has been done and to
identify important steps that must yet be completed. It also provides an easy way of
recording calculations.

1. Jay forgot the combination of numbers of his locker. Though he remembers some clues:
a. It is a three – digit number.
b. The digit in the tens place is less than 5.
c. The digit in the ones place is an odd number less than 7.
d. The digit in the hundreds digit is greater than 4.
e. The number can be evenly divided by 3.
What could be the locker number of Jay?
Step 1: Understanding the Problem
The problem says that Jay forgot his locker number. However, he has some clues
that he can use to remember the numbers. So, what we need to do here is to determine the
locker number of Jay using those clues.
Step 2: Devising a Plan
To answer the problem easily, the Making an organized list strategy will be
employed. We will make an organized list of all possible answers using table. Writing all the
probable number combinations for a lock in a table will aid us in choosing the correct locker
number based on the given conditions.
Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan
For us to list all the possible combinations, we now make a table. Using clues a – d,
the possible combinations are the following:

811 813 815 911 913 915

821 823 825 921 923 925
831 833 835 931 933 935
841 843 845 941 943 945

Since all possible locker numbers are already listed, we now use clue e to trim down
our choices. So we’ll have,

813 915
825 921
831 933
843 945

The number left are only the numbers 831, 813, 843, 825, 923, 933, 915 and 945.
This means that Jay’s locker number must be one of those remaining numbers.
Step 4: Looking Back
By examining the numbers left, we can say that all of them satisfy the five given
conditions. This means that our answer is correct.


Eliminating possibilities is a strategy in which students remove possible answer until
the correct answer remains. This strategy can be used to solve basic or simple math
problems or logic problems. This can also aid students in organizing information and think
about which among the given information can be utilized to remove those information that do
not satisfy the given conditions in the problem.

Wally asked Joy how old she was. Joy said to him that she would give him three
clues and see if he could guess her age. Joy wrote down the clues and let Wally make a
a. My age is between 18 and 35.
b. My age is multiple of 3.
c. My age is an odd number.
d. The digits of my age are repeated.
How old is Joy?

Step 1: Understanding the Problem
The problem is telling us that Wally has to guess Joy’s age and to be able to guess
her age he needs to use different conditions given.
Step 2: Devising a Plan
The strategy “Eliminating possibilities” will be used because it is the most suitable
strategy and it can be used together with the making a table or making an organized list
Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan
We need to use the four different clues to solve the problem.
Clue 1: Joy’s age is between 18 and 35, so we can list all the numbers between 18
and 35. (When we say “between” in math, we mean numbers excluding boundaries.)
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Clue 2: This clue says that Joy’s age is a multiple of 3. Hence we need to remove
from the list all those that are not multiples of 3. So we have
21 24 27 30 33
Looking at the numbers above, we can see that there are only five left to choose
Clue 3: Joy’s age is an odd number.
Among the five numbers left in the list, the only odd numbers are 21, 27, 30
and 33.
Clue 4: The digits of her age are repeated.
The only number in the list with repeating digits is 33.
Hence, the age of Joy is 33.
Step 4: Looking Back
Our answer is correct because 33 satisfy all the given conditions in the problem.
 Clue 1: 33 is between 18 and 35.
 Clue 2: 33 is multiple of 3.
 Clue 3: 33 is an odd number.
 Clue 4: The digits of 33 are repeating.
Writing an equation is a strategy that is done by translating word problems to
mathematical statements using any letter that would represent the unknown in the problem.

1. Find two numbers whose sum is 26 and whose product is 192.

Step 1: Understanding the problem

We need to find the two numbers whose sum is 28 and whose product is 192

Step 2: Devising a Plan

To solve the problem we make use of the strategies using a variable and
writing an equation.
So we let x be the first number
y be the second number
The working equation now is x + y = 28 and xy = 192

Step 3: Carrying out the plan

We will now solve the problem using the given equations.
x + y = 28 and xy = 192

First we express x in terms of y in equation 1

So, we will have, x = 28 – y
Next, we substitute x = 28 – y in equation 2
Then, we have (28 – y)y = 192
Simplify the resulting equation. Hence we have
28y – y^2 = 192
y^2 – 28y + 192 = 0
Use factoring to find the value(s) of y in the equation.
(y – 12)(y – 16) = 0
Then we let y – 12 = 0 and y – 16 = 0 and we solve for y.
y = 12 and y = 16
If y = 12, x = 16 and if y = 16, x =12,
Thus, the two numbers are 12 and 16.

Step 4: Looking back

Our answer is correct because if we will add 12 and 16, the sum is 28. And if
we will multiply them, their product is 192.
Looking for a Pattern is a strategy in which students look for patterns in the data in
order to solve the problem. Students look for items or numbers that are repeated, or a series
of events that repeat. Discovering patterns can help students learn multiplication facts. The
looking for a pattern strategy can be used to solve many math problems and can be used in
combination with many other strategies, including make a table, make a list or simplify the

1. Find the next three terms in the given sequences:
a. 2,5,8,11,__, __, ___
b. 1, 5,9,13,17, __,__,__
Step 1: Understanding the Problem
In the given sequences, we need to find a pattern based on the given terms and then
we will use it to the find the next three terms.
Step 2: Devising a Plan
The strategy that is appropriate for the problems is Looking for a pattern strategy.
What we will do here is to see whether the terms are increasing or decreasing and by how
many units.
Step 3: Carry out the Plan
a. If we are to examine the terms in the given sequence, we’ll notice that each term
increases by 3. So, if this pattern continues, the next three terms in the sequence would
be 14, 17 and 20.
Hence, the next three terms in the sequence are 14, 17, and 20.
b. Looking at the terms of the sequence, it seems that the second term is greater than
the first term. Same is true for the third term, the fourth term, and so on. If this pattern
continues, then the next three terms in the sequence would be 21, 25, and 29.
Step 4: Looking Back
a. 2 5 8 11 14 17 20
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3

b. 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29
-4 -4 -4 -4 +4 +4 +4
Thus, this shows that our answers are correct.


The strategy of working backwards is used to solve problems that include number of
linked factors or events, where some of the information has not been provided, usually at the
beginning of the problem. To solve these problems it is usually necessary to start with the
answer and work methodically backwards to the missing information. This strategy is
extremely useful in dealing with the situation or a sequence of events. The events occur one
after the other and each stage, or piece of information is affected by what comes next.
Student begin at the end, with the final action, and work through the process in reverse order
to establish what happened in the original situation. In order to use the strategy of working
backwards effectively, students will need to develop the following skills and understanding:
using the opposite operation when working backwards and starting with the answer
and working backwards.

1. Wally is four years younger than Philip but Errol is 24 years older than Philip. If Errol is 35,
how old is Wally?

Step 1: Understanding the Problem
 What we know in the problem are the following:
 Wally is four years younger than Philip.
 Errol is 24 years older than Philip.
 Errol is 35 years old.
 What we need to find is the age of Wally.

Step 2: Devising a Plan

We will begin with the information that we know. Errol’s age, and we work backwards
to calculate Wally’s age.

Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan

To solve the problem, we start from Errol’s age.
 Errol is 35 years old.
 He is 24 years older than Philip.
 So, 35 – 24 years = 11.
 Therefore, Philip is 11 years old.
 Wally is four years younger than Philip.
 So, 11 – 4 = 7
Therefore, Wally is seven years old.

Step 4: Looking Back

To verify your answer, this time we work forward.
 7 + 4 = 11
 11 + 24 = 35
Hence, our answer is valid.
Guess and check is a problem-solving strategy that students can use to solve
mathematical problems by guessing the answer and then checking if the guess fits the
conditions of the problem.

Zenadine takes a lace that is 36 inches long and cuts it in two pieces. One piece is
two times as long as other. How long is each piece?

Step 1: Understanding the Problem
 What we know in the problem are the following:
 One number is two times the other number. And their sum is 36.
 What we need to find are two numbers that sum up to 36.
Step 2: Devising a Plan
We will guess two random numbers, one two times bigger than the other and find the
sum. If the sum is too small, we guess larger number and if the sum is too large we guess
smaller numbers. Then, we see if any patterns develop from our guesses.
Step 3: Carrying Out the Plan
Guess 1: 10 and 20 inches
 10+20 = 30 inches too small
Guess 2: 11 and 22 inches
 11+22 = 33 inches still too small
Guess 3: 13 and 26 inches
 13+26 = 39 inches too big
Guess 4: 12 and 24 inches
 12+24 = 36
Therefore, the pieces are 12 and 24 inches long.
Step 4: Looking Back
To verify our answer, this we see if the conditions in the problem are satisfied.
12+24 = 36 The pieces of lace add up to 36 inches long.
24= 2(12) One piece is two times the length of the other piece.
This only shows that our answer is correct.

Solve a simpler problem is something that mathematicians do all the time. They get
good at identifying way to make a problem simpler, and applying what they learned from the
simpler, and applying what they learned from the simpler problem to give them insight into
whatever they’re trying to figure out.


1. One of the 16 iconic architectural structures in the Philippines is the National Theater
– Cultural Center of the Philippines complex. In front of it is shaped like a regular octagon.
What is the sum of the measure of the angles of an octagon?


Step 1: Understanding the problem

What we know in the problem is the following: the shape of the pond is like a regular
octagon. Hence each angle of formed is of the same measure.
What we need to find is the sum of the measures of the octagon.

Step 2: Devising a plan

We will use the strategy “Solving a Similar but Simpler Problem” strategy and we will
also apply some concepts in geometry.

Step 3: Carrying out the Plan

First, we will draw a regular octagon, which will serve as our simple illustration of the

Recreational mathematics is a mathematics done for recreation or as a hobby and

intended to be fun. Typically it involves games or puzzles that relate to mathematics,
although the term can cover other material typically, recreational mathematics involves
general logical and lateral thinking skills, as opposed to advanced mathematical concepts,
so that the average person is at least able to understand and appreciate a recreational
problem and its solution. Recreational puzzles can also increase people’s appreciation of
mathematics as a whole.

1. Suppose that Anne has 25 stones that look identical. The stones are all the same except
one stone that is fake and heavier than the others. How can Anne find out which among the
stones is fake by weighing only the stones three times?

 First, Anne should divide the stones into 3 groups.
 Next, she should label the groups as GROUP I, GROUP II, and GROUP III.
BUENO, Lujelyn M.
REAL, Rein Antonette V.
TALBAN, Jerome Y.
VILLEGAS, Shaila Mae M.

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