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Teachers Checklist (Before Site Visit)

Task: Completed?
Prepare permission letters to Headmaster, National Zoo
authority, Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri and bus transportation.
Give briefing to the students about the aim of visit, venue,
time and the task that they need to complete during site visit.
Distribute assignment instructions to students.
Arrange an adequate number of chaperones (at least 1 per
every ten children).

Detach, make copies of and pass out the chaperone checklist


Visit National Zoo website ( for

ideas on how to plan your trip.

Make sure your chaperones understand the goals of the field

trip and any role they need to play in activities.

Go over the Zoo rules with your students and establish

behavioral consequences.

Teachers Checklist (During Site Visit)

Task: Completed
Make sure that students are supervised at all times.

“1, 2, 3…” Please have an exact count of the number of

Children and adults in your group.

Bring a cell phone or assign someone that has one to be the

emergency contact. Give that cell number to the front gate
staff when check in.

Take advantage of National Zoo free programming including

animal presentations and demonstrations. Check the kiosk on
the way in or check our website ahead of time for an updated
Chaperone Checklist
Task: Completed?
Keep your students with you at all times.

Understand the educational goals of the trip and behavioral

consequences, as determined by the teacher.

Make a list of the names of students in your group so that

you can keep track of them. If you have a cell phone, be sure
Give the number to the teacher.

Review the Zoo rules on the right with your group.

Remember that you have the opportunity to participate in a

potentially significant way in the education of the students
you are with. Have fun with it!

Zoo Rules:
• Stay with assigned group
• Stay on the paths
• Walk instead of run
• Pick up all your trash
• Respect the animals by being quiet
• Keep your hands, body, and objects away from animal enclosures
• DON'T feed the animals
• DON'T pick plants or flowers
• Also review the Zoo Don’ts (and a “DO”) which can be found in the
packet sent to the teacher by the zoo

Please note: Groups that do not respect Zoo rules will be escorted from Zoo
grounds by our security staff. Shoplifting or writing graffiti will be

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