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Sock Yarn Squares

By: Shannon Geddes

© All Rights Researved

I wanted to find a way to use up all the sock yarns bits and pieces
that were leftover from other projects. I decided to knit squares
that will eventually be turned into a blanket. Once I have enough
for a good size blanket; I’ll finish the blanket and update the
pattern information to include information on joining the
squares and finishing the blanket.

I knit these squares in the round using two circular needles. I’m
sure that if you prefer double pointed needles that this can be
adapted very easily.
Needles: two US#1/ circular needles (24 inch)
Yarn: Leftover sock yarn.

The amount needed will vary depending on the weight of the yarn. For example
the squares I’ve knit out of Opal sock yarn typically weigh about 12 grams,
squares knit with Koigu KPPPM weigh about 16 grams and STR medium weight
squares will weigh about 26 grams.

Cast on 12 stitches and divide them evenly between two needles.

(6 stitches per needle)

Round 1 - Knit around

Round 2 - K1, YO, K1, YO, K1 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 3 - (and all odd # rounds) - Knit around; knitting all YO’s through the back
Round 4 - K2, YO, K1, YO, K2 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 6 - K3, YO, K1, YO, K3 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 8 - K4, YO, K1, YO, K4 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 10 - K5, YO, K1, YO, K5 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 12 - K6, YO, K1, YO, K6 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 14 - K7, YO, K1, YO, K7 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 16 - K8, YO, K1, YO, K8 (repeat 3 more times)
Round 18 - K9, YO, K1, YO, K9 (repeat 3 more times)

Follow this pattern of increases until the square is as large as you’d like. End with
a odd numbered row. Block all the squares to the same size and seam together.

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