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SABA Condemns the "State of Emergency" in Pakistan

San Francisco, November 8, 2007 -- The South Asian Bar Association of Northern
California (SABA) condemns the "state of emergency" declared in Pakistan on
November 3rd, 2007 by President General Pervez Musharraf, his suspension of civil
rights, and the ensuing state violence against the Pakistani judiciary, bar, pro-democracy
activists, human rights organizations and independent media.

In recent days, the Pakistani military state has beaten and jailed a staggering number of
lawyers and judges for supporting an independent judiciary and for opposing military
dictatorship. Victims include Muneer Malik, past President of the Pakistan Supreme
Court Bar Association, whom SABA recently honored at a joint event with the Bay Area
Association of Muslim Lawyers. In fact, a majority of the Supreme Court justices and
their families have been put under house arrest for refusing to give their imprimatur to
President Musharraf's overthrow of constitutional governance.

We stand in solidarity with fellow lawyers who are fending off bayonets, batons and
bullets in the streets of Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and other Pakistani cities to defend
the rule of law. This military crackdown violates international law and threatens the
freedom and liberty of all Pakistanis.

SABA calls on President Musharraf immediately to end the "state of emergency," to

restore the judiciary, and to release all lawyers imprisoned for opposing the military
state. As South Asian attorneys, we add our voices to the chorus of: "Qanoon ki
baladasti, zindabad! Long live the rule of law!" We call on all lawyers to support the
sacrifice of our colleagues in Pakistan and work towards their immediate release.

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