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Monday 15th June 2008...

'you got privelages for owning a penis

well i own one too, it in a pickled jar
Helen Baranova

The following text contains the following characters:

- Bill Kaulitz
- Tom Kaulitz
-Gustav Schaffer
-Georg Listing

Special Guests Staring:

-Edward Scissor hands
-Josts Penis

And of course
-Helen 'The H-Bomb' Baranova

“Seek penis, and pursue it.”

(Proverbs 34:14)”

“Be patient and you will finally win, for a soft Penis can break hard bones.”
(Proverbs 28:13)
The Holy Bible
The beginning of the end.....

Do you know why Bill is slighly feminine.....

Do you know how Bill is capable of wearing tight jeans.....
He lost his penis in an epic battle against the H-meister.

Edward Scissor Hands stood across from a shreiking Bill, with Bills penis on his

(penis Blocked out for legal reasons)

But it was snached away by Georg much to Edwards horror!
But the precious just slipped through his hands!
Then Gustav Whacked George on the head with a drumstick knocking him out.
(Because he is a secret ninja.)

Then he dropped Bills Penis (or Bienis)

Saki was in the wellness room with Dunja, she was playing with his balls O.o

Saki's spidey senses were tingling but Dunja wouldnt let Saki leave till they finished their
game of ping pong...

so Dunja beat Saki 10-0 [cos secretly she's a man beast]

and Saki ran outside to witness Bills penis flying through the air
*in slow-mo* Saki picked up Tom and through him
Mid air Tom caught the penis...
in his cap

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