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Quiz 1
1. What is wrong with this piece of code?

2. Which element starts the webpage?

a. <head>
b. <html>
c. <.html>
d. </html>

3. If I want to have an image as my background, how do I write it?

a. <background=”blahblah.jpg”>
b. <body bgcolor=”blahblah.jpg”>
c. <body background=”blahblah.jpg”>
d. <bgcolor=”blahblah.jpg”>

4. What element starts a new paragraph?

a. </p>
b. <br>
c. <&nsbp;>
d. <p>

5. What is wrong with this piece of code? (If I want Daniel to show in italics)

6. What element must I place after “Hello” if I want “Bob” not to be centered?
<div align=”center”>


7. What does the “../” do when it is included inside the src of an img

8. When I want to add a note but don’t want the webpage to display it, what
element do I put before and after the note?
a. <!-- note --!>
b. <--! note !-->
c. --!> note <!--
d. !--> note <--!

Project – Create a webpage called ‘The Little Apple’ with a black background, an
image of an apple centered in the page and white text under the image which
says, “This is my little apple”

Daniel Bisett 08/29/08

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