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In HTML, what does the <aside> element define?
A. Content aside from the page content ;
B. The ASCII character- set; to send information between computers on the internet;
C. A navigation list to be shown at the left side of the page;
Which HTML element is used to specify a header for a document section?
A. <header>
B. <head>
C. <top>
D. <section>
Which HTML element is used to sidplay measurement within a range?
A. <gauge>
B. <range>
C. <meter>
D. <measure>
Which HTML element defines navigation links?
A. <navigate>
B. <navigation>
C. <nav>
In HTML, which attribute is used to specify that an input field must be fillet out?
A. Formvalide
B. Required
C. Validate
D. Placeholder
Which input type defines a slider control?
A. Search
B. Range
C. Controls
D. Slider
Graphics defined by SVG is in which format?
The HTML <canvas> element is used to :
A. Create draggable elements
B. Draw graphics

C. Manipulate date in MySQL
D. Display database records
The HTML global attribute, „contenteditable” is used to:
A. Return the position of the first found occurrence of the content inside a string
B. Update content from the server
C. Specifies a context menu for an element. The menu appears when a user right-clicks
on the element
D. Specify whether the content of an element should be editable or not
In HTML, onblur and onfocus are:
A. HTML elements
B. Style attributes
C. Event attributes
What is the correct HTML element for playing video files?
A. <media>
B. <video>
C. <movie>
What is the correct HTML element for playing audio files?
A. <sound>
B. <audio>
C. <mp3>
Which HTML element is used to specify a footer for a document or section?
A. <section>
B. <footer>
C. <bottom>
In HTML , you can embed SVG elements directly into an HTML page
A. True
B. False
Which HTML attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be
A. Longdesc
B. Alt
C. Title
D. Src
Which doctype is correct for HTML5?
B. <!DOCTYPE html>

Block elements are normally displayed without starting a new line
A. True
B. False
Which HTML element defines the title of a document?
A. <title>
B. <meta>
C. <head>
An <iframe> is used to display a web page withn a web page .
A. True
B. There is no such thing as an <iframe>
C. False
HTML comments start with <!- - and end with - ->
A. True
B. False
What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?
A. <img alt= „MyImage”>image.gif</img>
B. <img href= „image.gif” alt =MyImage”>
C. <img src= „image.gif” alt =”MyImage”>
D. <image src=”image.gif” alt= „MyImage”>
What is the correct HTML for inserting a background image?
A. <body bg=”background.gif”>
B. <background img=”background.gif”>
C. <body style= „background-image:url(background.gif)”>
What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list?
A. <select>
B. <list>
C. <input type=”list”>
D. <input type =”dropdown”>
What is the correct HTML for making a text area?
A. <input type =”textbox”>
B. <textarea>
C. <input type =”textarea”>
What is the correct HTML for making a checkbox?
A. <input type=”checkbox”>
B. <checkbox>
C. <input type =”check”>
D. <check>

What is the correct HTML for making a text input field?
A. <input type=”text”>
B. <input type =”textfield”>
C. <textinput type=”text”>
D. <textfield>
How can you make a numbered list?
A. <ol>
B. <ul>
C. <list>
D. <dl>
How can you make a bulleted list?
A. <ul>
B. <ol>
C. <list>
D. <dl>
Which of these elements are all <table> elements?
A. <thead><body><tr>
B. <table><head><tfoot>
C. <table><tr><tt>
D. <table><tr><td>
Inline elements are normally displayed without startig a new line
A. True
B. False
Which character is used to indicate an end tag?
A. <
B. ^
C. /
D. *
How can you open a link in a new tab/browse window?
A. <a href=”url” target = „new”>
B. <a href=”url” target = „_blank”>
C. <a href=”url” new>

Choose the correct HTML element to define emphasized text

A. <em>
B. <italic>
C. <i>

What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink?
A. < a href =””>W3Schools</a>
B. < a url =””></a>
C. < a > </a>
D. < a name =””></a>
What is the correct HTML for adding a background color?
A. <background>yellow</background>
B. <body style=”background-color:yellow;”>
C. <body bg=”yellow”>
Choose the correct HTML element to define important text
A. <b>
B. <i>
C. <strong>
D. <important>
Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:
A. <h6>
B. <head>
C. <heading>
D. <h1>
What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break?
A. <break>
B. <br>
C. <lb>
What does HTML stand for?
A. Hyper Text Markup Language
B. Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
C. Home Tool Markup Language
Who is making the Web standards?
A. The Word Wide Web Consortium
B. Microsoft
C. Mozilla
D. Google

What does CSS stand for?
A. Colorful Style Sheets
B. Creative Style Sheets
C. Cascading Style Sheets
D. Computer Style Sheets
What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?
A. <link rel=„stylesheet” type =”text/css”href =”mystyle.css”>
B. <stylesheet>mystyle.css</stylesheet>
C. <style src=”mystyle.css”>
Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external stye sheet?
A. In the <head> section
B. At the end of the document
C. In the <body> section
Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
A. <css>
B. <style>
C. <script>
Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
A. Style
B. Front
C. Class
D. Styles
Which is the correct CSS syntax?
A. Body {color:black;}
B. {Body:color=black;}
C. {Body;color:black;}
D. Body:color=black;
How do you insert a comment in a CSS file?
A. /*this is a comment*/
B. This is a comment
C. //this is a comment//
D. //this is a comment
Which property is used to change the background coolol?
A. Background-color
B. Color
C. Bgcolor

How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements?
A. H1.all{background-color:#FFFFFF;}
B. H1{background-color:#FFFFFF;}
C. All.h1{background-color:#FFFFFF;}
Which CSS property is used to change the text color of an element?
A. Text-color
B. Color
C. Fgcolor
Which CSS property controls the text size?
A. Text-style
B. Font-size
C. Font-style
D. Text-size
What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> elements bold?
A. P{front -weight:bold;}
B. P {text-size:bold;}
C. <p style= „text-size:bold;”>
D. <p style =”front-size:bold;”>
How do you display hyperlinks without an underline?
A. A{decoration:no-underline;}
B. A{underline:none;}
C. A{text-decoration:no-underline;}
D. A{text-decoration:none;}
How do you make eaxch word in a text start with capital letter?
A. You can’t do that with CSS
B. Text-transform:capitalize
C. Text=style:capitalize
D. Transform:capitalize
Which property is used to change the front of an element?
A. Font-family
B. Font-style
C. Font-weight
How do you make the text bold?
A. Style:bold;
B. Font-weight:bold;
C. Font:bold;

How do you display a border like this : the top border = 10 pixels, the bottom border = 5
pixels , the left border=20 pixels, the right border=1pixel?
A. Border-width:10px20px5px1px;
B. Border-width:10px1px5px20px;
C. Border-width:5px20px10px1px;
D. Border-width:10px5px20px1px;
Which property is used to change the left margin of an element?
A. Padding-left
B. Margin-left
C. Indent
When using the padding property;are you allowed to use negative values?
A. No
B. Yes
How do you make a list that lists its items with squares?
A. List:sqaure;
B. List-style-type:sqaure;
C. List-type: square;
How do you select an element with is ‚demo’?
A. .demo
B. #demo
C. *demo
D. Demo
How do you select elements with class name ’test’?
A. Test
B. .test
C. #test
D. *test
How do you select all p elements inside a div element?
A. div.p
B. div p
C. div + p
How do you group selectors?
A. Separate each selector with plus sign
B. Separate each selector with a comma
C. Separate each selector eith a space

What is the default value of the position property?
A. Fixed
B. Relative
C. Static
D. Absolute
Inside which HTML element do we put the Java Script?
A. <js>
B. <javascript>
C. <script>
D. <scripting>
What is the correct Java Script syntax to change the content of the HTML element below?
<p id= „demo”>This is a demonstration</p>
A. #demo.innerHTML= „hello world!”;
B. Document.getElement(„p”).innerHTML=”Helllo world!”;
C. Document.getElementByd(„demo”).innerHTML=”hello world!”;
D. Document.getElementBy Name(„p”).innerHTML= „hello world!”;
Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?
A. The <body> section
B. The <head>section
C. Both the <head>section and the <body> section are correct
What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script calles „xxx.js”?
A. <script href =”xxx.js”>
B. <script src=”xxx.js”>
C. <script name =”xxx.js”>
The external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag.
A. False
B. True
How do you write „hello world” in an alert box?
A. alertBox(„hello world”);
B. alert(„hello world”);
C. msgBox(„hello world”);
D. msg(„hello world”);
How do you create a function in Java Script?
A. Function:myFunction()
B. Function myFunction()
C. Function =myFunction()

How do you call a function named „myFunction”?
A. myFunction()
B. call myFunction()
C. call function myFunction()
How to write an IF statement in JavaScript?
A. If i==5 then
B. If(i==5)
C. If i=5 then
D. If i=5
How to write an If statement for executing some code if ”i”is NOT equal to 5?/
A. If i<>5
B. If(!=5)
C. If (i<>5)
D. If i=!5 then
How does a WHILE loop start?
A. While (i<=10)
B. While(i<=10;i++)
C. While i=1 to 10
How does a FOR loop start?
A. For i=1 to 5
B. For(i<=5;i ++)
C. For(i=0;i<=5;i++)
D. For(i=0;i<=5)
How can you adda comment in a JavaScript?
A. //this is a comment
B. ’this is a comment
C. <!- - this is a comment- ->
How to insert a comment that has more than one line?
A. <!- -this comment has
more than one line- ->
B. /*this comment has
more than one line*/
C. //this comment has
more than one line//
What is the correct way to write a JavaScript array?
A. Var colors= [„red”,”green”,”blue”]
B. Var colors =1=(„red”),2=(„green”),3=(„blue”)
C. Var colors= „red”,”green”,”blue”
D. Var colors=(1:”red”,2:”green”,3:”blue”)
How do you round the number 7.25 to the nearest integer?
A. Math.round(7.25)
B. Md(7.25)
D. Round(7.25)
How do you find the number with the highest value of x and y?
A. Mathe.ceil(x,y)
B. Top(x,y)
C. Math.max(x,y)
D. Ceil(x,y)
What is the correct JavaScript syntax for opening a new window called „w2”?
JavaScript is the same as Java
A. False
B. True
How can you detect the client’s browser name?
A. Client.navName
B. Navigation.appName
Which event occurs when the user clicks on an HTML element?
A. Onclick
B. Onchange
C. Onmouseover
D. Onmouseclick
How do you declare a JavaScript variable?
A. Variable carName;
B. Var carName;
C. V carName;
Which operator is used to assign a value to a variable?
A. *
B. =
C. -
D. X
What will the following code return: Boolean(10>9)
A. NaN
B. True

C. False
Is JavaScript case-sensitive?
A. Yes
B. No
Which of the followiing is correct?
A. jQuery is a JavaScript Library
B. jQuery is a JSON Librabry
jQuery uses CSS selectors to select element?
A. True
B. False
Which sign does jQuery use as a shortcut for jQuery?
A. The ? sign
B. The $ sign
C. The % sign
Look at the following selector: $(„div”). What does it select?
A. All div elements
B. The first div element
Is jQuery a librabry for client scripting or server scripting?
A. Client scripting
B. Server scripting
Is is possible to use jQuery together with AJAX?
A. Yes
B. No
The jQuery html() method works for both HTML and XML document
A. False
B. True
What is the correct jQuery code to set the background color of all p elements to red?
A. $(„p”).style(„background-color”,”red”);
B. $(„p”).manipulate(„background-color”,”red”);
C. $(„p”).css(„background-color”,”red”);
D. $(„p”).layout(„background-color”,”red”);
With jQuery look at the following selector $(„div.intro”). what does it select?
A. All div elements with clss=”intro”
B. The first div element with clss=”intro”

C. All div elements with id=”intro”
D. The first div element with id=”intro”
Which jQuery method is used to hide selected elements ?
A. Visible(false)
B. Hide()
C. Hidden()
D. Display(none)
Which jQuery method is used to set one or more style properties for selected elements ?
A. Style()
B. Html()
C. Css()
Which jQuery method is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP request?
A. jQuery.ajaxSetup()
B. jQuery.ajax()
C. jQuery.ajaxAsync()
what is the correct jQuery code for all div elements 100 pixels high?
A. $(”div”).yPos(100)
B. $(”div”).height(100)
C. $(”div”).height=”100”
Which statement is true ?
A. To use jQuery you can refer to a hosted jQuery library at Google
B. To use jQuery, you must buy the jQuery library at
C. To use jQuery, you do not have to do anything. Most browsers(internet explorer,
chrome, firefox and opera ) have the jquery library built in the browser
What scripting language is jQuery written in?
A. JavaScript
B. VBScript
C. C#
D. C++
Which jQuery function is used to prevent code from running, before the document is finished
A. $(body).onload()
B. $(document).ready()
C. $(document).load()
Which jQuery method should be used to deal with name conflicts?
A. Conflict()
B. noNameConflict()
C. noConflict()

D. nameConflict()
which jQuueury methjod is used to switch between adding/removing one or more classes(for
CSS) from selected elements?
A. ToggleClass()
B. switchClass()
C. altClass()
D. switch()
Look at the following selector $(„div p”). What does it select?
A. The first p element inside a div element
B. All p elements inside a div element
C. All div elements with a p element
Is jQuery a W3C standard?
A. No
B. Yes
Look at the following selector $(„p#intro”). What does it select?
A. The p element with id=”intro”
B. All p elements with class=”intro”
Which jQuery method is used to remove selected elements ?
A. Both moethods can be used
B. Detach()
C. Remove()
Look at the following selector $(„:disabled”).What does it selected?
A. All disable input elements
B. All elements that does not contain the text „disabled”
C. All elements containing the text „disabled”
D. All hidden elements
Which jQuery method returns the direct parent element of the selected element?
A. Ancestors()
B. Parent()
C. Ancestor()
D. Parents()
The jQuery animate() method can be used to animate ANY CSS property?
A. Only properties containing numeric values
B. Yes
C. All properties except the shorthand proprieties

Cand testam pe Internet, verificam mai multe motoare de cautare deoarece:
A. Utilizatorii web users prefer aceasta tehnica
B. Evitam informatii false
C. Fiecare motor produce rezultate diferite
D. Evitam repetitia informatiei
Care dintre urmatoarele este functie valida JavaScript?
A. myFunc function();
B. var myFunc= function myFunc{};
C. function myFunc(){};
D. function myFunc= {};
jQuery foloseste selectoarele CSS pentru a selecta elemene?
A. Adevarat
B. Fals
Care este sintaxa JavaScript corecta pentru a modifica continutul elementului HTML p? <p
id=”demo ”> Acesta este un demo </p>
A. Document.getElementById(„demo”).insideHTML=”hello”;
B. Document.getElement(„p”).insideHTML=”hello”;
C. Document.getElementByName(„p”).insideHTML=”hello”;
D. #demo.innerHTML=”hello”;
Unde este locul corect pentru a introduce un JavaScript?
A. In fisier extern
B. Doar in sectiunea &It;body&gt;
C. Doar in sectiunea &It;head&gt; nu si sectiunea &it;body&gt;
D. Doar in sectiunea &it;body&gt; nu si sectiunea &it;head&gt;
E. Doar in sectiunea &It;head&gt;
Cum puteti detecta numele browserului clientului?
A. Navigator.appName
C. Client.navName
Secventa [] + [] + ‚foo’.split(‚’);va intoarce
A. [„f”,”o”,”o”]
B. [][][„f”,”o”,”o”]
C. TypeError
D. „f,o,o”

Var arr= [];
Arr[0]= ‚a’;
Arr[1]= ‚b’; ‚c’;
Alert(arr.length); Va afisa:
A. 2
B. 1
C. Undefined
D. 3
Ce selecteaza $(„p#intro”)?
A. Elementul p cu id= „intro”
B. Toate elementele p cu class= „intro”
C. Primul element p cu class= „intro”
Care dintre urmatoarele obiecte reprezinta parametrii functiei curente in interiorul oricarei
A. Arguments
B. Object
C. Global
D. This
Var d= new Date()
Care este sintaxa JavaScript corecta pentru a afisa anul curent al d?
A. d.getUTCFullYear()
B. D.d.getFullYear()
C. d.getDate();
D. C.d.getYear()
Cum rotunjiti numarul 4.55, la cel mai apropiat numar intreg?
A. Ceil(x,y)
B. Math.max(x,y)
C. Math.ceil(x,y)
D. Math round (x,y)
Daca imaginea de fundal este mai mica decat ecranul , ce se va intampla?
A. Va fi inchis
B. Va lasa spatiu liber in partea de jos a paginii
C. Nici unul
D. Se va repeta

Cum fortam despartirea cuvintelor iin CSS3?
A. Text-wrap: force;
B. Text-wrap: break-word;
C. Word-wrap: break-word;
D. Text-width:set;
Obiectul sessionStorage stocheaza datele pentru:
A. 1 sesiune
B. Multiple sesiuni
C. 2 sesiuni
D. 3 sesiuni
Care nu este un cuvant cheie valid in JavaScript?
A. Try
B. Module
C. Function
D. This
Cum priveste implicit ng-model directivele?
A. Nici una
B. Si valoarea, si referinta
C. Dupa valoare
D. Prin referinta
Unde este locul correct intr-un document HTML pentru face referire la o foaie de stil
A. Inaintea tagului &It;body&gt;
B. In sectiunea &It;head&gt;
C. In sectiunea &It;body&gt;
D. La sfarsitul documentului
Ce eveniment are loc atunci cand utilizatorul face clic pe un element HTML?
A. Onmouseclick
B. Onclick
C. onMouseOver
D. onChange
&It;video width= „320? Height=”240? Controls=”controls”&gt;<br/>&It;source
src=”test.mp4? type=”video/mp4?/&gt; <br/>&It;/video&gt;
A. Display text
B. Display video
C. Display image
D. Display audio

Care nu este obiect JavaScript?
A. Var obj= {name = „steve”};
B. Var obj= {name: „steve”};
C. Var obj= new Object();
D. Var obj= {};
Services sunt object
A. Statefull
B. Stateless
C. Ambele
D. Nici una
Ce metoda jQuery este folosita pentru a ascunde elementele selectate?
A. Visible(false)
B. Display(none)
C. Hide()
D. Hidden()
Care dinitre urmatoarele obiecte reprezinta parametrii functiei curente in interiorul oricarei
A. Arguments
B. Object
C. Global
D. this
Scopul include este :
A. Pentru a compila fragmentele HTML externe in aplicatia angular principala
B. Toate cele de mai sus
C. Pentru a obtine fragmentele HTML externe in aplicatia angular principala
D. Pentru a include fragmentele HTML externe in aplicatia angular principala
Care directive afisare vedere (view) pentru diverse rute?
A. Ng-view
B. Nici una
C. Ng-display
D. Ng-model
Care dinttre urmatoarele este un serviciu incorporat in Angular JS?
A. All of the above
B. $route
C. $windows
D. $http
Cum afisati hyperlink-uri fara subliniere?
A. A{text-decoration:no-underline;}
B. A{text-decoration:none;}
C. A{decoration:no-underline;}
D. A{underline:none;}
Metoda corecta de a scrie „hello world” in pagina web:
A. Print(„hello world”)
B. Response.write(„hello world”)
C. System.out.println(„hello world”)
D. Document.write(„hello world”)
Ce directive se foloseste pentru a ascunde controlul dat?
A. Ng- hide
B. Ng- cover
C. Ng- disabled
D. Nici una
Cum se roteste un obiect cu CSS3?
A. Transform: rotate (30deg);
B. Rotate- object:30deg;
C. Object-rotation: 30deg;
D. Transform: rotate-30deg-clockwise;
DOM inseamna:
A. Data oriented model
B. Data object model
C. Documente object model
D. Document oriented model
Caption in HTML
A. Este utilizat pentru a afisa titlul tabelului (in partea de sus)
B. Nici una
C. Este utilizat pentru a afisa titlul tabelului(in partea de jos)
D. Ambele
Secventa : new Array(5).toString(); intoarce
A. ” ,,,, ”
B. ”[] ”
C. [,,,,,]
D. []
Function foo(a, b){
Foo(1); va intoarce:

A. NaN
B. Reference Error
C. 2
D. Undefinned
Fisierul JavaScript extern
A. Trebuie sa contina tipul mime si nu trebuie sa contina eticheta &It;script&gt;
B. Trebuie sa contina eticheta &It;script&gt; si tipul mime
C. Trebuie sa contina eticheta &It;script&gt;
D. Nu trebuie sa contina eticheta &It;script&gt;
RGBa inseamna?
A. Aqua
B. Alpha
C. Apple
D. About
Cum se creaza colturi rotunde in CSS3?
A. Border[round]: 30px;
B. Border- radius: 30px;
C. Alpha-effect: round-corner;
D. Corner-effect: round;
Care afirmatii nu sunt adevarate despre article?
A. Atributul contenteditable nu poate fi utilizat cu un element articol
B. Text sau continut incorporat
C. Ambele taguri start si end sunt necesare
D. Poate fi utilizat pentru a furniza informatii despre autor
Care dintre urmatoarele nu sunt elemente de marcare in html5?
A. &amp;it;progress&amp;gt;
B. &amp;it;summary&amp;gt;
C. &amp;it;embed&amp;gt;
D. &amp;it;aside&amp;gt;
Unde este locul corect pentru a introduce un JavaScript?
A. Sectiunea <body> si in fisier extern
B. Doar in seciunea <head> si nu sectiunea <body>
C. Doar in sectiunea <body> si nu sectiunea <head>
D. Sectiunea <body>
E. Sectiunea <head>
Elementul <canvas> este doar ____ grafic
A. Attribute
B. Container
C. Component

D. Method
Care dintre urmatoarele sunt input type attribute in html5?
1)search <br/>2)datetime</br>3)week<br/>4)color<br/>5)track<br/>6)placeholder
A. 12345
B. 12346
C. 23456
D. 13456
Care dintre urmatoarele nu sunt elemente media in html5?
A. &amp;it;time&amp;gt;
B. &amp;it;track&amp;gt;
C. &amp;it;audio&amp;gt;
D. &amp;it;source&amp;gt;
Care este nivelul de prioritate al directivelor?
A. Level 1
B. Level 2
C. Level 3
D. Level 4
Unde este locul corect pentru a introduce un jQuery?
A. Sectiunea &it;head&gt;
B. Doar in sectiunea &it;body&gt; nu si sectiunea &it;head&gt;
C. Doar in sectiunea &it;head&gt; nu s sectiunea &it;body&gt;
D. Sectiunea &it;body&gt;
Care dintre urmatoarele este proprietatea ascunsa a unui obiect fereastra in JavaScript?
A. Protocol
B. Host
C. Defaultstatus
D. Pathname
Alege elementul HTML corect pentru a defini textul subliniat
A. &it;em&gt;
B. &it;b&gt;
C. &it;i&gt;
D. &it;italic&gt;
Cum declarati o variabila JavaScript?
A. Var Name;
B. Variable Name;
C. Var Name=value;
D. V Name;

Care dintre urmatoarele atribute este util atunci cand marginile trebuie puse intre grupuri de
coloane in loc de fiecare coloana ?
A. Col
B. Row
C. Colgroup
D. Rowspan
Care este valoarea implicita a prorietatii de pozitie?
A. Static
B. Absolute
C. Fixed
D. Relative
Care dintre urmatoarele metode permite evaluarea unui string JavaScript?
A. ParseObject
B. Eval ?
C. Float
D. ParseDouble
Iesirea codului Angular de mai jos este
<div ng-app>
<p> result{{2+3}}</p>
A. Rezultat {{2+30}}
B. Rezultat {2+3}
C. Nici unul
D. Rezultat 5
Pentru frames in HTML, cum specifica restul ecranului?
A. Cu *
B. Cu #
C. Cu $
D. Cu &amp;
Cum adaugam o valoare la un tablou in Java Script?
A. Arr[arr.lenght-1] = value
B. Arr[arr.lenght=1]=new Arrays()
C. Arr[arr.lenght*1] =value
D. Arr[arr.lenght] = value
Stramosul tuturor celorlalte elemente din pagina este numit
A. Siblings
B. Parent
C. Ancestor

D. Root element
Care este sintaxa JS corecta pentru deschiderea unei noi ferestre “w2”?
B. w2=window.start
D. w2=window.reload
Ce serviciu converteste object to string?
A. $http
B. $interval
C. $httpParamSerializer
D. $timeout

Atributul HTML care este folosit pentru a specifica un camp este:

A. Autocomplete
B. Required
C. Autofocus
D. Placeholder
Ce elemente HTML defineste cuvintele cheie ale unui document?
A. &It;Meta&gt;
B. &It;title&gt;
C. &It;Head&gt;
D. &It;keyword&gt;
Care sintaxa este corecta pentru a seta font size?
A. h2 {font-size: 200;}
B. h2 {font-size: 200%;}
C. h2 {font-size: 200em;}
D. h2 {font-size: 200px;}
Cum se redimensioneaza obiecte cu CSS3?
A. Scale: (2,4);
B. Resize: scale: (2,4);
C. Scale-object: 2,4;
D. Transform: scale(2,4);
Service si factory sunt ambele singletons
A. Fals
B. Adevarat
?Variabila declarata fara cuvant cheie var keyword in interiorul unei functii devine ___

A. Block
B. Local
C. Global
D. Undefined
Number (“1”) – 1 = =
A. NaN
B. 0;
C. Adevarat rasp True
D. Fals
Ce semn foloseste jQuery ca o comanda rapida?
A. Semn %
B. Semnul #
Care este HTML – ul corect pentru adaugarea unei culori de fundal?
A. &It;body style = “background-color: yellow;” &gt;
B. &It;body bg = “blue” &gt;
C. &It;background &gt; green &It;/background &gt;
D. &It;body background-color =”yellow” &gt;
Care este HTML-ul corect pentru a face o lista derulanta?
A. &It;list&gt;
B. &It;input type = “list”&gt;
C. &It;select&gt;
D. &It;input type = “dropown”&gt;
Text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px;
A. Color
B. Id name
C. Text shadow height
D. Element
Function aaa(){
Alert(typeof aaa()); secv intoarce
A. Object
B. Number
C. Underfined

D. Function

Care dintre urm exemple de functii este anonymous in JavaScript?

A. Var myFunc = 0{};
B. Function(){};
C. Toate
D. Var myFunc=function(){};
Care este o instructiune catre browserul web despre ce versiune HTML este scrisa pagina?
A. &it;HTML&gt;
B. &it;TYPE&gt;
C. &it;!DOCTYPE&gt;
D. &it;DOCTYPE&gt;

1. Modul corect de a scrie un array JavaScript?

Select one:
a) var txt = new Array(1:"arr",2:"ana",3:"bela")
b) var txt = new Array:1=(" arr ")2=("aaa")3=("bbb")
c) var txt = new Array=" arr ","x,"y"
d) var txt = new Array("arr ","a","b") ?

2. Ce face eval() in JavaScript?

Select one:
a) Executa sirul specificat ca si cod JavaScript.
b) Afiseaza un mesaj popup.
c) Intoarce un obiect ce reprezinta interpretarea codului JavaScript specificat
d) Executa cod server side in JavaScript.

Evaluează un şir de caractere şi, dacă şirul conţine o secvenţă de cod JavaScript, execută

3. Care este sintaxa JavaScript corecta pentru a modifica continutul elementului HTML
p? <p id = "demo"> Acesta este un demo </p>
Select one:
a) # demo.innerHTML = "Hello";
b) document.getElement ("p"). insideHTML = "Hello";
c) document.getElementByName ("p"). insideHTML = "Hello";
d) document.getElementById ("demo"). insideHTML = "Hello";

4. Number("1") - 1 ==.....
Select one:
a) 0;
b) Fals
c) Adevarat

d) NaN

5. Atributul href in tag link specifica:

Select one:
a) Destinatia unui link.
b) Link
c) Ancora
d) Hypertext

6. Ce eveniment are loc atunci când utilizatorul face clic pe un element HTML?
Select one:
a) onChange
b) onclick
c) onMouseOver
d) onmouseclick

7. Care dintre urmatoarele este proprietatea ascunsa a unui obiect fereastra in Java
Select one:
a) Protocol
b) Host
c) Defaultstatus
d) Pathname

8. Care este HTML-ul corect pentru inserarea unei imagini de fundal?

Select one:
a) &lt;background img = "background.gif"&gt;
b) &lt;body style = "background-image" url="background.gif"&gt;
c) &lt;body style = "background-image: url (background.gif)"&gt;
d) &lt;body bg = "backg round.gif"&gt;

9. Cum se redimensioneaza obiecte cu CSS3?

Select one:
a) resize: scale: (2,4);
b) scale-object: 2,4;
c) transform: scale(2,4);
d) scale: (2,4);

10. Ce functie creaza un module?

Select one:
a) angular.CreateModule()
b) create.module()
c) add.module()
d) angular.module()

11. (true + false) > 2 + true;

Select one:
a) False
b) True
c) NaN
d) TypeError

12. Cum se adauga umbra elementelor in CSS3?

Select one:
a) shadow-color: grey;
b) box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px grey;
c) alpha-effect[shadow]: 10px 10px 5px grey;
d) shadow-right: 10px shadow-bottom: 10px; shadow-color: grey;

13. Ce functie jQuery este utilizată pentru a preveni rularea codului, înainte ca documentul
sa se termine de încarcare?
Select one:
a) $(body).onload()
b) $(document).ready() ?
c) $(document).load()

14. Cum se modifica border image cu CSS3?

Select one:
a) border-image: url(border.png) 10 10;
b) border-variable: image url(image.png);
c) border: url(image.png); ?
d) border-image: url(border.png) 30 30 round;

15. Ce face un tag HTML?

Select one:
a) Ascunde instrucțiuni de programare din vedere.
b) Conectează site-ul dvs. web la un mediu operational. ?
c) Specifică instrucțiunile de formatare și aspect pentru pagina web.
d) Determină structura organizatorică a site-ului Web.

16. Care este HTML-ul corect pentru inserarea unei imagini?

Select one:
a) &lt;image src = "image.gif" alt = "MyImage"&gt;
b) &lt;img alt = "MyImage"&gt; image.gif &lt;/img&gt;
c) &lt;img src = "image.gif" alt = "MyImage"&gt;
d) &lt;img href = "image.gif" alt = "MyImage"&gt

17. Care atribut HTML specifica un text alternativ pentru o imagine, daca imaginea nu
poate fi afisata?
Select one:
a) Src
b) Alt ?
c) Title
d) Longdesc
18. Secventa: [] + [] + 'foo'.split(''); va intoarce:
Select one:
a) "f, o, o"
b) [][]["f", "o", "o"]
c) TypeError
d) ["f", "o", "o"]

19. Care nu este obiect JavaScript?

Select one:
a) var obj = {};
b) var obj = { name: "Steve"};
c) var obj = new Object();
d) var obj = { name = "Steve"};

20. Metoda corecta de a scrie “Hello World” in pagina web ?

Select one:
a) System.out.println(“Hello World”)
b) response.write(“Hello World”)
c) document.write(“Hello World”)
d) print(“Hello World”)
21. Function foo(a, b) {
arguments[1] = 2;
foo(1); va intoarce:
Select one:
a) 2
b) NaN
c) Undefined
d) ReferenceError

22. Ce directive se foloseste pentru a ascunde controlul dat?

Select one:
a) ng- disabled ?
b) ng- hide
c) Nici una
d) ng- cover
23. Fontul font_size3: 1.5rem se refera la unitati de masura relative la
Select one:
a) Root element
b) Fontul curent
c) fontul implicit ?
d) relativ la 0(zero)

24. Cum faceți o lista care listeaza articolele sale cu patrate?

Select one:
a) list-type: square;
b) list-stye: square;
c) list-style-type: square;
d) list: square;
25. Elementul HTML <canvas> este folosit pentru:
Select one:
a) manipuleaza datele din MySQL
b) afiseaza inregistarile bazei de date
c) creaza elemente care pot fi animate
d) desenare grafica

26. Ce selecteaza $ ("div.intro") ?

Select one:
a) Primul element div cu class = "intro"
b) Primul element div cu id = "intro"
c) Toate elementele div cu id = "intro"
d) Toate elementele div cu class = "intro"

27. Poate fi memorat un controller in fisier extern?

Select one:
a) Nu
b) Da

28. Services sunt object ___?

Select one:
a) Nici una
b) Statefull
c) Ambele
d) Stateless

29. Secventa: new Array(5).toString(); intoarce

Select one:
a) "[]"
b) []
c) ",,,,"
d) [, , , , , ]

30. Cum se creaza efecte de transitie in CSS3?

Select one:
a) transition-duration: 2s; transition-effect: width;
b) transition-duration: 2s;
c) alpha-effect: transition (width,2s);
d) transition: width 2s; ?

31. Cum declarati o variabila JavaScript?
Select one:
a) variable Name;
b) var Name=value;
c) var Name;
d) v Name;

32. Care este HTML-ul corect pentru referirea la o foaie de stil extern?
Select one:
a) &lt;style src="mystyle.css"&gt;
b) &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css"&gt;
c) &lt;stylesheet&gt;mysty

33. Metoda jQuery html () functioneaza.........?

Select one:
a) Ambele
b) numai pentru documente HTML
c) numai pentru documente XML
d) Nici unulle.css&lt;/stylesheet&gt;

34. Cum rotunjiti numarul 4.55, la cel mai apropiat numar întreg?
Select one:
a) ceil(x, y)
b) Math.max(x, y)
c) Math.ceil(x, y)
d) Math round(x,y)

35. Cum selectati un element cu „demo”?

Select one:
a) *demo
b) .demo
c) #demo
d) Demo

36. Care sintaxa este corecta pentru a seta background image?

Select one:
a) body background-image:{url('paper.gif')}
b) body background{image:url('paper.gif')};
c) body {background-image:url(paper.gif);}
d) body background-image:url('*.gif');
37. Care este elementul HTML corect pentru inserarea unei pauze de linie?
Select one:
a) &lt;Lb&gt;
b) &lt;br&gt;
c) &lt;lbr&gt;

38. Caption in HTML ....?
Select one:
a) Ambele
b) Este utilizat pentru a afișa titlul tabelului (în partea de sus)
c) Nici una
d) Este utilizat pentru a afișa titlul tabelului (în partea de jos) &lt;break&gt;

39. Care este sintaxa corecta pentru apel la un script extern numit „xxx.js”?
Select one:
a) &lt;script "text/html"&gt;
b) &lt;script src = "xxx.js"&gt;
c) &lt;script href = "xxx.js"&gt;
d) &lt;script = "xxx.js"&gt;
40. Care dintre următoarele metode permite evaluarea unui string Java Script code in
context unui object specificat?
Select one:
a) ParseObject
b) Eval
c) ParseDouble
d) Float
41. Atributele constau dintr-un nume și o valoare separată de semn _
Select one:
a) ” ”
b) ;
c) ,
d) =


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