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Why should we reach out to others?

READING 2: Managing Stress

MAXIMIZE: Make as big as possible.

MODERATON: avoiding extremes: not being too much or too little

STRESSFUL: makes one worry a lot

STRESSORS: things that cause anxiety.

SYSTEMATIC: carefully organized and thoroughly.

THRESHOLD: the level at which something causes an effect.

ENVIRONMENT: The situations, things and people that affect the way in which people li ve.

FACTORS: one of several things that cause or influence a situation.

INDIVIDUAL :one person separate from others.

RESPOND: react or answer.

UNIQUE: different from all others.


COMMONLY ACCEPTED: agreed with by most people.

TOLERANCE LEVEL : the degree to which someone can suffer

MOTIVATION: desire to do something.

IRRITABILITY: state of being easily annoyed.

AGGRESSION: angry or threatening behavior

GENETIC: relating to genes

ANTICIPATE: expect something to happen

EMPHATIC: said in a way that shows something is important«

SELF-RELIANT: able to act and make decisions by yourself.

VITAL: extremely important or necessary

BRITTLE: easily broken.


HYDROTHERAPY: the medical use of water to treat injuries or diseases.

Grammar and Writing

{rammar Focus:
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Writing Focus: describe a Person
You are going to learned how to make a paragraph to describe a person.(Physical
and character traits)

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