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With so many talk shows, press releases and events being done in favor
of healthy foods these days, the word about some of the most unhealthy fast
food products is out.
Grease and oil are two of the worst enemies of the human heart. Apart from causing
obesity, greasy food items results in aggravated LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol kills more
people in the world every year, than terrorism! A lot is said about refraining from sweet food
products as well, but if you are working out at extreme levels and you need energy, sweetened
water, lemonade or small amount of candy is not that harmful. Greasy food therefore, is definitely
the unhealthiest fast food in the world today, killing more people than any other force and it
requires a highly motivated person to be able to get rid of these food items.
Potato chips and French fries are two of the most common and most dangerous fast food
items. Apart from containing high amounts of carbohydrates, these contain acryl amide, which is a
proven carcinogen- a cancer causing agent. According to studies by some of the top Medical
Universities in America, Acryl amide is one of the major causes of cancers in the world. Heart
diseases, strokes and artery blockages in the heart are some of the other common conditions that
can result from Tran’s fats, which are found in abundance in fries and potato chips.
If you thought baked items were not that bad, it’s high time that you reconsider. Baked
items, especially those containing coffee or caffeine have the highest trans-fat content among many
other fast food items. Commercially baked products, especially those which are manufactured and
processed, should be avoided at all costs. Not only do they contain high quantities of trans-fat, they
also contain preservatives which are bad for heart, making them one of the most unhealthy fast
food products of the modern era.
Another product which tops the list of most unhealthy fast food items of all time is the
common drinking soda. Containing up to 150 calories per serving, soda remains one of the least
suspected ‘silent’ killers.
With fast lifestyles and more working hours, ‘fast’ is becoming popular with food too.
Processed meat and meat products, and food items made out of them are not only popular, cheap
and save time, they are also equally hazardous to health as the French fries or the doughnuts are.
Hot dogs, hamburgers and pizzas loaded with cheese and processed food toppings such as bacon,
meat chops and sausages can spell doom for you and your heart. Sodium nitrate and Sodium nitrite
are two typical chemicals which are used in liberal quantities in order to preserve processed meat.
On ‘Googling’ these chemicals, you will find out that these are carcinogens, and therefore, the
sheer fact that they are used in processed food items makes them worthy of a place in our list of
some of the most unhealthy fast food items in the human history.
Finally, it is only you who can keep yourself motivated to refrain from
harmful foods, and the only way to do it is to take a look at this line before settling
in for such foods- “They are fast, they taste great, but they can kill you.”

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