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Guidelines for chapeterization

 Declaration on separate page

 Certificate on separate page
 Acknowledgement on separate page
 Index on separate page

(The index shall have all chapter headings, reference chp 1 appendix)

LIST OF TABLES on a separate page

 Chapter2 –Review of related literature

(Chp2 can give a statement of the problem and mention the importance of the

 Chapter3- Design of research.

(Chp3 can give scope of the study, assumptions, objectives of the study,
hypothesis if any variables (dependent and independent if any), operational
definition e.g: the terms used if any source of information, sample design,
method of sampling, tools of data, collection and limitation of the study).
 Chapter4. Results and discussions
(Chp 4 can include analysis and interpretation of data).
 Chapter 5- conclusions and suggestions

(can have int. schedule/questionnaire)

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