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Story Elements


A. _____________________________________: Where does the story take place? In

what country, state, region, building, room, etc?
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
B. _________________: When is the story taking place? In what historical period, year,
time of day, etc?
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________: What’s the weather like? Is it rainy,
sunny, stormy, cold, sweltering hot, etc?
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
D. ___________________________________: What is the social situation of the
characters in their daily life? What is their economic situation (wealth)? What culture
or ethnicity do they represent? Do they demonstrate customs, language, or mannerisms
that are associated with a certain group, place, or time?
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
E. ____________________________________: What feeling is created at the beginning
of the story, in the middle, and at the end?  Is it bright and cheerful, dark and
frightening, or something else?
 ex. ______________________________________________________________
 ex. ______________________________________________________________

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