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The Benefits of Blogging

With Your Students

By Donna Rondolet
Assignment 8.5
EDU 735
24 hours – 7 days a week
Blogging is not limited to one period a day, or
during school hours. Blogs can be worked on
at any time of the day.
Blogging is a cool way to talk with your
teachers and friends
Students who are shy in class may “speak” with ease
on the computer. Blogging gives all students a
chance to participate in a discussion.
Blogs may captivate the interest of the
non-traditional student
We all know them … the student that has a hard
time behaving when asked to work on
traditional class work assignments. If they
love being on the computer for other things,
they may be more apt to engage in a blogging
Blogs encourage literacy
Students must know how to read to participate
in a blog. Students will improve their reading
skills by reading and responding to a blog.
Blogging can improve writing skills….
In addition to reading, blogging encourages
students to write.
…. And typing skills!
Typing is a life skill that all students should learn.
Participating in web assignments will provide
students with practice.
Ownership and accountability
Students know that others are able to read their
work that is published in a blog. They are
more apt to review what they are writing and
respond positively to suggestions to correct
their work.
Blogs are easy to maintain
Teachers will find it easier to maintain a blog
than it is to work on a classroom webpage.
How to update an “old school” assignment with
new blogging technology:

“Old School” – After a field trip, students spend

time in the classroom writing an essay, or
taking a test, related to what they have
“New school” method …
After a field trip, students are asked to visit their
teacher’s blog to discuss what they learned on
their field trip. Students are allowed to
complete assignment on their own time.
Blogging is fun!
Blogging is a useful tool that all teachers should
attempt to use in their classroom. Students
will enjoy being a part of a blog. Teachers will
enjoy the ease of creating and maintaining
Blogging is fun! Try it today! is a free site
to start your own blog.

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