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Classroom Blogging: Teaching and Learning Beyond Four Walls

Module 1 : What is a blog?

Blogging for Educators
Pre-assessment Blogging has a lot of benefits and it can be used across all industries—and one of them is education. In this module, we will discuss how
blogging can enhance the overall teaching and learning experience of students and teachers, and how it can also benefit parents. As we
Defining a Blog
explore some of the class blog samples on the web, we will also know right from some teacher-bloggers as to why they decided to put up a
Blog Jargons blog for their class—this is to help you also navigate your own reasons for setting up your own blog as you advance your study in this

Module 2 : Blogging for …

Module 3 : Classroom Bl… Why Blog for Education?

There are a lot of ways to bring education online, one of which is through a blog. The following are the reasons as to why teachers should

start a blog and use it for their own advantage in teaching and learning.

Blogs help educators share information and class updates not only to students but even to parents and guardians. Blogging gives educators

to have home and school connections because a class or student blog serves as a “window to the classrooms,” allowing parents and

guardians to also be part of their children’s classes through comments and feedback in the blog. Blogging, therefore, can serve as a

classroom community, encouraging students, teachers, and parents to collaborate and create a sense of belongingness even outside the

physical classroom.

There are uncertainties in posting contents online. There are changes in social media algorithms, and platforms can close, but a blog can

be the safest way to preserve your works on the Internet and only leverage other platforms and social media accounts as extensions.

A blog can give access to learners about the assignments and resources needed for their class and lessons online. It can also serve as

portfolio storage for your students, serving it as evidence of your students’ learning over time.

Blogs allow teachers and students to have an authentic audience and collaborate with others globally. When students’ outputs are featured

in a blog, they will have a new found way to be inspired in making their works excellent because they would know that there will be more

audience who can see them, apart from their teachers. They will also be thrilled when they will receive feedback, comments, and

encouragement from their works. More than being graded, there is an authentic educational experience because students get to reflect

more about their output and the feedback they receive from other peers. Because of this, students get more engaged and can absorb more

knowledge about the lesson.

Blogging fosters both traditional and new literacy skills. It improves reading and writing skills of students, and at the same time they are able

to develop digital citizenship and fundamental ICT skills. Through blogging, social and communication skills are also honed, even empathy

which can also be carried offline. You will have an opportunity to teach students to leave positive digital footprints. Digital footprints are the

tracks of what someone does in the online world. There will be a greater amount of accountability when you set out an example and ethical

standards to your students on how to behave properly on the Internet, and what is a better way to do that than through blogging?

Blogs can be used in all subject areas; thus any type of teachers can definitely take advantage of it. Blogging also allows you to be creative

by expressing your personality through customizing web page designs, themes, headers, layouts, etc.—which you will be so delightful to

do. By then you will be able to explore your own ICT skills that might have been waiting to be discovered.

Ultimately, blogging will let you break into your growth mindset because by then you will discover that you actually have what it takes to be a

blogger and an educator at the same time.

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