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Name________________________________ Date_________________

Retold by Marcia Brown
Vocabulary Word Unscramble

Use the words in the text box to help you unscramble the words.

stepmother stepsisters castle prince

tasks invited ball slipper
fairy godmother coachman midnight

1. peicnr ______________________________________________

2. stepomrteh ______________________________________________

3. psreilp ______________________________________________

4. albl ______________________________________________

5. invetdi ______________________________________________

6. sstak ______________________________________________

7. rmdhtogeo ______________________________________________

8. irfya ______________________________________________

9. mhgtinid ______________________________________________

10. anhcamoc ______________________________________________

11. etspsiesrts ______________________________________________

12. elastc ______________________________________________

1 ©
Name________________________________ Date_________________

Retold by Marcia Brown
Crossword Puzzle

Complete the puzzle. 2 3

4 5

6 7



2. Her stepsisters were going to the ____. Word Bank
4. The ___ searched for the girl who had lost the glass slipper.
6. Cinderella wore a glass ___ to the ball. glass
8. ____ and the prince were married at the castle. prince
10. Cinderella had to be home by ___.
11. Cinderella's fairy ___ helped her to get ready for the ball. slipper
Down godmother
1. Cinderella lost one of her __ slippers when she left the ball. ball
3. The fairy godmother changed a ____ into a fine coach. castle
5. There was going to be a ball at the____.
7. Cinderella's _____ made her work very hard.
9. Cinderella was not ___ to the ball.

2 ©
Name________________________________ Date_________________

Retold by Marcia Brown
Story Sequence

Use the numbers 1-10 to sequence the story.

___________________ Cinderella’s fairy godmother changed a

pumpkin into a fine coach.

___________________ Cinderella’s stepmother made her do all the

household tasks.

__________________ Cinderella’s stepsisters were invited to the ball.

__________________ Cinderella cried because she wanted to go to

the ball.

__________________ The prince and Cinderella danced at the ball.

___________________ Cinderella lost her glass slipper when she was

running from the castle.

__________________ The prince found Cinderella when the glass

slipper fit her foot.

_________________ The clock struck midnight.

_________________ The prince and Cinderella were married at the


_________________ Cinderella’s father got married again after her

mother died.

3 ©
Name________________________________ Date_________________

Retold by Marcia Brown

Answer the questions using complete sentences. .

1. How did Cinderella feel when her stepsisters were invited to the ball at the

2. How did Cinderella’s stepsisters treat her?


3. How did Cinderella feel when her fairy godmother came to see her?

4. What happened when Cinderella arrived at the ball?


5. What did the king and queen think about Cinderella during the ball?

6. Why was it important for Cinderella to be home by midnight?


7. What did the prince do when he found Cinderella’s glass slipper?


8. What happened when the glass slipper fit Cinderella’s foot?


4 ©
Name________________________________ Date_________________

Retold by Marcia Brown
Writing Activity

How did Cinderella’s fairy godmother change

her life?


5 ©
Name________________________________ Date_________________

Answers to Cinderella

Page 1: 1. prince
2. stepmother
3. slipper
4. ball
5. invited
6. tasks
7. godmother
8. fairy
9. midnight
10. coachman
11. stepsisters
12. castle

Page 2: Across: 2. ball, 4. prince, 6. slippers, 8. Cinderella, 10. midnight,

11. godmother.
Down: 1. glass, 3. pumpkin, 5. castle, 7. stepmother, 9. invited.

Page 3: 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10, 1

Page 4: Answers will vary- accept all reasonable answers.

1. She was sad and wanted to be invited to the ball.

2. They were rude and hateful to Cinderella.
3. She was shocked and so glad to be able to go to the ball.
4. The prince met her and danced with her all night.
5. They thought she was beautiful, but they didn’t know who she was.
6. Cinderella had to be home by midnight because all of the
magical things the fairy godmother gave her would change back.
7. He had every young lady in the kingdom try on the shoe to see if it
8. Her fairy godmother changed her into a princess. The prince took
her back to the castle where they were married.

Page 5: Writing Activity

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