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Class Worksheets




 Unit 1 : The Walrus and the Carpenter

 Unit 2 : The Selfish Giant

 Unit 3 : The Little Prince

 Unit 4 : Hope is the Thing with Feathers

 Unit 5 : The Diary of Anne Frank

 Unit 6 : Sacrifice

 Unit 8 : The Trojan Horse

 Unit 9: Revision
CWSH – 1A Date ______________

Unit 1: The Walrus and the Carpenter

MONTH: ______________ DAY:_______________ YEAR:________________


Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh
CWSH – 1B Date ______________

Unit 1: The Walrus and the Carpenter


Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh
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CWSH – 1 Date ______________

Unit 2 : The Selfish Giant

Q1. Read the given excerpt and answer the questions that follow.

The tree broke at once into blossom, and the birds came and sang on it, and the
little boy stretched out his two arms and flung them round the Giant‟s neck and
kissed him.

a. Who is the protagonist in the story? Name its author.



b. Why were the children happy in the Giant‟s garden?




c. Why did the Giant become angry on seeing the children playing in his garden?




d. Why did the Giant jump out of bed one morning and look outside?





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Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 3
CWSH – 1 Date ______________

Unit 3: The Little Prince

1) Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow:

Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted, I took out
my Drawing Number One, which I have always kept. I would try to find out,
so, if this was a person of true understanding.

a. Name the lesson from which this excerpt has been taken. Who is the narrator of
these lines?


b. What did the narrator do when he met a clear-sighted person?




c. What did the narrator try to find out about the person?



Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 4
CWSH – 2 Date ______________

Unit 3: The Little Prince

1) Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow:

But I had never drawn a sheep. So I drew for him one of the two pictures I had
drawn so often. It was that of the boa constrictor from the outside.

a. What had the narrator never drawn before?



b. What did he draw?




c. Which two pictures had the narrator often drawn?





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Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 5
CWSH – 1A Date ______________

Unit 4: Hope is The Thing with Feathers

1) Read the excerpt given below and answer the following questions:

And sweetest — in the gale — is heard —

And sore must be in the storm —
a. From which poem is this excerpt taken? Name the poet.




b. When is the tune of hope sweetest?




c. What could abash the bird called „hope‟?





d. Write the words which signify the dangerous and threatening side of nature.




Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 6
CWSH – 1B Date ______________

Unit 4: Hope is The Thing with Feathers

2) What qualities of hope are suggested in the poem?










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Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 7
CWSH – 1 Date ______________

Unit 5: The Diary of Anne Frank

1) Write a diary entry for the day you went for a picnic with your friends from

















Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 8
CWSH – 2A Date ______________

Unit 5: The Diary of Anne Frank

1) Read the excerpt given below and answer the following questions:

A little after seven I went to Daddy and Mummy and then to the living-room to
open my present, and you were the first thing I saw, may be one of my nicest

a. Name the lesson from which this excerpt has been taken? Who is the writer of
these lines?



b. Why did the writer go to the living room?





c. What did the writer think about the first thing she saw in the living room?




Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 9
CWSH – 2B Date ______________

Unit 5: The Diary of Anne Frank

2) Did the narrator have a good day? Support your opinion with evidence from

the text.






3) Write in brief about how you celebrate your birthday.











Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 10
CWSH – 3 Date ______________

Unit 5: The Diary of Anne Frank

1) Read the excerpt given below and answer the following questions:

As it was my birthday, I could decide which game my classmates would play,

and I chose volleyball.

a. Whose birthday was it?



b. Why was Anne not allowed to exercise?




c. Who were supposed to play the game chosen by the narrator?




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Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 11
CWSH – 1 Date ______________

Unit 6: Sacrifice

1. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.

GOVINDA: Is it true that this poor girl's pet goat has

been brought by force to the temple to be killed? Will
Mother accept such a gift with grace?

JAISING: King, how are we to know whence the

servants collect our daily offerings of worship? But, my
child, why is this weeping? Is it worthy of you to shed
tears for that which Mother herself has taken?

1. Who is the girl that the king is talking about?


2. Who had ordered her pet goat to be taken to the temple as offering?



3. Who is Jaising?




4. Do you think Goddess Kali had asked for such an offering? Justify your answer.





Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 12
CWSH – 2A Date ______________

Unit 6: Sacrifice
1. Draw a line to match the words on the lambs to the meanings written next to the girl.


disrespect or impertinence


a person who renounces a belief


from what place or source


a gesture expressing respect


a kingdom

Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 13
CWSH – 2B Date ______________

Unit 6: Sacrifice

2. Justify the title ‘Sacrifice’ with reference to Tagore’s play.
















Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh
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CWSH – 1 Date ______________

Unit 8: The Trojan Horse

Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow:
“We have no hopes of taking the city by force. We must
conquer it by deceit. I have to come up with a plan
immediately or all our soldiers will leave and we will
definitely lose this war—for how can a war be won
without men? ”
1. Who is saying these words and to whom?




2. Which city is being talked about in the lines above? Why, according to the
speaker, must it be conquered by deceit?




3. Give one adjective to describe the speaker. Justify your answer.




4. At a later stage, the speaker came up with a plan. Explain the plan in your own




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Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 15
CWSH – 1A Date ______________

Unit 9: Revision

Section A – Poetry
Question 1:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

„Hope‟ is the thing with feathers —

That perches in the soul —
And sings the tune without the words —
And never stops at all

1. From which poem is the above extract taken? Name the poet.




2. What do the above lines mean?





3. What does the poet compare „hope‟ to? Why?





Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 16
CWSH – 1B Date ______________

Unit 9: Revision

4. Why does the poet make use of the imagery of a bird in this poem?






5. Elaborate the idea of „hope‟ presented in this poem.









Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 17
CWSH – 2A Date ______________

Unit 9: Revision

Section B – Drama
Question 2:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Aparna: Mother! I am his mother. If I return late to my hut, he refuses his

grass, and bleats, with his eyes on the road. I take him up in my arms, when I
come, and share my food with him. He knows no mother but me.
Jaising: Sire, could I make the goat live again, by giving up a portion of my life,
gladly would I do it. But how can I restore that which Mother herself has

1. Is the girl in distress? Why?





2. Why does the girl call herself the mother of the goat?





Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 18
CWSH – 2B Date ______________

Unit 9: Revision

3. Why is the goat sacrificed?





4. Why does Jaising say that he could not make the goat alive as “Mother” had taken

it herself?





5. How does the king react when he comes to know that the goat was taken forcibly

from the girl?








Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 19
CWSH – 3A Date ______________

Unit 9: Revision

Section C – Prose
Question 3:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
My friend smiled gently and kindly. “You see yourself,” he said, “that this is not
a sheep. This is a ram. It has horns.”
So then I did my drawing over once more. But it was rejected too, just like the
others. “This one is too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time.”

1. Who is the „friend‟ mentioned in the above lines? Where did the narrator meet






2. What did he want the narrator to do? Why?





3. Which drawings did the friend reject and why?





Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 20
CWSH – 3B Date ______________

Unit 9: Revision

4. How did the narrator finally succeed in pleasing his friend?





5. What was the writer‟s first choice for a career? Why didn‟t he choose it and what

did he finally choose?







Question 4:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Suddenly, he rubbed his eyes in wonder and looked and looked. It certainly was
a marvellous sight. In the farthest corner of the garden was a tree quite covered
with lovely white blossoms. Its branches were golden, and silver fruit hung
down from them, and underneath it stood the little boy he had loved.

1. Name the lesson from which this excerpt has been taken. Who has written these



Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 21
CWSH – 3C Date ______________

Unit 9: Revision

2. What was the Giant‟s reaction when he saw trees covered with lovely white





3. Describe what the giant sees outside?





4. Why does the giant feel sorry for the tiny boy?





4. What does the giant do when he realizes his mistake?






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Sec_gr7_eng lit_T1_cwsh 22

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