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Missouri College Advising Corps

Teacher Recommendation Request Form

To (teacher’s name):______________________________________________________
From (your name):_______________________________________________________
Today’s date (the date you are handing this to your teacher): __________________
Legal Name:_____________________________________________________________
Possible Major in College (undecided is okay) _________________________________

Colleges/universities I’m applying to or thinking about applying to (if known):

__________________________ ___________________________
__________________________ ___________________________
__________________________ ___________________________
The best piece of work (composition, research paper, lab, etc.) that I did for your class was:

My proudest moment in your classroom was:

My favorite memory of your class was:

The particular assignment or experience that challenged me the most in your class was:

I believe I grew in your class because:

I would describe myself using the following words (three or four qualities or character traits):
I would prefer that you reference/not reference my learning disability/classroom
accommodation/special circumstances Yes__ No___ N/A____

I would like you to know this about me:

The characteristic I definitely want colleges to know about me is:

The following would be a good thing to include in my recommendation letter:

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this recommendation!

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