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Authors: John Le Marshall, CAWCR Bureau of Meteorology


Earth observations from space (EOS) are the most important and valuable
source of environmental information for Australia. Their benefit to the nation amounts to
billions of dollars. They are the basis of a wide range of essential services. In the case of
meteorology, satellites have now been providing benefits to the community for 50 years.

The first weather satellite, TIROS 1, was launched on April 1, 1960 and enabled the use of
observations from the satellite to determine atmospheric and the surface state. Visible and
infrared imagery became increasingly available from the early TIROS and NIMBUS series of
satellites, with TIROS 8 introducing Automatic Picture Transmission capability, facilitating
the use of direct readout imagery around the globe. Here, we summarise the development
of the use of weather satellites, with particular attention paid to the Australian Region. We
summarise the development of ultraviolet, visible, infrared and microwave instruments and
their use for specifying atmospheric and surface state. We note the key active and passive
observational technologies now used to determine environmental, atmospheric and surface
state and the benefits they have led to in terms of predicting atmospheric, surface and
climate state. The improving spatial (smaller fields of view), temporal (increasing frequency
of observation) and spectral (increased spectral coverage/resolution) resolution, combined
with enhanced data assimilation methods such as 4 D variational assimilation and the
availability of burgeoning computer power, have led to improved characterization of
atmospheric and surface state and improved accuracy of environmental, atmospheric and
climate prediction. We also record key advances anticipated during the next decade and
indicate their importance for Earth System Modelling, in particular in relation to
environmental and climate analysis and prediction.

Overall it is clear Australia has an increasing dependence on EOS data for environmental
applications and extensive use of EOS information will be essential for addressing important
national challenges in climate change, water, natural disaster mitigation, transport, energy,
agriculture, forestry, ecosystems, coasts, oceans and national security.

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