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Public Examinations

Prof M Basanna

Today Examination System has become a farce. Every time the examination
starts, we read in news papers that Question paper leaked, Mass copying, Staff
involved in mass copying, etc.

More than that, some examiners refuse to take valuation work. Even if they
take valuation will be erratic. Correct answers are undervalued or crossed out.
Often they demand for more remuneration, more TA and DA. There might be
other problems even. But, what is the remedy? Is there any way to overcome
this? There is a way! Here it is . . .

It is well said that the class teacher is the best judge to examine his
students. Therefore, it is suggested that periodic tests and examinations be
conducted by the respective Institutions and the results declared by themselves.
But how?

An average of 4 tests – 2 before mid-term and 2 after mid-term – one mid-

term and one annual examination are to be conducted. Valuation done, results
declared and students promoted to the next class automatically. Remember, no
failures will be there ! This also prevents Home Tuitions / Private Coaching ! !

But, what is the modus operandi? We allot Grades in Tests and

Examinations. The grades are specified as follows.

% Marks Grade
75 – 100 A
51 – 74 B
26 – 50 C
0 – 25 D

The grades may be tabulated as below.

SlNo Names I Test II Test Mid-term III Test IV Test Annual GPA

1 C
2 A
3 B


This will help one to find the subjects of interest to a student.

Grade Point Average (GPA) can be calculated as follows. Let us assume a

weight-age: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1. Suppose a student secures the grades
in 4 tests and 2 examinations as C, D, A, B, C, A. then his GPA is

(C + D + A + B + C + A)/6 = (2 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 4)/6=2.66 ≈ 3.

This corresponds to grade B. therefore his GPA is B. Similarly, GPA in each

test / examination may be evaluated.

A teacher may find it difficult to do this job. But, this is extremely simple. He
shall maintain a register to enter grades and weight-ages.

Grades Weight-age
Sl No Names
1 2 3 4 5 6 GPA 1 2 3 4 5 6 GPA

A cumulative record may be maintained for each student. Separate records

for primary, secondary, college . . . are desirable.

The next question is: How to get entry to next higher class or How to get
into job? The answer is simple. This can be done by holding Entrance
Examination on the lines with CET. This could be done either by indidual
Institutions or by pooling.

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