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Name______________________________________ Classwork/Homework

Assignment #6- page break on 70-80
7 points
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. You will not receive credit for incomplete

1. The only change after selection was that rations were more meager (meaning they had less to eat.) Why do
you think this is so? What were the prisoners able to do that the SS had problems with?

2. What is Wiesel’s inheritance from his father?

3. Akiba Drumer is at first is praying all of the time, reciting pages of the Talmud from memory and having
religious conversations with himself. But then one day he says “God is no longer with us.” Wiesel writes on
page 73, “as soon as he [Akiba] felt the first cracks forming in his faith, he had lost his reason for struggling
and had begun to die.” Wiesel also feels cracks forming in his faith, but unlike Akiba he does not give
himself up to die. How is Wiesel’s response to losing his faith in God different from Akiba’s? Instead of
desperation, what does Wiesel feel?

4. Why does the man next to Wiesel tell him that he needs to
“get out of the hospital before the next selection”? (page 74)

Hospital ward of Dachau Concentration Camp

5. Morphine is a powerful painkiller often given to patients who are terminally ill or in great pain. On page
76, what does Wiesel say was an “injection of morphine” to the prisoners?

6. What happened to the prisoners who had stayed behind in the hospital, instead of evacuating when Wiesel
and his father did?

7. Why does the head of the block say he wants the building to be cleared before they leave? Does this make
sense? Why or why not?

8. CHALLENGE: The faceless man next to Wiesel says that Hitler is the only man who has kept all of his
promises. Who is this in contrast to? Who has not kept his promises to the Jews?

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