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Transformins Live By Sharing-fhe Love of Jes



I OO Yeors of Appreciotion
r.,.-.111 ;11,,.e gtrhcretl :tltout

Second Chance, a gospel singing group made up of

(;lt\l i..Llt:cti..lll\ .iit..l {r-.rt1,-r.rtcs. \\-rt.s on htncl to
:l--l:- :1.

lciinq rr:r ,
The fe2tturccl ker not.-
urnnual speaker s-as the Rer-. Dr.
:lppreciatir>n banquet. ()nce aeain, the event \\ras Samuel Sierra, u,ho is the
helcl at \lcl-car-r Bible Chr-rrch in \/ienna, Virsinia. Spiritual Director of the
(lommunin' of Hopc,
()r-cr r50 guests, inclucling voluntccrs, supporters,
'-Rll staft, GRNI prosrarn participants ancl u'hich is a iellos'r-rrban
ministn' ccntcr in
\./ graduates, plus other friends of the Nlission satherecl
northu'cst D(-. I)r. Sicrra
to celebrate thc u'ork that u;e havc becn ablc to clo
gave his r-rplifting
tl-rrough the pos'er of Gocl's lor.c and thror-rgh
testimonv ancl crprcssecl
gener()Lls sllpport thrcugl-ror-rt the vcars.
his supp<lrt ancl :iff-lrrnution
.\ clelicior-rs thrcc coLlrsc clir-rncr rr'as scrr-ccl. Thc of thc s'ork'lncl lcqrcr ,rf
s'rati ancr Gospcl Rcscuc \linistrie:.
Rev. Dr. Sierro
i.":iI,:'.::r.ll:'i li.?l,]l"r il'*;chcn Thrrnli \'()u to \lcI-errr-r
I:, ..,r'.r.::l_ .:::::1.:' '...'.,- .: ,-l'r ,_ll' l..ri-.:'.ti liiirl.(-irLrrch:rr-rri t,r rll s'l-rr) \\-crc rrLrlc to join r-rs or-r
iusunt()nics i'r-.rm thc mrrjor mtnistn ;1rc21s of GRll, iiret nigl-rt. \\ c rrr-rlr rlpprccirtrc r11 oi oLlr sLlpp()rre rs,
i;, s;s \firristr-r-. i.[rc Trtilt,rrr and all that vcnr-har.e done nnd t'ill condrrue
-l-,, i rl' r rLrI rflIrti:fr-t.
I {,,usc,rf FIoi-rc..i}1. .\ftcrC.tru irr( ){1-.jil. Rc.rtlr
\\ , rrk. .ri'rti tite Scit, rol oi Tor-r-tr)rr()\\-. Pru:cor :1fltl

Help for the Holidoys

The holiclavs arc hcre and GRI\[ has planncd a scrics r>f clinncrs and clrivcs
to help make this seasr>n brishte r firr those in neecl. Iror Thanksgivinu,
GRN,I {rA\re tr-rrkevs ancl baskets of ioocl to lou' incr>nle fhn-rilies, ancl
sponsoreci clinne rs frrr thc l-romcicss <>n the 19th and on Thanks{
D^)'. For Christmas, s'c s'ill esain be siving out hr>lidav baskets ancl
turket's, ancl u'c u,ill servc Christrras Dav clinner on the 25th. Plcase
consider makins a clr>natir)n t() r>ur ministrics, to hclp urith all oi the se
e\rents. Help mal<e this holiclav special fr>r s()mc()ne in need.

IN THIS ISSUE: Receni Events Portners ln ht on Min Foll Events Director's

Copitol Hill PurSuit Drive
Gospel Rescue \[inistries, s-orking toqether- wth
Ilen''s \\tearhouse, the American Leasue oi Lobbvists,
Nlembers Congress, and other social sen'ice
organizattons such as S,,ited for Change and Catser
ho"sted the 2nc1 Annual capitol Hill PurSuit Drive
Sfednesdal', October 5th'
,,Gentlv used" suits and professional clothing donated bv
Members of congrer, capitol Hill staff $.as collected
all clar in tirc Rer-bLrilt Building Itt-t','er. -\ L'trl.i i'i'->s
a vanety
conference v'as held during the event' featuring
Eleanor Hoimes
of speakers including the Honorable Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norlon
Norton, rePresentn,ii-" from Washington' -DC'
Corps' and
Desiree S^t'I., Director <li the USA Freedom then transported to GRII, then tcl <lther sen-ice aqencies
lvlaurice Contee, a recent GR-\I graduate' in the dos,ntou-n area. Thanks to those u'ho volunteered
<lf 4 hours' ancl participated in the event!
Over 3.t)00 suits s-ere collected in the sPace

GRM Honored ot
September Groduotion SEA Doy of Literocy Event
()n September 1 ( )tl'r' \L-rrih'r'r ( )r.r Scptcrnbcr srh. ci-rn'srel Directilr clf the School of
Bros-n and Lisa Jackson T()r-r-rt,rr,,r. .rlting with mernbcrs oi thc Transforming
\linisrn ,.TLlti attencled a reception in honor of the sE,A
graduated from tire Fultor-t
H<>r-rse of HoPe Program, lnternation:rl l-iteracr- Dav at the Cin- Nluseum'
s'hile Nlaurice Contee, Darn'l
NIanV Gospel Rescue N'Iinistries participants
have been involved
Ki.g, and Jeftrev Riler-
in the claude Bro$,n Reaclers & \\''riters Series. These
graduated frt>m the
u,orkshops afc a part of a traclition that started fir-e years ago br'
Transtorming Lives l\'Iinistrr"
\lcr-r ertd \\-()lllell in lr11 pllrrses tl'i- 5i.rr.l LJiie -.r, ,il -\gui)r. : .:L-\, -\J:1t l-duc'tti"rr
mor-ed up t() the next stage of Department, ancl harre .ec.ntlv produced a book entitled
in $'hich GRI\I program men and
tl-reir recovery, r,vhile A ne\\: to DIII:-A\I, Drttit4q to READ,
\\.omen had 17 entries pLrblished. GRil,I hacl three times as
asscssmcnt group was
s,elcomecl into the GRI'{ manv entries th^r, an.i clther nt>n-profit organization that
familv. The School of attcndecl tl-rc Rcaders & \\'riters sessions!
Tomttrrtts- as-arcled
Derrick Griftrn. cunenth' in Phase lV of TI-NI'
;r ,H : certificates, and the Rcadv Ttr for their
-':,^;;.;;l;; imtnortelized on a poster presented ttl Fannie
m*dF. honorcc{
"r.. honore<
\\tork program also
fulaurice contee corurnirmenr to Iiterecr'. Ilark \\'illiams, a recent TLN'I
GR^, g,oauo;J
;'#i",;itil':,ff;H: i:' ^d,-,1,
gracluate, tvas also captured on a SE'A Annr-lal Teacirer's
conference postef p^.ii.ip^,ine in a Rcaders & \\'riters
*.ell as GRI''I staff-' wcrc iht'" to help celebrate the
in the publication' lr
N{ini versions of thl posters are ieatured
achievements made bv or-tr graduates' \{'c u'ish highlighting va_rious successe
additir>n, sEA prodr-rced a vidco
them grace ancl peace as thev m()\-e int<l the 'I'ltankJ'rttr
phase oi their rec()\re{" GRNI in literaq', u,irich also featur.d o,.r.tlilt *.n. 't'Lrlv
'l'ononvu'', and tl'tank.)'ou.lbr
graduations are al\tavs oPen t() olrr supPorters; for-1,611y cotttirtuul .rtpprtrt oJ"the .\'cboo/ o.f

ltoilorins orrr sludents itt cattQaigt ! plan on ioining r'ts for the next one! -1'611v
honk you to the following groups ond individuols who hove portnered with us
oriety of woys during this post quorter:

Tuesdoy Night Live Proise Bond Refreshing Springs Church of God in Christ
( )n Slrtr.rrclrrr. -\r-rgust t-' GR*\I statT and program men \\-ere treated to an er.ening of
(;R\l :pott:, rrcrl .t c( )Itcurt rvorship and sclng on octob er 16 at Refreshing Sprinus Churcir rn
Rir.erdale, IID. \\'e rr ere inr-ited to a conccrt bl gospel recording
ir-r Irrrr-rklin P.irk. Thc
artist Vicki Yoh'e, and given sears of honor for this u'r>ndcrfiri
Tr-rcsclit \iqirt Lir-c Pr:risc
service. Thankloa Rqfreshing -fpings Jor tbinking rtJ' u.r.r
; Band trom \Ian-land came
clos n rncl pr,ri iclcrl nrr-rsic
.irttl .1f.ttf11 1, rr rlrt\ ( )Ite
u'ho crtrcd to listcr-r in tl-re

midst of busv Frankiin


N'Iichael Tabassi. fricncl of

Park. GRNI prosraln (;Rll. gr.rci,,r,r:h pur roqcthe r l group oi
participants ancl staff c()ntrect()rs t() cic.rn rnri u'atcrprooithe GRI{
passecl out firocl and crte rior, trcc oi ch,rrqcl
$|* toiletries to 2(X)
Th:rr-rk \'()Ll f()
homeless men, \\romen, Tadjer-Cohen-Edelson Associates, Inc.
ancl chilc-lren, 2ls the TNI-
Sih-cr Sprir-rq. \ Irrrvlrncl
Bancl plalccl. Don llclvin
Jim Fox & Structural Presen-ation Systems
spoke to the abor,rt [:lliriclec, ]irrn irncl
the opporttrnitics pcople
Joel Dinarte & Consolidated Waterproofing
coulcl find at (;Rlt, ancl as Contractors
a resr-rlt people signccl r-rp IJclrsr illc. \irrr irncl
for our rcc()\'crv progrlllns Michael Wingfield & Concrete Protection &
on thc sp()t. Th:rnks, Restoration
T\1,. krr pror-ic-lir-rs thc llrrltin'rorc. -\ l rn l ;rncl
b:rsis for strcl-r an Atlantic Corporation
inspirrrtionrrl cr-cntl \lcr:rndril. \'irqinrrr

ffi Thanks to all of the individuals, families, and

gfoups who came downtown and served meals for
Thanksgiving. We were able to serve hundreds of
people at Mount Vernon Place UMC and here at
GRM. We appreciate you giving of yourselves
during this busy season, to give others a small
taste of the holidays.

---14/g continue to be blessed by your support of our ministry. May God keep you
bless you a//. We pray that you would continue to reap fhot which you hove sown.
Malthew 25:40
lii, ilql ,f
, .)rl t f*:
qf:: , ,.., s
^il8 rilr: -if =

In NIav of 2003, RT\\'be{ran s'ith an e{rreement s.ith
GRNI s'as Capitol Hil, lJusiness Impro\-emenr
au.arded a grant I)istrict, cleanins strcetsin SF, near
thrr>ugh tl-re Doe Capitol Hill. Because of the success of
Foundation frrr a that arrangefftent, nou, RT\X' has
transitional rv<lrk pursucd and bcen offered 3 otl-rer areas
program. Toclar,, for scn'ice, r.l'ith hopes f<rr 3 more. Moyor Willioms & RTW workers
Rc'adi-To \X''rlrk Readv To \\'ork recentlr'
(RT\\) hes hiqhliqlrtccl in \lount Ycrnorr
er-oir-ed lnto one Trrangle's thli publication ot'I'iang/e
Current Controcts for RTW
of the 6 ministries 'l'iutes. In the articlc, RTW's "men in - Mt. Vernon Triongle, July I 5
of GRM, and is making sreat strides bluc" \\'erc f-catnrecl, dcscribing their
- H Street Moin Street, September 1
tor,vard the tuture. RT\\' is a cledicatit>n and thcir cornmitrncnt to
residential ffrcn's u-ork trainir-rg csccllcncc irr thcir s'ork. RT\\' has Co pitol renewed, October I
program dedicateci to GRII's missi,,r-r bccr-t irr.,n,rrccl br DC g()\-cmlrcnt
Co pitol Night, October I
to transforrn lives. Housccl on rhe 5tlr oft'icirrls. s:rvinq th:rt the RT\\' Areas rlrc
flt>r>r of GRNI, RT\\' emplor s rrncl thc clcrrncst in thc citr-, er-en s-itiror-rr
empowers n-rcn to help thcmsclr-cs ()ut tire irear-r' machinerv that other groups Controcts pending:
oF homelessness ancl to mo\-c tou ard use. Thele Are currentlr' 17 merr in the - Adoms Morgon
self-suft-icicncr-. The 9 to 1.'i rlonth RT\\' pro.qram, led br. Robert Utler-,
long prouram pr()\-ides men u-itir a Director, and Antonio ()tero, Case
- 2 bids for Advisory Neighborho
place to sta\. and a rnodesr sairrn, alclng N{anager, rvho har.e both been u.ith Commission 6C (Neor Union
u'ith support and job trlir-rins. RT\\' since its bcsinnins. Stotion)

Stephe n is a natir-e \\'ashinetonian ancl a gracluatc <>f Nlorgan

GRArl's New Development Team St:rte Unir-ersitl in Baltirnore.

C)ver the past ser-eral months thcre har'c been nr,o additions NIan' Beth sen.ecl as a pastor: in the
to the GRI,'I der.elopment and c<;mmunifi' relations teaix. \/irginia Conf-erence of the Llnitecl
Stepl-ren Glaude, ()Llr ne\\: Director of Der-elr)pment, joined us Nfethr>dist Churcl-r, as Director of
llre lasl u ssk t.'f Ocrtlbcr, u'hilc ,\Iarr Ilctli Sanrs, rlic rtc\\' ,\duit lfinisrrics at Church ot rhc
Communin, ()utreach Coordinator came on board over the Good Shepherd, and as Director of
summer. Youth N{inistrics for Burkc Unitecl
Nlethodist Church, both in Northern
Stephen sen-ed as Special Assistant to the President in rl-re Yirsinia. NIan- Beth has a social
:T*ji: :t::: :
Office of National Drug Contn-rl s-ork degree from Virginia Tech, a Nlaster of Divinifi' from
iiiatiti ti::,
Policv at the \\'hite House, as the \\'eslev Seminan-rn I)C, and a N'IA in lnternational Sen'ice
I Depun' LinderSecretarr- at tl-rc US ancl Non-profit i\{anagement from the Universiti' oi Surrev in
' Department of Housing and Urban London. She is a \rirginian, oriqinalh- from \X'illiarrsbr-rrs,
Dcveloprncnt, as a Stratcgic Planncr nou, living in \ricnna.
tirr the US Department oiJusticc, ancl
as CI:.() oi ts'o National Adr-ocacv Both Nfarv Beth ancl Stcve are excitecl to be part oi the GRNI
()r{ranizations, the Natir>nal tearn and hope t() get to krlou. all of GRNI's faithfr:l
Association of Neighborhoods and slrpporters. As GR,r\I rn()\.cs into its 10(.)th vear, thc ncrr,
thc National Consrcss fcrr developrncnt te,rm hopcs to honor thc- past urhilc sertin.q a --
Commnni n' Ilccln<lrnic f)evelopment. nes. r-ision for thc future.

, ,J*s' .ri arbl

r.f .'l
h,t l, t iffi I


Mini-wolk Monio!
It'r lrtc ( )ctrllrrl' :tr-rrl crttlr' \o',-cnt[.lcr'. (rl{.\l
ti;r tirc iiomslcss. lr:rding
sil( ):ls' ,rcd b ii-tiru-u .tiks r-rp

fit,F i\q-'d to the 18th '\nnual Fanrue ]Iae \\-alk tor the
Homeless on the Nadonal \Iail. The mini-u-alks
'4 sefi'e to generate a greatef a\r,'areness of homelessness
in our area, as u'ell as to raise support for
e# otg^nrzations such as GRN{ that rvork to help the
homeless er.eryda\.. I#
Thanks to Wheatley, MLK, and Savoy Elementan'
Schools, all in SE, DC, and thanks to Calvary United
Methodist Church and Cherrydale Baptist
Church, both of Arlington, for hosting mini-rvalks.
Togetheruvith GRN{'s mini-rvalk, and the large u'alk
on the Mall, hundreds of r.olunteers and v'alkers
helped to raise thousands of doilars for the cause. If
vou rvould like to get involved in this exciting and tun
carnpaign next fall, please let GRM knou'!

Community Holidoy Dinners The 3rdAnnuolMirocle on 7th Street

GRI\I sponsorecl back to back dinners ior the ()nce asain, GRl,'{ is partnerins u'ith Calvan' Baptist
hc>meless, ()ne on November 19th hosted bv Church and thc District Chophousc Restaurant ro
\ lr>unt \'rcrnon Placc Unitcd Nlcthodist Church, provicle homeless ancl lon'-income fhmilies u'ith a
onc ()n Thanksgivinq Dar', Novcmbcr 24th. CIIOTIIOUSE
holiclar' feast, nes- clothes, and even some presents
1-anlis to all thc r'olr-rntccrs ancl supportcrs oi
these dinncrs, thcr'u'ere I .qreet success! r\ thircl IIIIIIIg' under the trec. \'ou arc inr-ited to ioin us in our etfrlrts
bv prt>r-iding donaticlns <;f m()nc\', tot's, and/or \'our
hrilidav meal ri ill be at GRN{ on Christrnas Dar', timc on Christmas Dar.. Pleasc contact GRII if vou
frorn 1 PNI to 4 PNI. If vor-r s.oukl like to help, u'onld likc to contribute r() or participate in this jovous e\-ent.
plcasc contact N{arv Bcth at GRI\I, 202-842-1731.
Dear l]riencls ancl Partners. GOSPEL RESCUE MINISTRIES
oJ' W'asbington DC
As the busv fall holidav seas()n approaches, \\'e continue to be
excited about \\rhat the Lorci is doine here at GRI\I. \{'e u'ant 810 5th Street, NW
''. t to be busr'\\.'hen the I-ord returns. I can't thank vou enough Washington, DC 20001
for vour faithfulness in support of the u,ork of this ministn'. Phone: (202)842-1731
it ''r,-... I
Fax: (202)898-0285
Your pra\:ers, flnancial contributions, and talents are all gss21h,
Volume 6,Issue 4

,HHtr;it: Special thanks to N'fichael Tabassi for bringing touether the

iY"€f8r#. rl
tcalx of crlntract()rs rl'ho hlr-e cleencd lncl s'rttcrprooiecl thc
c\rerior oi ()ur building. Thank lou to the TNL Prarse .tsand tbr coming and gl\-tng us
a concerr in Franklin Park to celebrate the end of summer and the start of the fall JohnJackson
season. Thanks also to Rcfieshing Sprrngs ChLrrch of God in Christ for thrnking of us PRESIDENT
in their special u-rirship sen ice featuring rec()rdin.q artist \/icki Yoh'e , u:e trulv enioved
Don Melvin
clur time u,ith you that evening.
As alu,ays, I invite eacl-r of \-ou to come dos'n ancl r-isit Lrs t() sec f'irst l-rand hos'r-ou are
helping to bring hope, help and healine s-hich transfirrm tire lir-es oi tire hurtins men
and s'omen \ve minister to here at GR-,\I. David Van Duzer
The stafiand I'uvill continue to prav for all of vor-r. Plcasc c()ntinue t() prx\-fbr us. Feel
iree to email rne, don@grm.()rg., anv praver request. \\-e u-ould be hrrppv to agree u'ith Jane Bond Don )[elr-in
\.ou ir1 pra\-er.
Bill Harper Rudolph Pruden

Jesus said "rvhen voll have done it Llnto one of the lcast oi these, mr- brethren von ha','e
John Jackson Charles Robinson
done it unto me ". NIatt. 25:40
Al Lawerence Jeff Wright
In Christ, t Al Manola
.. -tllt-'lrl

Don N4elvin tr t *"
h,xecutive Director

cFC # 8919
lJ'.yott baue qttestions or contntertt.r
re.qarding tl.te nea's/etter, or artyil.ting
else abot Gzu\I, .reni r.r an

GRil doe.r not se// ot'dislilurte itt

nai/ing /i.rt to arrlt tltird party.


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