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Name______________________________________ Classwork/Homework

Assignment #7- page break on 80-92
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. You will not receive credit for incomplete

1. Wiesel says that he is dragging a “skeletal body, which weighed so much.” This is irony because a body
that is mostly bones, as Wiesel is, doesn’t weigh as much. So what does Wiesel mean, metaphorically, when
he says that his body “weighed so much?”

2. At daybreak, how many miles have they covered since

they left? (Take a second to think about that number of
miles. Now imagine running that in the middle of the
night, without shoes and without having a proper meal for

A group of Auschwitz prisoners including Elie Wiesel (circled)

3. How do the men feel while they are running? Find a quote to back up your answer.

4. On page 85, death is personified. Remember personification is when something that is not living is given
qualities that a human might have. What human qualities does Wiesel give death here?
5. Wiesel admits that he no longer believes in God. But on page 87 he does offer up one more prayer to God.
What does he ask?

6. On page 88, the men rush into the barracks to finally rest, however they are trampling over one another and
crushing each other. In this description, the prisoners are behaving less like men and more like what?

7. How many people are in each car on the train? Look back at page 20; how many people to a car then?
What is the reason for the change in numbers? What is different about the men now?

8. CHALLENGE: What is so significant about the concert that Juliek gives? (Think beyond the fact that he
is minutes away from death.) Remember that Jews were not allowed to play German music.

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