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TEACHER--------------------------------------------NAME------------------------GRADE- 7ªI, III

Verification III unit

You must have good roots, to give good results

A lethal weapon

Fact is more Americans may die by the fork than any other weapon. That´s because so
many of them use it irresponsibly. Like to fill up on high-fat,high. Cholesterol foods.
Foods that can load the blood with cholesterol, which and build up plaques in their
arteries,increasing their risk of heart attacks and threatening their lives. So next time
you pick up a fork, remember to handle it as you would any other weapon. For self-
defense, not self-destruction

Weapon- arma like- como fill up- encher blood- sangue herrt attacks –
ataque cardíacos threatening- ameacando pick up – pegar handle- lidar
self-defense- auto defesa self-destruction- auto destruição may- pode

1. Qual é a arma letal a que o texto refere?

a. O colesterol. B. O ataque cardíaco d. O garfo. E. Comer
exageradamente f. comidas ricas em gordura.

2. O pronome IT em “... so many use it irresponsibly” refere-se a :

A. fact. B. weapon c. Americans. D that. E fork.

3.According the text:

a. As pessoas preocupam-se demasiadamente com o colesterol.
b. Comidas ricas em colesterol podem aumentar o risco de ataque cardíaco.
c. Devemos reduzir a posse de armas.
e. Os americanos usam armas poderosas para defender e não para destruir.
f. Não devemos ser tão irresponsável no uso de armas letais.

4. Change the words in the parentesis for object pronouns: HER, HIM,US,THEM,THEM
a. Ann loves---------------(Paul), but he doesn´t love ---------------- (Ann).
b. There´s marvelous opportunity for-----------------( you and me).
c. You are studying all the new words. You know-------now (the new words)
d. The cats are hungry. Feed----(the cats), please.

5. Mark the alternative correct:

a. I cut--------------------with a knife.
Myself ( ) me ( ) yourself ( ) itself ( )
b.You will do it---------------------.
Ourselves ( ) youself ( ) IT ( ) myself ( )
C My grandemother------------------ decided to interrupt the meeting.
Himself ( ) myself ( ) herself ( ).
e. We are asking---------------several questions.
Themselves ( ) itself ( ) ourselves ( ).


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