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Direction One: Select the correct relative pronoun from the list given and complete the blank
space in each of the following sentences.

Where When Who

Which Why Whose

1. This is a restaurant ------------- you can find many different cuisines from around the world.

2. The moment ------------------ I found out the exam results was one of the worst times in my


3. Those ------------------ are eager to join the Spanish class should sign up by tomorrow.

4. Los Angeles, --------------------- is one the most visited tourist destinations, is a fascinating


5. I would like to know the reason --------------- you decided not to join us.

6. The Amazons, ---------------- warrior nature is stressed in Greek mythology, have been a

popular subject for the movie industry.

7. The Early Bronze Age was a period -------------- the climate was significantly warmer and

drier than today.

8. Anyone ---------------- is interested in mountaineering should have enough physical strength to

endure the harsh conditions.

9. Creating a website ---------------- is accessible to color blind people can make a big difference.

10. One of the reasons ---------------- most of us change is because we need to adjust and adopt to

the changing life conditions.

11. The 19th century artist, --------------- name I couldn’t remember, was very prolific at his time.

Direction Two: Underline the pronoun that best completes each sentence.

1. Do you know anyone which/ who can repair cigarette burns on clothes?

2. It is usually children from deprived backgrounds that/ which cause the worst problems.
3. The Council provides bins in that/ which waste paper can be deposited for recycling.

4. Address the reference ‘to who/whom it may concern’, as it’s very formal.

5. The town hall clock played a different tune at twelve every day, which/ what amused the

locals and attracted tourists.

6. There’s a lucky person in this hall who/ whose lottery ticket has just won them 7,000,000 Birr.

7. Why don’t you tell the police which/ what you told me yesterday?

8. The film is set in the period where/ when the divide between rich and poor was much greater

than it is now.

9. You can put the photo whichever/ wherever you think it looks best.

Direction Three: In pairs, read the paragraph about birth order. Complete each sentence with
who, whom, that, or whose. The first one is done for you as an example.

Birth order researchers have discovered some interesting information (1. that 1) can help us
understand our colleagues better. Do you have a difficult boss (2. -----------) authoritarian
personality makes your life difficult? If so, your boss might be a firstborn child. Children (3. -----
----) are born first are often more authoritarian than their younger siblings. Do you have a
coworker (4. --------------) is passive, but particularly creative and insightful? This person may be
a middle child. People (5. ------------) have both older and younger siblings are often passive
because their older siblings were responsible for their well-being when they were young. The
creativity (6. --------------) they exhibit might be the effect of their having spent a lot of time on
their own due to having to share parental attention with their older and younger siblings. People
(7. ------------------) you work with (8. -------------------) are controlling may be youngest children.
These people are also likely to be more social than co-workers (9. -----------------) are middle
children. Of course, these are only generalizations. There are countless factors (10. ----------------
--) help form people’s personalities, but birth order research may shed some helpful light on
people’s behavior in the workplace.


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