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ESFB Constitution

Revised: 10/03/10

Engineering Student Faculty Board

Wayne State University


Submitted Fall 2005

ESFB Constitution
Revised: 10/03/10

The Engineering Student Faculty Board was created in an attempt to bring together the student
body, student organizations, and the faculty of Wayne State University’s College of Engineering
for the purposes of increasing communications and general policy. The body shall serve as the
voice of the student body and the coordinating council of student organizations in all college
matters that involve student-faculty relations and interactions.

ESFB Constitution
Revised: 10/03/10

I. Membership
A. Student Organizations

1. All engineering organizations are eligible for membership provided that:

a. the membership of the organizations consists primarily of students of
the college of engineering and
b. the organization has official recognition from WSU as granted by
Student Affairs.

2. To secure membership, an eligible organization must:

a. be officially represented at two consecutive, regularly scheduled
meetings of the Engineering Student Faculty Board and
b. at the second of these meetings, present a written petition for
membership that shall include a demonstration of eligibility as set for
above and
c. be officially represented at the next regularly scheduled meetings of
the board, at which time the organization shall officially be seated.

3. Each member organization shall be allowed to send one voting representative

to all meetings of the board.
a. The representative are selected to serve a term of one semester (are
allowed to serve entire year if they wish).
b. Each member organization is to submit in writing the list of the
representative no later than the second regularly scheduled meeting of
the semester.
c. In order to change representatives prior approval of the board is

4. Organizational representatives shall only represent one organization.

5. All action of the board shall be considered binding on all member

organizations. Any organization, which is declared delinquent in this regard by
the Executive Committee at the approval of the board, shall be considered

6. Any organization not represented at three regularly scheduled meetings of the

board per semester shall be considered suspended. Suspension includes, but is not
limited to:
a. the organization may not hold meetings and
b. the organization may not participate in any College of Engineering
activities and
c. the organization may not host events .

ESFB Constitution
Revised: 10/03/10

7. Suspension may last no longer than three regular meetings and may be
terminated by:
a. reinstatement by the full board at a regular meeting, this requires 2/3
vote in favor,
b. reinstatement by the Executive Committee, or
c. loss of membership at the expiration of the aforementioned time

8. The suspended organization must attend ESFB meetings during the

suspension to vote on reinstatement and must submit a written letter to the
Executive Committee stating the organization’s intent to be reinstated.

9. Two suspensions in the September through May academic year shall result in
loss of ESFB membership and recognition within the College of Engineering.
Privileges lost after the second suspension include, but are not limited to:
a. loss of organization’s office and computers and
b. loss of the use of College of Engineering copy machine and
c. loss of privilege of funding from the College of Engineering for
events, conferences, etc.

B. Departments and Faculty

1. Each college department and the Dean’s office shall have the right to have
two voting representatives, one drawn from the faculty and the other chosen from
the departments’ graduate student body.

2. The respective departmental faculties shall determine the method of

department representatives.

3. ESFB shall have a Town Hall meeting with each department chair over the
September-May academic period. The organization most closely related to the
respective department is in charge of presiding over the Town Hall meeting as
well as gathering student questions and input.

II. Officers
A. There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

B. Each officer shall serve for a term of one year, that term ending with the last regular
meetings of the board during the winter semester.

C. Officers must be enrolled in a program of the College of Engineering.

D. Officers must be full-time students or immediately fulfilling requirements prior to


ESFB Constitution
Revised: 10/03/10

E. Officers may not serve as organizational representatives.

F. Elections

1. At the last scheduled regular meetings of the winter semesters elections for
new officers shall be held.

2. Officer may be nominated from any current representative.

3. All members can vote on officers.

4. If vacancies occur during the school year, a special election shall be held to
fill vacancies provided it is not within 4 weeks of the next regularly scheduled
officer election.

G. Duties, Responsibilities, and Privileges

1. The president shall:

a. preside at all meetings,
b. not vote except when vote shall effect outcome,
c. chair the executive committee,
d. participate in Honors Convocation,
e. serve as liaison between the Engineering Alumni Association and
students by attending EAA meetings,
f. perform all other duties as necessary.

2. The vice-president shall:

a. assist in presidential duties,
b. assume the duties and responsibilities of the president in the
president’s absence,
c. serve on the Honors Convocation committee,
d. perform all other duties as necessary.

3. The secretary shall:

a. record the minutes of each meeting of the board and be responsible for
their distribution,
b. be responsible for keeping attendance of all regularly scheduled
c. be responsible for all correspondence of the board,
d. maintain and provide when requested copies of their charter and all
written documents of the board,
e. perform all other duties as necessary.

4. The treasurer shall:

a. collect and disperse funds as the discretion of the board,
b. maintain and complete financial records of all financial transactions of
the board,

ESFB Constitution
Revised: 10/03/10

c. be in charge of creating an annual budget,

d. perform all other duties as necessary.

H. Removal of Officers

1. Any officer having three unexcused absences per semester from regularly
scheduled meetings shall have their seat declared vacant.

2. Any officer may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the quorum at a regularly

scheduled meeting.

I. In addition to the foregoing, the ESFB shall have a regular representative to the
WSU Student Council who shall:

1. Meet all the qualifications of an officer as set forth above.

2. Be elected by a simple majority.

3. Have the right to vote at ESFB meetings.

4. Be removed by a 2/3 vote of the quorum at a regularly scheduled meeting.

III. Committees
A. The Executive Committee shall:

1. Consist of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and faculty


2. Guarantee the integrity of this charter and adherence to it by its members.

3. Provide official representation of the ESFB at all appropriate university


4. Perform other duties as necessary.

B. Other committees may be formed as deemed necessary by the executive committee.

IV. Meetings
A. Regular meetings of the ESFB shall be weekly, the time and day determined by the
Executive Committee, beginning with the second week of the semester.

ESFB Constitution
Revised: 10/03/10

B. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee or at the
written request of ten representatives, provided the request is submitted to the president at
least three days before such a meeting.

C. The president shall appoint someone to publicize special meetings.

D. The faculty advisor shall provide a written agenda for each meeting.

E. Regular meetings are open to the entire College of Engineering.

F. Quorum shall consist of 50% + 1 members currently having voting privileges.

V. Voting Procedures
A. All voting is to be held by Robert’s Rules of Order except when they conflict with
this charter.

B. Proxy vote:

1. Are to be submitted in writing no later than three school days before the
meeting in which it is to be used.

2. Are only valid for the specific motion made and are not valid for the case of

3. Are not to be considered for quorum.

VI. Representative and Organizational Rights, Privileges, and Duties

A. The following rights and privileges shall extend automatically to all representatives
and members organizations:

1. Participation in activities funded or otherwise support by ESFB

2. The right to vote.

B. The foregoing privileges shall, at the discretion of the executive committee, be

extended to non-members.

C. The following duties are extended to officers as well as organization representatives:

1. Attend all regularly schedule meetings

2. Participate in College of Engineering events, such as Open Houses, the Career

Fair, and high school visits (this applies to all organizations as well).

ESFB Constitution
Revised: 10/03/10

3. Represent to their fullest capability those students or organization that

represented them.

4. Organizational representatives shall take information discussed in ESFB and

communicate it back to their respective organizations

VII. Funds
A. The Executive Committee shall submit to the Student Activities Budget Committee of
the Student Council a proposed budget and request for funds for the general account as
designated by the committee. The preparation of the budget shall be the obligation of the

B. The Executive Committee shall also submit a budget and request for funds to the
Business Office of the College of Engineering in a matter designated by the officer. The
preparation of this budget shall be the obligation of the Treasurer.

C. The foregoing shall not be construed as the only sources of funds.

D. The allocation and disbursement of funds from Student Activities must have prior
approval of the board.

VIII. Amendments
Proposed amendments must be submitted both orally and in written form at the meeting
prior to action. Amendments shall become effective only after approval by at least 2/3 of
the total voting membership.

IX. Ratification
This charter shall become effective Fall 2002, provided it has been approved by the
administration and faculty of the College of Engineering, and by at least 2/3 of those
representatives of organizations. Such approval must be in writing and submitted to the

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