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Relieving Ourselves

“Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against
you… go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift”.
Matthew 5:23, 24

A man drove home drunk one night. He got lost for several hours before reaching their home. The
following day, he heard the news about a car hit an old lady and left her dead. The police had been
looking for the driver of the yet unidentified vehicle, who they suspected was drunk. The poor man
thought he could have been that drunk driver. He remembered passing through the area of the accident
when he got lost the night before. A rush of sudden guilt overwhelmed him. Afraid of consequences, he
just kept it for himself.

For 25 years, he carried the guilt in his heart. He went two broken marriages, several changes of
jobs, three times of changing residence; all his children left him. He always blames his unconfessed
crimes foe his failures. He was deciding to commit suicide when the police rescued him. Without any
hope left at all, he admitted everything to police. It surprised him that the said case was closed shortly
after the incident, 25 years ago! It turned out that the accident happened several nights before he had
passed the route. The culprit t had surrendered. His fears, therefore, were all unfounded.

Just like the man in the story, we, in one degree or another, harbor unconfessed guilt against our
fellowmen. Many times we neglect to ask forgiveness to people we have wronged because we fear the
consequences or because of our pride. Jesus knew that how cumbersome an offence can be to a
worshipper. So He advises to deal with it at once.

The first step is to take it to the Lord through the prayer of forgiveness. If we have sincerely
confessed to God our fault, He will surely open the way for us to restore broken relationship, no matter
how enormous the mess our offence has created. We can reconciled to the persons we have offended. The
way for a better and stronger relationship with the Lord will remain unobstructed. No hindrance can keep
our prayers from reaching God’s throne. He will surely accept in prayers or substance.

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