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Advanced 2- Video Activity

Part one:

After watching the first part of an animation movie called Wall- E, discuss with your friends:

-Where does the story take place? When?

- How do you think this place used to be like?
- Where are the humans? Why do you think they have disappeared?

Part two:

After watching the second part, take a look at the expressions below, they are used to talk
about the future. Complete the line according to the probability:

1. will probably 2. probably won’t 3. will almost certainly 4. almost certainly won’t
5. is/are likely to 6. isn’t/aren’t likely to 7. may/might (not) 8. may well/ could

Will definitely definitely won’t

Now, use the future expressions to talk about your opinion of what you saw in Wall- E. Use
the topics below:

-Have to leave the Earth

- Have recycling robots
- Live in spaceships
- Have machines to put on make- up
- Have robots to clean everything for us
- Be fat and sedentary
- Have holographic television
- Wear the same outfit
- Have liquid food
- Have artificial sky and sunlight
- Stop meeting people face- to- face
- Have voice activated machines

Also discuss:

- Are you optimistic about the future? Why or why not?

- Will people live more ,or less?
- What about your personal life (career, education, trips, family…) in the future? Where
will you be in 5 years? What about 10?

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