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[4551/1] [4551/2] [4551/3]

Biology Paper 1(4551/1)

No Answer No Answer No Answer No Answer No Answer

1 B 11 D 21 D 31 B 41 C
2 B 12 B 22 A 32 A 42 A
3 C 13 D 23 B 33 C 43 A
4 B 14 C 24 D 34 C 44 D
5 D 15 B 25 A 35 D 45 B
6 B 16 B 26 B 36 B 46 D
7 A 17 C 27 B 37 A 47 B
8 D 18 C 28 A 38 B 48 A
9 D 19 B 29 A 39 A 49 B
10 D 20 C 30 D 40 B 50 C

Biology Paper 2(4551/2)

No. Marking criteria Marks

1a) Y : Carrier protein 1 2
Z : Channel protein / pore protein 1

b)(i) It is composed of two layers of phospholipids 1 1

(ii) Acts as a barrier between the internal and external environment of the cell 1 1
// Allows only specific molecules to pass through it
// provide the structural basis for all cell membrane.

c) A semi-permeable plasma membrane is a membrane that allows only certain 1 1

substances to move freely across it.

d)(i) Active transport is a movement of substances / molecules / ions against the 1 1

concentration gradient / from low to high concentration across the plasma
membrane with the help of carrier protein and energy / ATP.

(ii) P1 – there is no uptake of ions by root cells 1

P2 – metabolic poisons kill/ damaged the (root) cells 1
P3 – no energy/ ATP is produced 1
P4 – active transport does not occur (Any three) 1 3

e) P1- The glucose with a high concentration acts as a hypertonic 1

P2 - causing water in food to move out through plasma membrane 1
P3 – This causes food to dehydrate 1
P4 – condition not favourable to microorganisms (Any three) 1 3
Total 12
2a)(i) W : chromatid 1
X : spindle fibre 1 2

(ii) Cell S : metaphase 1 2

Cell T : metaphase I 1
b) 4 1

or or or 1

(ii) Testes//Ovary//Anther//Ovule 1 1

(iii) 10 1 1

d) -Radiotherapy. 1
-Radioactive rays will kill cancer cells
-When all the cancer cells are destroyed, they cannot reproduce by 1 2

e) Cloning 1
-Problem: Costly // expensive//All clones have same resistant towards diseases /
environmental factors 1 2
Total 12
3a) Secretion : Bile 1
Function : Lipids / fats emulsifier / breaking lipids into tiny droplets 1 2

b) D – Able to draw the following parts 1

• Blood capillary, epithelium, lacteal,
finger-like projection

L – Able to label any two parts 1 2

• Blood capillary
• Epithelium
• Lacteal

c)(i) Absorption / Diffusion / Active transport / Facilitated Diffusion 1 1

(ii) Thin wall / Single cell // long / folded// many microvilli// a network of blood 1 1

d)(i) F1 : no / less secretion lipase

E1 : no / incomplete lipid digestion
F2 : no / less secretion amylase
E2 : no / less starch digestion
F3 : no / less secretion trypsin
E3 : no / less protein digestion

F4 : No insulin released
E4 : the blood glucose level high
F5 : No glucagon released
E5 : the blood glucose level low (Any 4F and 4E) Any 4 4

(ii) 1. Avoid / Reduce the intake of oily food

2. Avoid / Reduce the intake of carbohydrates /sugar
3. Reduce the intake of protein
4. Injections of insulin
5. Pancreas implantation Max 2 2
Total 12
4a) Q : Mitochondria 1
R : Golgi body/apparatus 1 2

b)(i) Function of Q: to generate energy / sites of cellular respiration 1 1

(ii) -Has ribosomes embedded on its surface 1

-synthesizes and transports protein made by ribosomes 1 2

c)(i) To get rid of stains on clothes: 1

F1- biological detergents contain proteases, amylases and lipases
P1- proteases acts on stains containing proteins / blood / saliva
P2- amylases acts on stains containing starch / sauces / ice cream/gravy
P3- lipases are effective in removing oil and grease (F1 & any P1/P2/P3) 1 2

(ii) Helping to tenderize meat: 1

F1 – Protease acts on protein in meat 1 2
P1 – tenderize / softens meat

d) - ‘lock and key hypothesis’. 1

- The substrate is the ‘key’ that fits into the enzyme ‘lock’ 1
- The substrate molecule fits into the active site of the enzyme
- forms the enzyme-substrate complex.
- the enzyme changes the substrate to its product.
- The product leaves the active site.
- The enzyme is not altered by the reaction and it can be reused. Any 1 3
Total 12

5(a) Pain receptor 1 1


3 neurones – 2 m
2 neurones - 1 m 2

c) P1 - When an impulses arrives in the axon terminal

P2- it stimulates (synaptic) vesicles to move towards and bind with
the presynaptic membrane
P3 -The vesicles fuse / release the neurotransmitter into the synapse
P4 -The neurotransmitter molecules move across the synapse to the dendrite
of another neurone

P5 -Stimulated to trigger a new impulses which travels along the
neurone Max 4 4

d) M : Sensory receptor // finger tip 1

N : Effector // muscles tissues 1 2

e) 1. Accomodation of the eye 1

2. Production of saliva 1 2

f) 1. The nerve impulse will not be sent from afferent neurone to the
2. The effector / muscles will not contract
3. The hand will not be removed immediately from the needle. (Any one ) 1 1
Total 12
Total Marks 60

Section B
6(a) Pl- Tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles and joints are important features in a
P2- Tendons connect muscles to bones
P3- Tendons are strong and non elastic
P4- Force is transferred to bones through tendons.
P5- Movement at the joint is possible with the aid of ligaments.
P6- Ligaments connect two bones together
P7- to give support and strength to the joint.
P8- Ligaments are strong and elastic.
P9- The quadriceps / extensor muscles contract while the biceps
femoris muscles relax and the leg is straightened.
P10- The biceps femoris muscles contract while the quadriceps /
extensor muscles relax and the leg is bent.
P11- Calf muscles contract to lift up the heels. MAX
P12- Feet push downward and backward = 10
P13- Repeated contraction and relaxation of muscles result in the running movement. marks 10

b) Non-woody plants (herbaceous plants) 1

Example: Balsam plant/ any suitable answer

P1: (Support in herbaceous plants is) provided by the turgidity of the

parenchyma / collenchyma cells
P2: (When there is enough water in the ground). the cells take in water
by osmosis and become turgid.
P3: The turgor pressure of the fluids in the vacuoles pushes the cell
contents / plasma membrane against the cell wall
P4: creating support for it stem/ roots /leaves
P5: The thin thickening die cell walls with cellulose / collenchyma
cells gives support to herbaceous plants Any 4

Woody plants :
Example : Rambutan tree/ hibiscus/ any suitable example 1

P6: Woody plants have specialised tissues/sclerenchyma tissues/xylem vessels/

tracheids to give them support;
P7: These tissues have cellulose walls which have deposits of lignin for added strength.
P8: Sclerenchyma cells have very thick walls (which do not allow water to pass through).
P9: (These cells are dead cells and) their function is to pro¬vide support for the plant.
P10: Xylem vessels have thick walls of lignin which are deposited during the plant’s Any 4
secondary growth.
P11: The lignified xylem vessels form the woody tissues of the stem.
P12: This makes the plant stronger and also provides support for the plant. MAX
P13: Tracheids are also dead cells with thick walls and very small diameters. = 10
P14: They are found with the xylem vessels and together they support the plants. marks 10
Total 20

7a)(i) F: Siamese twin 1

P1: One sperm and one ovum are involve in fertilization
P2: to produce one/single zygote
P3: zygote undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form blastocyst
P4: blastocyst does not divide completely
P5: The two blastocyst implant/embedded into endometrium wall and
develop to embryo)
P6: they are joined at certain part of the body (F with any 5P) Any 5 6

(ii) F: Downs’s Syndrome 1

P1: due to the failure of the two homologous chromosome number 21
to separate normally
P2: during anaphase 1/meiosis 1
P3: produce a gamete with a pair of homologous chromosome number
P4: when above gamete fuse/fertilized with the normal gametes it
produces a zygote with a three chromosome number 21. (F with any 3P) Any 3 4

b) Genetic factors
F1: Crossing over during prophase 1/meiosis 1
P1:occur between chromatid from a pair of homologous chromosomes

P2: the exchange of parts between chromatid results in new genetic combination.
P3: produced a large number of gametes with different genetic composition.
F2: independent assortment
P4:homologous part of chromosome are arranged randomly on metaphase plate/
during metaphase 1
P5: during anaphase 1, each homologous pair of chromosomes separate.
P6:resulting in an independent assortment of maternal and paternal
chromosomes into daughter cells

F3: Random fertilization

P7: sperms and ovum with a variety of combinations of
chromosomes/genetically different are randomly fertilized.
P8: Thus, variation exists between individuals from the same
species//zygote produces will have a variety of diploid

P9:mutation causes permanent change in the genetic composition /genotype of an organism

F4: Mutation Max = 9

Environmental factor 1
F1: (can cause variation among individuals at same species) by interacting with
genetic factor.
P: examples of factors; at least 2 types - food/exercise/skill/ experience/education/
Any 9 from genetic factor
And any 1 from environment factors 10
Total 20

8a)(i) -Greenhouse effect. 1

-Greenhouse effect happens as carbon dioxide is released to the
atmosphere due to forest burning, emission from vehicles, factory 1
and will form a layer of gas.
- Deforestation also increases carbon dioxide 1
- Glass building reflect heat 1
-The layer of carbon dioxide which is denser than air, prevents 1
heat that is reflected to the earth to be released.
-The reflected heat will continue to increase the temperature of the 1 6

(ii) Ways to minimise:

1. The use of technology to reduce pollution and destruction of nature,
Eg; the smoke chimney is raised and there is a filter to decrease
the release of pollutants to the atmosphere, catalytic filters, etc
2. Use alternative renewable sources of energy eg; wind, solar
3. Reforestation
4. Discourage open burning
5. Encourage planting of trees//Green the world campaign
6. Environmental education with emphasis on 4R concept: Reduce, Any 4 4
Recycle, Reuse and Renew.

(b) Negative/bad effects

1. Expose soil to soil erosion// loss of nutrients//loss of water
catchment area
2. Cause increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide
3. Deforestation causes the removal and thinning of the soil layer due
to exposure to wind and air.
4. The bottom of river is silted by eroded soil.
5. Landslide occurs as the top layer of soil crumbles.
6. Loss of habitats.
7. Loss of thousand species of flora and fauna due to the loss of

Positive/good effects
1. Increases job opportunities among villagers.
2. Improves the infrastructure such as new roads.
3. Increases the economic level of the villagers by selling logs.
4. For building of houses for villagers Any 10 10
Total 20

9a) F: Production of gastric juice/pepsin/rennin decrease. 1

P1: Digestion of protein become slow/decrease 1
P2: Coagulation of milk protein by rennin decrease. 1
P3: Unable to provide acidic medium for enzyme reaction//bacteria 1 4
cannot be destroyed.

(b)(i) F1: Chronic heart disease 1

P1: Her diet contains large amounts of oil/cream/fat and it causes arteriosclerosis / 1
heart problem / cardiovascular disease.
F2: Constipation. 1
P2: Lack of fruit/vegetables / fibers leads to constipation 1 4

(ii) P1: Drink scheme milk/low fat milk and eat a boiled egg to reduce the cream and fat
from her diet
P2: Replace sausage with an orange to increase her fruit fibre intake

P3: Drink fresh fruit juice because it has lower sugar content/more vitamins
P4: Eat steamed rice/steamed chicken to lower cholesterol intake
P5: Eat vegetable/salad to increase the amount of roughage

P6: Drink clear soup to reduce the cholesterol
P7: Use tomato sauce with her pasta because it contains less fat and more fibers.
P8: Eat a slice of watermelon/any fruits to increase her intake of fiber to prevent
constipation Any 6 6

(c) Genetic engineering

P1: Transfer the beneficial genes from one organism to another 1
P2: Obtain/produces genetic modified organism/transgenic organism 1
P3: crop yield/animal contain gene that able to enhance growth/ 1
nutritional properties/resistance against disease.

Tissue Culture
P4: tissue/cell of parent plant are grown in culture medium. 1
P5: daughter plant is called clone. 1
P6: Produce many clone in a short time/produce large fruit/maintain 1
good characteristic of parent plant 6
Total 20

Biology Paper 3(4551/3)

No. Mark Scheme Score
1(a) Able to record all 5 readings for the distance traveled by air bubble correctly
Sample answers

Fan speed Distance traveled by air bubble (cm)

0 1.1
1 2.2
2 4.0
3 6.5
4 9.0

Able to record all 4 readings for the distance traveled by air bubble correctly 2
Able to record all 3 readings for the distance traveled by air bubble correctly 1
No response or incorrect response 0
No. Mark Scheme Score
1 Able to state two different observations correctly.
(b)(i) Sample answers
1. At the fan speed of 0, the distance traveled by air bubble is 1.1 cm

2. At the fan speed of 4, the distance traveled by air bubble is 9.0 cm 3

Able to state one observation correctly and one inaccurate observation

Sample answers
1. At the fan speed of 0, the distance traveled by air bubble is short.
2. At the fan speed of 4, the distance traveled by air bubble is long. 2

Able to state one observation correctly and one observation at idea level
Sample answer
1. The distance traveled by air bubble changes / increases / decreases
2. As the fan speed increases, the distance traveled by air bubble increases 1

No response or incorrect response 0

No. Mark Scheme Score
1 Able to make two inferences correctly. (Sample answers) 3
(b)(ii) 1. At the fan speed of 0, the air movement is slow, thus the plant loses loses less water.
2. At the fan speed of 4, the air movement is high/fast, thus the plant loses a lot of water.

Able to make one inferences correctly and one – two inaccurate inferences (Sample answers) 2
1. The short distance traveled by air bubble shows a low air movement.
2. The long distance traveled by air bubble shows a high .

Able to state one inferences correctly and one – two inferences at idea level (Sample answer) 1
1. Transpiration occurs at the shoot
1. Light intensity increases as distance from light source decreases.

No response or incorrect response 0


No. Mark Scheme Score

(c) Able to state all 3 variables and the 3 methods to handle the variable 3
Sample answers

Variable Method to handle the variable

Manipulated variable Carry out the experiment at different fan speed
Fan speed//air movement
Responding variable Measure and record the distance traveled by air
bubble by using a ruler // Calculate the rate of
Distance traveled by air bubble// Rate of transpiration by using the formula :
transpiration Distance traveled by air bubble
Constant variable Fix the light intensity of the surrounding/ Fix
the temperature at room temperature/ Fix the
Light intensity// temperature// humidity of air humidity to be the same throughout the
the surrounding // Type of plant experiment // Use the same type of plant

Able to state 4-5 variables and methods to handle the variable correctly 2
Able to state 2-3 variables and methods to handle the variable correctly 1
No response or incorrect response 0

No. Mark Scheme Score
1 (d) Able to make a hypothesis relating the manipulated variable and the responding variable correctly. 3
Sample answer
The higher the air movement, the longer the distance traveled by the air bubble// The higher the
air movement, the higher the rate of transpiration// inversely

Able to make a hypothesis relating the manipulated variable and the responding variable incorrectly. 2
Sample answer
The rate of transpiration is affected by air movement.

Able to make a hypothesis relating the manipulated variable and the responding variable at idea level. 1
Sample answer
Air movement causes transpiration.

No response or incorrect response 0

No. Mark Scheme Score

1 (e)(i) Able to construct a table correctly according with following aspect. 3
1. Able to state the 3 titles with units – 1 mark
2. Able to record all the data correctly – 1 mark
3. Able to calculate and record fan speed and rate of transpiration correctly – 1 mark

No. Mark Scheme Score

Sample answer
Fan speed Distance traveled by air bubble (cm) Transpiration rate (cm min-1)
0 1.1 0.22
1 2.2 0.44
2 4.0 0.80
3 6.5 1.30
4 9.0 1.80
Any two correct. 2
Any one correct 1
No response or incorrect response 0
No. Mark Scheme Score
1 Able to draw graph correctly according with following aspect. 3
P : Correct title with unit on both horizontal and vertical axis – 1 mark
T : All points plotted correctly – 1 mark
B : Able to join all points to form a smooth graph – 1 mark

Any two correct. 2

Any one correct 1

No response or incorrect response 0

No. Mark Scheme Score
1 (f) Able to interpret data and explain with the following aspect : 3
1. Able to state the relationship between rate of transpiration and air movement
2. Able to relate fan speed to air movement
3. Able to relate to rate of evaporation.
Sample answer
The higher the air movement, the higher the rate of transpiration. A higher fan speed means higher
air movement. At a higher air movement, the rate of evaporation is high. Hence the loss of water
from the plant is high.

Able to interpret data and with 2 aspects. 2

Able to interpret data and with 1 aspect. 1
No response or incorrect response 0
No. Mark Scheme Score
1 (g) Able to define operationally rate of transpiration based on the result of the experiment. 3
1. Distance traveled by air bubble
2. At different fan speed
3. Factor affecting it.
Sample answer
The rate of transpiration is the distance traveled by an air bubble and is affected by different fan
speed which means different air movement.

Able to interpret data and with 2 aspects. 2

Able to interpret data and with 1 aspect. 1
No response or incorrect response 0

No. Mark Scheme Score

1(h) Able to predict the outcome of the experiment correctly. 3
1. Correct prediction
2. Reason
3. Effect

Sample answer
The rate of transpiration increases, that is the distance traveled by the air bubble is more than
1.1 cm and the rate of transpiration is more than 0.22 cm min-1 because there is an increase in
light intensity. A higher light intensity increases the rate of evaporation of water vapour that
accumulates at the stomata of the leaves. Hence more water is lost at a faster rate from the leaves.

Able to interpret data and with 2 aspects. 2

Able to interpret data and with 1 aspect. 1
No response or incorrect response 0

No. Mark Scheme Score

Able to classify all the factors that can affect the rate of transpiration into environment factors and 3
structural factors correctly.

Sample answer
Environment factors Structural factors

Light intensity Number of stomata on the leaf
Air humidity Distribution of stomata on the leaf
Temperature Size of leaf

Able to classify 4 factors in the inaccurately. 2

Able to classify 3 factors at the idea level. 1
No response or incorrect response 0

Aspect Criteria Score

Identifying Able to write a problem statement correctly base on 3 criteria: 3
Problem • Manipulated variables- (Volume of water intake)
Statement • Responding variables- (Volume of urine released)
• Relationship.

Sample Answer
1. How does the volume of water intake affect the volume of urine released? √
2. What is the effect of volume of water intake on the volume of urine released?

Able to write a problem statement but less correctly base on 2 criteria. 2

Able to give an idea about the problem statement base on 1 criterion. 1

Wrong or no response 0
Aspect Criteria Score
Objective Able to state the objective of the experiment correctly
Sample Answer √
To determine the effect of drinking different volume of water on
the volume of urine released.

Aspect Criteria Score

Able to identify all the three variables correctly
Variables Sample Answer
• Manipulated variable : volume of water intake √
• Responding variable : volume of urine released
• Fixed variable : same student/same environment/ time
Aspect Criteria Score
Making Able to write a suitable hypothesis correctly base on the 3 criteria: 3
hypothesis • Manipulated variable
• Responding variable
• Relationship

Sample Answer
1. The higher the volume of water intake, the higher the volume of urine released. √
2. As the volume of water intake increases, the volume of urine released increases.

Able to write a hypothesis but less correctly base on the 2 criteria. 2

Able to give an idea about the problem statement base on 1 criterion. 1
No response 0

Aspect Criteria Score

Able to list all materials and apparatus needed to carry out the experiment successfully. 4A + 2M

Materials Sample Answer 3

and Materials : Boy/girl/student, water
Apparatus (M) √
Apparatus : Beakers, glass/cup/mug, measuring cylinder
(A) stop watch

Able to list some materials and apparatus needed to carry out the experiment successfully 2A + 2M
Able to list some materials and apparatus needed to carry out the experiment successfully 1A + 2M
Incomplete list or wrong or no response 0
Aspect Criteria Score
Able to state the technique used in carrying out the experiment correctly
Technique Sample Answer B1 = 1
Measure and record the volume of urine released (after a fixed hour of consuming water) √
by using a measuring cylinder.
Aspect Criteria Score

Procedure Able to write all the steps in carrying out the experiment successfully.
K1 : Steps to set up the apparatus
K2 : Steps to handle the fixed variable
K3 : Steps to handle the manipulated variable
K4 : Steps to handle the responding variable
K5 : Precautionary steps / steps taken to get accurate results / readings

Scoring Rubric
All K1-K5 present 3
Any 3 – 4K present 2
Any 2K present 1
1K or wrong response 0
[√] is given for any 1K present. √

Procedure Score
K1 1. A student (Sample A) is chosen and instructed to empty his bladder before the start of the
K3 2. Measure 200ml of water and put it into the mug/cup/glass
K1 3 A student (Sample A) is given 200ml of water to drink.
K1 4 A stop watch is started immediately after consuming the water.
K2 5 During the experiment, he is kept in (any fixed suitable room) within 2 hours (any suitable
time range).
K5 6 He is instructed not to eat or perform any vigorous physical activities (within the given time).
K2 7 After 2 hour, the stop watch is stopped and he is asked to empty his bladder.
K1 8 The volume of urine collected is measured and recorded.
K1/ 9 Steps 2 – 8 is repeated for different amount of water drank (400 ml, 600ml, 800ml,
K5 1000ml)
K5 12 The whole experiment is repeated using 2 different students to get a more accurate result. 5K = 3 m
K5 13 Dispose the measured urine properly
K4 14 Measure and record data collected into a table. 3-4K = 2 m
Graph of urine output against the water intake is plotted. 1-2K = 1 m

Aspect Criteria Score

Communi- Able to draw a complete table to record the relevant data base on the 3 criteria: B2

cating data • Volume of water intake =1

• Volume of urine released √
• The units in ml or cm3

Sample Answer
Volume of water Volume of urine released (ml)
intake (ml) Student A Student B Student C Average

Aspect Criteria Score

Conclusion Able to write a suitable conclusion for the experiment:

Sample Answer
The higher the volume of water intake, the higher the volume of urine released. Hypothesis
is accepted.
Planning 7-9 ticks = 3m
experiment 4-6 ticks = 2m
1-3 ticks = 1m

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