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1 A 6 D 11 A 16 D
2 A 7 D 12 C 17 B
3 D 8 D 13 B 18 D
4 B 9 A 14 D 19 B
5 C 10 D 15 C 20 A

Question Answer Marks

1 (a)(i) Light intensity// presence of light 1
(ii) Growth of bacteria // Appearance of nutrient broth 1
(b) Bacteria grow quickly in the dark// Bacteria become inactive under 1
bright light
(c) Bacteria thrive in dark conditions// dark condition is suitable for 1
the bacterial growth
(d) Growth of bacteria is a condition when the nutrient broth becomes 1

2 (a)

(b) 13 500 kJ 1
(c) Between 10 to 15 years 1
(d) Metabolic rates drop// activity of the person decreases 1

3 (a) Vector A: malaria// dengue fever 1

Vector B: cholera// dysentery 1
(b) (i) Spraying insecticides// sleeping under mosquito nets// cleaning and 1
lighting up the places in which the mosquitoes hide// fogging
(ii) Spraying oil or insecticide on the water surface// rearing fish in the 1
(c) Bury the rubbish// wrap and dispose rubbish properly in the garbage 1
bin// kill houseflies with insecticide, sticky flypaper and fly traps// cover
all food

4 (a) Animal protein 1`

(b) L: Nitrogen-fixing bacteria 1
M: Nitrifying bacteria 1

(c) Adding chemical fertilizers 1

(d) Nitrification 1


Question Answer Marks

1 (a) In neutral pH, bacteria can grow well// 1
In acidic or alkaline condition, bacteria become inactive
(b) (i) To study the effect of pH value on the growth of bacteria 1
(ii) Manipulated variables : pH
Responding variables :Number of colony// growth of
Bacteria// cloudiness of the mixture 2
Constant variables :The quantity of bacteria// type of
bacteria// the volume of nutrient agar
(iii) sterile test tubes, sterile cotton wool, sterile nutrient agar, dilute
hydrochloric acid, dilute sodium hydroxide solution, distilled water and 1
bacteria culture

Set up the apparatus as shown in the picture

-Add 5 cm3 of Sterile nutrient brooth with 1 cm3 bacterial cultured in
test tube label P,Q and R// diagram (1m)
- Add 1 cm3 of distilled water in test tube R, hydrochloric acid in test
tube P and sodium hydroxide solution in test tube Q// diagram (1m)
- Covered all the test tube with the sterile cotton wools and leave it in
the cupboard for 2 days (1m)
- The colony/growth of bacteria was observe after 2 days (1m)

(v) Test tube pH Cloudiness of the mixture

P Acidic
Q Alkaline
R Neutral 1

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