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No such thing as LUCK

Everyone has heard of bad luck. People say that when things go
wrong "Its just bad luck" right? No! Wrong! There is no bad or
good luck.

The point is when things go wrong its not because of bad luck , its

mainly because of some bad decisions on your behalf not luck.

What is luck? Does it even exist? It depends on your definition.

Here is mine: “luck” is a mysterious force that brings good things

to people who have it. It doesn’t exist.

What does exist is chance. And chance is random coincidences.

“Lucky” people are really just people who put themselves in a

position to benefit from chance.

Nobody ever won the lottery without buying a ticket. Nobody

ever won a world cup championship without practicing a lot.

Nobody ever met their soul mate begging in front of the TV in a

smelly t-shirt. Nobody ever struck oil hanging out at the mall.
Nobody ever won a Nobel Prize tweeting about what they ate for

But what a cow falling no your car in parking ? What about people
who grow up in nurturing environments? Isn’t that luck?

Nope, just chance. Do they have an advantage? Sure. Are they in

a better position to put themselves in the path of chance? Sure.
But there’s no magic to it. It’s just chance.
It doesn’t take a lot of looking to find stories about people born
to advantage who end up miserable failures. Nor is it hard to find
stories of people born at the bottom who raised to the top.

Is it harder for some people? Sure. But anyone can “make their
own luck”, no matter where they start. And from what I’ve heard
time and time again, what you do with what you’ve got makes a lot
more difference than what you start out with.

So how do you put yourself in a position to benefit from chance?

By taking action. By always learning. By keeping your eyes open so
that when chance sends the opportunity train across your path,
you see it for what it is and hop on board instead of sitting by
the tracks cursing back luck for making you wait to cross.

One last thing: to one degree or other, everyone’s ability to take

advantage of chance is limited by our opportunities to learn, to
meet the right people, to see examples that show us a vision of
what’s possible, and to grasp the opportunities that we do manage
to see.

Some people are a lot more limited than others. So when chance
smiles on you, be sure to spread it around, especially to those who
are trying but don’t have much opportunity, so that other people
can be lucky like you.

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