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Good Afternoon, I would like to make a couple of very important points.

First, role models are powerful and many teenagers need a role model and
someone to look up to. Some young girls choose their parents as their
role models which is fine, yet some of them choose fashion models,
actresses, pop stars and sports stars. They paste pictures of them all over
their rooms, and they try to look like and act like their idols.
Unfortunately, some are not good role models.

As you can observe during the class, body image is very important to
young people, some young people spend a lot of time preening
themselves in front of hand held mirrors. They would like to imitate their
role models’ appearance and unfortunately, sometimes also their bad
habits, like smoking, drugs and using violence.

In fact to look like their idols, some young girls will resort to dangerous
methods of weight control, and they may start to believe that they must
be thin, but no matter how much weight is lost, it’s never enough and
they are never happy. Some even go to extremes, and may even die.

Instead of quoting to you facts and figures, I’m, instead, going to shock
you with a real life example. In my class, I have a classmate, whom I
shall call X. X is quite a close friend and I have spent time with her and
even visited her at home. She is a great fan of Avril Lavigne. She has
many discs, posters, and newspaper about Arvil. She just doesn’t dye her
hair, but I’m sure that if parents allowed, she would.

Also, she wants to be a model and she is lanky. On the BMI chart, she is
way below normal, but she still thinks she is fat, she keeps trying to lose
weight by dieting. She is weak and always feeling cold. I suppose she
may have anorexia. We discussed this a few times, but she is not

I have given one example, but there are many teenagers who have chosen
celebrities, who are not good role models. This is a crying shame. And
therefore the motion should not stand.

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