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7 Basic Tips in Brochure Marketing

Here are some suggestions so you can create a design for your brochures, even if it is cheap brochure
printing, to better engage your target audience with your message:

1. Create a design that talk.

Do not just make your print brochures visual displays of your products and services. Use your graphics
and text to communicate to your target audience your message. Mix and match these two elements so
you can provide more effective marketing collateral for your business

. Make sure that your text supports the graphics in your brochure, and vice versa. The end goal is to
have it easy for your readers to understand your message so they can act accordingly on your offer.

2. Be unique.
Offer your readers something distinctly yours. Capitalize on what you have to build your brand value.
By providing your clients and prospects your unique benefits, you’ll have more chances of getting
them interested in your offer.

3. Always keep it simple and sweet.

This is not just a basic rule for nothing. It is what draws the line between an effective marketing tool
and a failed one. By keeping it simple and brief, you will make it easier for your target audience to
understand your message right away so they can make a wise decision on your offer.

4. Determine your font size.

A font size that is larger than the standard size can get you attention. Not only that, but it makes your
text readable, which in turn can help your target readers understand what you want to say to them.

5. Create sections in your brochure.

Dividing your brochure into sections can again help your target readers to understand better your
message. Do not overwhelm them with too much information. Instead, break your data into bite-size
chunks so they can go straight to the topic they need.

6. Always offer quality.

It should not mean that although you have cheap brochure printing, it should also look cheap. There
are ways and means to look professional without having to break your budget. Ask your brochure
printing company for suggestions on how you can save on your costs without sacrificing the quality of
your collaterals.

7. Lastly, represent your brand image in your brochures.

Always remember that your collaterals represent who you are and what you can do for your target
audience. So make sure that your print brochures embody everything that is you, which makes you
distinct from the rest of the competition.

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