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Politics is really a hard work. A politician is careful for what they said. Because the politicians are
watched by other people and their ideas are taken into consideration. And some people or groups
can provide the interests from these. This situation is regarding to this. Ok, what will happen now?

What the ancestor said is true: Sometimes the innocent suffer along the guilty. It is exceedingly true.
Why do other people have to pay that what some people did? In fact, it is worse that this situation
was used by what else. I think its name is politics. Bad and fact, unfortunately!

A country which sent a lot of workers to Europe –especially Germany- illegally in the past now said
that I would send guest workers –Armenian- into exile. I don’t know that one of which it worse:
Person who the prime minister said or that some in CHP had wanted to send them from Turkey
before? In the past, at Independence War of Turkey Atatürk wanted not to behave badly against
Christians in Turkey. Because he knew that if we behaved them badly, Entente States would occupy
under the pretext of this. But I think the politicians at the moment aren’t seeing this fact. They aren’t
able to be considering that people like Harut Sasunyan will use these against Turkey. Atatürk’s
political party is saying this now. Really bad and fact, unfortunately!

Ok, what will Armenians which are our citizens do? They didn’t accept that what Armenian Issue
happened. They did their own citizenship duties against Turkey Republic. They paid their taxes and
made military service. But the politicians in Turkey say to go to other place to live anymore because
of the issues which are lived with other states about Armenian Issues.

In conclusion, someone says something. Someone gets interests. And someone suffers the loss of
this. Is this really politics? Or is politics to develop the strategy? According to me, its name is not
politics. It’s hypocrisy. But, unfortunately, according to realism which is one of IR theories, in IS
(international system) real politics is that.




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