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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)

Abhishek Saraf , Sanya Sekhar , Harikrishnan

How does it work?
In an NMR, atoms resonate at a specific
frequencies due to atoms having weak
magnetic properties, known as the nuclei's
"spin." When energy is applied, the spin
flips from one state to the other while
absorbing and radiateing energy. The exact
frequency of the spin flips identifies the
atom that is involved and the other atoms Advantages
to which it is connected to in the 1. It is non invasive
applications 2. It does not require contrast media,s
there is no anaphylactic reaction.
The absence of radiation and other effects
allows it to be used to moniter the brain at 3. Better accuracy in localisation of
frequent intervals. It would also help us etiology
understand cognitive changes in 4.No complications like pancreatic or
dementing illnesses such as Alzheimer’s
Disease. cholangitic bleeding.
In the area of developmental problems, the Disadvantages
noninvasive nature of NMR and its focus on 1.Since it’s a new technology, using it to identify a
biochemistry enables countless research pathology is not easy.
yet to be conducted.
2.Cannot be used on patients who have chip-implants or pacemakers.
/00000790/01/14-02.pdf 3.Expensive

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