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Mother – Father God, Yahweh, Buddha, Allah, Ado nay,

Muhammad, Bog, Abraham, Jesus – whatever be our
name for you, we ask You to be with us for this meal of

Open our minds that we may follow the advice given by

Peter to the citizens of Corinth: “Above all, hold
unfailing your love for one another . . . practice
hospitality ungrudgingly. As each has received a gift,
employ it for one another as good stewards of God’s

We pray for the understanding that, although the words

of most of the world’s religions may be in different
languages and the heritages established at different
times and with different scriptures, the golden threads
of tolerance, acceptance and love are woven tightly into
the tapestries of their teachings.

Keep us mindful, Friend and Teacher, that all we are

and all we have are Your gifts to us. What we make of
ourselves and how we use these extraordinary gifts in
the services of others is our gift to You.

Now we ask your blessings on this food, and those who

bring it to us, and to the assemblage of dedicated


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