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Jonathan Khalili

AP Language Composition
Period 3

A Talk to Teachers Questions

2) What is the “crucial paradox which confronts us here”?

Answer: The “crucial paradox that confronts us here” is the fact that the education that is
being taught in the world is being based on the current society that surrounds that specific
area. For example, education in the middle east is being taught by one main principle:
Americans are infidels. We on the other hand are lucky enough to have a stable
educational environment, not having new “leaders” try to change education every twenty

5) Analyze Baldwin’s use of pronouns in paragraphs 8 and 9. What is his purpose in

alternating between first, second and third person?

Answer: Baldwin’s purpose in using pronouns in paragraphs 8 and 9 to alternate between

first, second and third person views are to put the reader in his point of view as well as
the kid’s view. He also shows how a kid living in the ghetto would feel, but wouldn’t
know why he/she feels that way.

8) What does Baldwin mean by “What passes for identity in America is a series of myths
about one’s heroic ancestors.”

Answer: Baldwin’s quote to me is interpreted as that a whole society of people was

founded on a myth that a band of people considered the “founding fathers” of America
were great heroes and leaders. That’s is not true as most were people that wanted to get
away from their problems in Europe and start over in America. People in Europe that
were wealthy merchants or skilled craftsmen that were making money did not come over
here, it was the people that were struggling to live because of one reason or another.

12) How would you describe Baldwin’s overall tone?

Answer: Baldwin uses a clever blend of allusions and sarcastic statements to make you
realize his point. Along the way for most of the passage, he has a meaningful and serious
tone, even though he throws in some laughs, but they are all real possibilities. For
example when he states “What passes for identity in America is a series of myths about
one’s heroic ancestors” (paragraph 15), he could be completely right in his opinion, but
delivers it to you in easy to understand language and gets his point across quickly.

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