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Systolic murmurs

Ejection systolic pansystolic

As loud on a1 radiates to carotid and MR soft blowing radiates to axilla +
apex+ systolic thrill on. systolic thrill.
PS loud at pul , area (p 2nd left space ) TR soft blowing , increases intensity
and radites to the base and tricuspid with inspiration and radiates to
area. epigostrium .
ASD harsh loud over left parasternal
area raduates to allover pericardium +
systolic thrill.

Diastolic murmurs
Early Diastdic Diastdic presystoluic
AR soft , A1(Rh) A2 MS rumbling , low Rumbling due to
(syphilitic ) increases with pichched pre systolic mild MS & TS
leaning forward and holding occentuation , nor
breath after expiration. progagated increase in
left lateral position +
accentuation of S21
heard with patient
expiration which opening
scrap if m.v cnlccifg
opening snap dissao m came
it need mobile M.V
PR soft TS as MR but increases
with inspiration.

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