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BVT: Children Overview - with one child to monitor

When the parent starts the PG application again, the Children Overiew page is displayed and contains one
child with Nothing to Report.
1.  A User's Facebook (FB) account newly registred to PG application only with one child added, confirmed
and accepted (never registered with SYNC). This user is designated as parent below.
2. A Child's Facebook account registered to PG with user in step 1.
1. Parent user Login to facebook and click link to start PG application.
2. View the section for this child user on the Children Overview page.
After step 2:
1.  One child in one "monitoring box" is present.
2. There is a green "Read Full Report" button in the box.
3. A check mark with "Nothing to report" is present in the "monitoring box" for this child.
4. If PG successfully scanned actions from kids FB, then a check mark and the area to review is displayed.
For example, if kids post a status message in their FB account, then parent should see "You have a
pending Status task to review."
5. There is a red "Remove" button in the "monitoring box" for this child.
6. Verify Profile picture is visible for the kid along with kids name on bottom of the kids profile image
7. Verify if parent have option of adding more kids through " Add child"
8. Verify if the page is redirecting to the any option which is on the top of the page like, Read full report,
saftey settings, Emergency report to check for the reports or setting up the saftey settings of that kid.
BVT: Safety Settings

Description:  A Facebook user who haven't Registered with GoGoStat Sync and just got registred with
GoGoStat PG, after adding Kid  and kid adds parent to the Parental Guidance, Selecting that kid and
Checking the saftey settings Can be changed what ever Report Parent Dont want to check from the kid, so
the parent uncheks the Option which They dont want to Skip In Reports.
1. A facebook account that hasn't been used in GoGoStat Sync but got registred with PG.( parent account)
2. A Facebook Registred as a kid to First Facebook account.( Child account)
1. parent login to the PG account
2. Click on Safety Settings
3. Check all the tabs if they being redirected when user clicks on them.
1. Birthday, Primary Residence should have all the options to fill
2. All the tabs should be opened on clicking on them.
3. Each tab should have check uncheck option and save option to save user settings
4. Home page should have a check and uncheck options of getting email notifications
5. check if save option is saving all the settings made in home page.
6. switch option should be in disabled state.
7. each page should give user a message that show your childs added photos, friends, status or changed

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