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Building A New California

Meg Whitman’s Policy Agenda

2 Meg
Me g WWhit
hitmmaann’ s
’ s PPol
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Neww Cali
From Meg Whitman

Dear Fellow Californian,

hank you for taking a few My campaign is focused on three
moments to learn more about primary goals:
my ideas for building A New I am running to reinvigorate California’s
California. I appreciate your economic potential and help employers
interest in my campaign and create two million new jobs by the
hope my policy agenda will provide you beginning of 2015.
with a better understanding of the type
of governor I hope to be. I am running to rid our state
government of waste, duplication and
This is a very difficult time in our inefficiency so we can get control of
state’s history, but I am still optimistic runaway spending and create long-term
about California’s future. Ronald Reagan fiscal stability.
once said that America is too great for
small dreams. The same is true for our I am running to fix our failing schools
Golden State. so we can give our children the
opportunity to advance up the economic
I am running for governor because ladder and achieve their fullest potential.
I believe everything is still possible in
If you have ideas on how we can
Building California. But to restore the promise
of our state, we must first clean up move California forward, please contact
A the mess in Sacramento. We have to our campaign. We will listen. We want
this campaign to be special, one that
be honest about our problems, offer
New grown-up solutions and put an end to the addresses your concerns and speaks to
your hopes for what A New California
California partisan bickering and hand-wringing that
can be.
is business as usual.


Meg Whitman
4 Meg
Meg WWhit
hitmmaann’ ’ss PPol
oli c
i cyy AAggeend
ndaa ffor
or AA Ne
Neww Cali
Contents 2010

Meg Whitman attends a Veterans Day celebration in Redwood City organized by American Legion Post 105

Letter from Building a New Other

Meg Whitman California Priorities

3 WHY Meg Is l
10 Create Jobs l
20 Cut Government l
30 Fix Education l
36 Securing
Running for Spending Our Border to Stop
11 l Provide Job-Creating 31 l Direct More Money Illegal Immigration
Create Jobs
Tax Cuts l
22 Control the Rapid to the Classroom
Growth in State
Cut Government l
14 Streamline and Spending l
32 Reward Outstanding l
38 Protecting
Teachers the Environment
Reform Regulations
Spending l
24 Improve the
32 Eliminate the Cap
Fix Education l
16 Recruit New Industries Efficiency and
Effectiveness of on Charter Schools l
40 Fighting Crime
and Retain Existing
California in Crisis Employers State Government l
32 Grade the Public to Keep Our
Communities Safe
17 Solve California’s
26 Solve California’s Schools A-F

Water Crisis
Pension Crisis l
32 Establish A Fast-
On the Horizon
8 Cleaning Up the l
27 Bring Real Welfare Track Parent
Spending Mess in l
18 Meg’s Road Map Reform to California Process for Charter
School Conversion
to 2 Million New
Private-Sector Jobs l
28 Bring More Efficiency
33 Invest $1 Billion l
42 Meg’s Vision for
by 2015 to State Revenue
in the UC and A New California
CSU Systems
44 About Meg Whitman
33 Utilize Alternative
Paths to the
Classroom to
Attract High-Quality

ON THE COVER: (From left to right, top to bottom) Meg Whitman at her campaign kickoff rally in Fullerton; Meg Whitman at a Fresno
packing company; Meg Whitman and her Agriculture Coalition Leadership team; Meg Whitman speaks before the Rossmoor Republican
Club, Southern Division; aerial view of Sacramento farmland; Meg Whitman speaks with a young supporter at the Orange County Fair;
photo of Mount Shasta; the California state flag; image of Californian panning for gold; Meg Whitman at the Sacramento GOP Central
Committee Christmas Party; students for Meg at the California Republican Party Convention in Palm Desert; a map of the state of
California; Meg Whitman meets with supporters at a town hall in Orange County.
Meg Whitman is
determined to bring
a new approach to
Sacramento, one
that demands more
efficiency and better
services, one that
requires less spending
and lower taxes, and
one that makes a
renewed commitment to
improving our schools
and creating jobs.

6 Meg
Meg WWhit
hitmmaann’ ’ss PPol
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Neww Cali
California in Crisis

Cleaning Up
the Spending Mess in Sacramento
C alifornia is dangerously
off track. Our unemploy-
ment rate of more than 12
a year and has been estimated to
cost our state nearly four million
new jobs. Forbes magazine, a
California, which was once
admired as the center of innova-
tion and excellence in the world,
percent is at a near record high. must read for corporate decision has now become branded as the
The economic crisis in the state makers, ranks California 39th ungovernable state. While the
has resulted in more than two among states for overregulation. challenges we face are daunt-
million Californians unable to Frivolous litigation presents ing, Meg Whitman believes that
find a job. another obstacle to job growth California’s best days are ahead
The state budget is mired and a higher standard of living. of us.
in annual deficits. The spend- California has the 44th-worst As one of the most effective cor-
ing shortfall over the next lawsuit climate, with more than porate leaders in America,
18 months is estimated to be Meg has learned how to
$20 billion and there is no end “When nearly 80 percent of manage big, complicated
in sight to the red ink and calls Californians are telling us the state organizations. She knows
for higher taxes. Instead of how to motivate people to
making the tough decisions to is headed in the wrong direction,
bring about change. She
solve the structural problems in it is time to try something new. believes in the power of
state government, the politicians I am not a politician with pride of decentralization, local em-
in Sacramento have turned to authorship in failed ideas. I am a powerment and results-
one-time gimmicks and end- driven accountability. Meg
less borrowing. As a result, the leader from the world of business
has a vision to create a
amount of the state budget that and job creation who will be honest stronger, more prosperous
is spent on servicing the debt about what’s needed to rebuild California that is borne
has increased by 143 percent our state.” – Meg Whitman out of the lessons learned
since 2000 and is expected to from working in world-
increase by another 50 percent class businesses such as
in the next five years. This is lost 1.4 million lawsuits filed each eBay, Disney and Hasbro, where
money that pays for the credit year. Rankings like these aren’t if you don’t deliver, you’re shown
card bills of the past instead of trivial. They matter when busi- the door.
staying in the bank accounts of nesses are making choices about
taxpayers and small businesses where to locate their jobs. At eBay, Meg learned how tech-
or being invested in vital state nology and decentralization can
The situation in our schools is be harnessed to deliver powerful
priorities, such as roads, higher just as unacceptable. Despite
education and law enforcement. results. She grew eBay from a
spending nearly half of the state’s start-up with 30 workers to a
Economic growth is the life- budget on education, California’s global company with more than
blood of any state, but employers schools are failing to prepare our 15,000 employees and nearly
are leaving California in droves. kids to compete for the jobs of the $8 billion in revenue.
Last year, the state of California future. By some estimates, only
had 45 percent more business 60 percent of education spending Meg has outlined a bold and
deaths than births, in large part actually reaches the classroom. achievable policy agenda to turn
because the state now has the California’s schools rank in the California around and reclaim
48th-worst business tax climate bottom ten in math, reading and our rightful status as America’s
in America, according to the science scores. We can do dra- Golden State.
Tax Foundation. California’s matically better by our students It starts with creating jobs,
regulatory burden costs small so they can build bright futures cutting spending and fixing
businesses almost $500 billion in our state. education. n

8 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
Building A Meg Whitman has a

New California
plan to prime California’s
economic pump to start
creating jobs immediately.
Meg’s plan will make
California competitive
again with neighboring
states, raise our standard
of living, grow our tax
base and help put an end
to the perpetual budget
problems in Sacramento.

#0 Meg
Meg W hit
W hit m amna’n’s P ol
s P ol i c iyc y
A gAegnd
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a a f or
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ww Cali
Cali forni
forni a a

Create Jobs
innovation capital of the world

Provide Job-Creating and our tax policies need to be

aligned to support our major
economic advantages.
Tax Cuts As governor, MEG will: Promote Investments for
the Agriculture Industry 
Eliminate the Small
With California facing a The agriculture industry is
Business Start-Up Tax
$20 billion deficit, we have to vital to California’s economy.
Meg will eliminate the $800
be strategic and effective in the Meg believes that by providing
fee that new business start-ups
tax relief we provide. While a tax credit to encourage invest-
are currently required to pay
making cuts in marginal tax ments in water-conservation
in California. Entrepreneurs
rates is a very important goal, technology, we can reduce our
should not be penal-
at this moment we simply can- state’s consumption
ized for launching
not afford a big, across-the-board
tax cut that would irresponsibly
a business venture.
The LLC filing fee is
Did you and benefit all Cali-
grow the state’s already over-
sized debt level and drop our
nothing more than
a tax on jobs. The
know? Eliminate the
State Tax on
bond rating to junk status. state that put “start- AK, FL, NV, NH, SD, Capital Gains
While it is true that marginal up” into the national TN, TX, WA and WY California is one
tax cuts do create greater rev- lexicon needs to Have No State of a few states in the
enue, economic history shows repeal this tax. Capital Gains Taxes country that doesn’t
that there is a lag time before tax capital gains
this new revenue comes in. With Eliminate the
at a lower rate than
the fiscal crisis California faces Factory Tax
traditional income. This is double
today, the reality is that the state California is only one of three
taxation at its worst. California’s
must first start seeing growing states that taxes manufacturing
tax treatment of capital gains is
state revenue from an economic equipment without offering a tax
a major impediment to capital
recovery before across-the-board credit or exemption. The factory
formation and investment in new
tax cuts can be provided. In- tax is a major obstacle to keep-
jobs. We should align California’s
stead of promising immediate, ing high-paying manufacturing
tax treatment of capital gains
across-the-board tax cuts now, jobs in California.
with other competing states.
Meg has a better, more realistic
plan: spark job growth now by Increase the Research and
quickly enacting targeted tax Development Tax Credit
Meg will increase the R&D “Excessive taxation starves
cuts that are affordable and im-
mediately impact key sectors of tax credit for California busi- our economy of innovation
our economy to create new jobs. nesses from 15 percent to and entrepreneurship.
Once our economy begins to grow 20 percent, which conforms to
the federal level. This is the
We need to build the new
again and spending has been cut, California economy with
Meg will provide broad-based in- same level of tax credit that
come tax relief and take steps to many of the states we compete the goal of making it easier
simplify California’s tax system. with offer today. This tax cut to start a new business and
will promote investment in the
technologies and industries of create jobs in our state.” 
the future. California is the  – Meg Whitman
Establish Academic Provide a $10,000 Tax
Enterprise Zones “We cannot continue to Credit for Home Purchases
Meg will take advantage of have one of the worst tax To encourage homeownership
the academic excellence at our and lessen the economic damage
universities and create economic environments for jobs in of last year’s mortgage crisis,
opportunity zones to encourage America and expect to remain Meg will provide a $10,000 tax
businesses to locate within a the Golden State. My tax cut credit to the buyers of new and
specified zone around these plan encourages research and existing homes. This will boost
institutions. Tax incentives of- California’s real estate industry
fered within these zones would development, promotes capital and improve the values of exist-
be focused on hiring workers, formation and investment in ing homes.
promoting research and develop- new jobs and provides targeted
ment, increasing access to state tax relief to jump-start our Provide a Tax Credit for
funds and loans and encourag- Green Tech Job Creation
ing a close collaboration with economy. Long term, we’re California has the ability to
universities. For example, the going to reduce marginal rates lead the nation in the develop-
University of California, San and modernize California’s ment of green tech jobs. The
Diego and the biotech region state has always been an innova-
tax structure once our budget tive leader and it is time to take
of San Diego are closely linked
and provide leverage points for situation has been stabilized.” advantage of this great economic
significant economic growth and – Meg Whitman opportunity by investing in job
job creation. The same is true creation. Meg will create incen-
in communities where other tives for employers to create
UC campuses are located. green tech jobs by offsetting part
of the cost of hiring new workers
Accelerate Depreciation through a tax credit. These cred-
of New Business Equipment its will apply only to permanent
Meg will provide a more jobs directly involved in the
favorable depreciation schedule development of alternative en-
to encourage farmers, manu- ergy and other environmentally
facturers and other companies friendly technologies.
to invest in new equipment and
technology that will make them A Final Word:
more competitive and able to California’s Debt Crisis
hire Californians. Meg’s tax plan would be a
significant economic boost to the
state, without making the job
General Fund of cleaning up the budget mess
impossible. Meg believes that
Bond Debt too much debt is irresponsible.
We can’t continue to use gim-
micks to patch up the structural
problems with the General Fund,
while billions get added on top of
the state’s debt. Instead, Meg is

08 promoting a balanced approach.

Cut targeted taxes, clean up the

spending mess in Sacramento and

99 $
53 According then use new revenues once the
budget has been stabilized to pro-

to Forbes
23 billion magazine,
vide marginal tax rate reductions
and make California’s tax system
billion debt burden is simpler and fairer. It’s called
the 47th highest grown-up leadership, not a bunch
in the nation. of election-year political promises
Source: Secretary of State Voter Guide
that will never come true. n

1 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

Fast Facts

The number of manufacturing jobs California
4 of 6
Of the nation’s metro areas with the
has lost since 2000, which equals 32 percent highest foreclosure rates are in California.
of the state’s industrial base.

The rank of California’s business tax climate.
On average, each California household is
Our key competitors Washington, Nevada and paying about $500 this year to service the
Utah rank in the top 10. state’s debt.

Per Capita Bond



















Source: California Treasurer’s Office, Debt Affordability Reports

and As governor,
Meg will:
Provide a One-Stop Pathway
to Business Licensing
Right now a new business
Reform Implement a
Strategic Time-Out
in California has to navigate a
maze of government bureaucra-

Regulations on New Regulations

On taking office, Meg will
impose a moratorium on
cies to receive its necessary per-
mits. Oftentimes there are more
than eight different applications
all new state regulations from a multitude of different
To work in tandem with her until a 90-day review of the eco- agencies that must be completed.
targeted tax cut plan, Meg has nomic impact and relevance of This level of duplication is
outlined a series of reforms and existing laws is completed. There confusing and costly. Meg will
initiatives that will provide would be exceptions made for streamline this unwieldy process
meaningful relief to employ- rules and regulations governing by creating a one-stop, user-
ers and consumers from costly public health and safety. friendly website and a common
regulation and frivolous litiga- application for business permits.
tion. These policy changes will This practice is used effectively
improve the jobs climate in Cali- in Texas, which has significantly
fornia and send an important improved its business climate in
message that the state is once the past decade.
again serious about recruiting
and retaining businesses. At Harmonize
this time, cutting regulatory and Regulatory Authority
litigation costs is a more respon- Too often, overlapping claims
sible way to reboot California’s of jurisdiction by government
economy than across-the-board bodies create disjointed poli-
tax cuts. Doing so will have the cies and regulations that harm
same stimulative effect as a big employers and fail to achieve the
tax cut without blowing a larger worthy objectives of the underly-
hole in the budget and adding ing goals. As governor, Meg will
to the state’s already troubling issue an Executive Order to
level of debt. Require an Economic require agencies, departments,
Cost-Benefit Analysis boards and commissions to re-
of New Regulations view their jurisdictional author-
“While working at eBay, Meg will ensure that new ity and report overlapping areas.
I gained a deeper, more personal state regulations are given a The goal is to eliminate redun-
understanding of the damaging thorough economic cost-benefit dant functions and programs
analysis before they are adopted. and expedite compliance.
effect that unfounded regulations Too often when a department
and frivolous litigation can have or agency conducts an economic Modernize Workers’
on small businesses. The economic analysis, it is merely perfunc- Compensation Reforms
toll of heavy-handed government is tory without a true assessment California’s landmark 2004
one of the reasons that motivated of the economic impact. In the workers’ compensation reforms
Whitman Administration, the initially succeeded in making
me to run for governor. When we relevant regulatory bodies will our system more competitive and
improve the regulatory environment be required to identify any nega- fair to employers, but costs are
in California, we will have an tive economic impact. If there beginning to increase again. Meg
immediate positive impact on the is an economic cost, the Admin- will take steps to ensure that
istration will ensure it’s in the our workers’ compensation costs
jobs climate.” – Meg Whitman
public’s best interest. are kept in check and do not

$ 13 500 166 % California’s

The cost of government The number of jobs that would be created if California’s workers’
regulations for the regulatory environment were to improve from the 39th compensation costs,
average resident in worst in America to the 35th. Each additional five-point per $100 of payroll, are
California is more THOUSAND improvement would bring another 500,000 jobs. still 166 percent higher
THOUSAND than $13,000 a year. than the national median.
1 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
vastly exceed those of competing economy, while also protecting the 44th-worst environment for
states in the West, while also our workers and their jobs. lawsuit abuse in the country.
protecting our workers. The Civil Justice Association of
Improve California’s California, citing a recent study,
Give a Fresh Look Labor Laws and estimated the tort system in
to AB 32 Workplace Flexibility California costs almost
Meg is committed to promot- California’s labor laws are $32 billion annually. Ironically,
ing policies that ensure Califor- antiquated and burdensome California is also the state
nia remains a leader in clean to job providers. One glaring with the nation’s best medical
technology. She will preserve our example is the rigid rules that liability laws. Meg will extend
status as world
leader in alter-
native energy
California: 44th Worst California: 49th least friendly
development Lawsuit Climate in US 1
state for small business 2
and the fight
against climate
change. The next
governor must
recognize, how-
ever, that things
have changed
since AB 32
was enacted in Best Worst Best Worst
2006. The state’s
rate has nearly tripled since prohibit businesses from offering the state’s successful $250,000
then, growing from 4.6 percent family-friendly, flexible schedules cap on punitive damages in
to more than 12 percent today. to their workers. While most medical liability lawsuits to
A recent study conducted by the states don’t start counting over- other tort cases involving
Business School Dean of Califor- time until 40 hours have been product liability. She will also
nia State University, Sacramento worked, employers in California reform anti-jobs litigation, such
estimated that AB 32 would cost are required to pay higher wages as the onerous “Sue Your Boss”
California businesses more than after more than eight hours have cases, the state’s version of ADA
$100 billion to implement and been worked in a single day. (Americans with Disabilities
would destroy one million jobs. Meg would update California’s Act), which is so often used
The state simply cannot afford workplace laws so that workers to extort attorneys’ fees, and
this economic cost, which could could enjoy more flexibility in other similar laws pushed by
reach $50,000 on average for their schedules, such as working California’s labor unions and
small businesses. To ensure Cali- four, ten-hour days instead of trial lawyers. Meg will pursue
fornia’s climate change law does five, eight-hour days. This will class action reform to set limits
not become a dangerous job-kill- reduce traffic congestion and free on plaintiff lawyers’ contingency
er, Meg has called for a one-year up parents to spend more time fees and end a system that only
moratorium on specific AB 32 with their children. It will also benefits the lawyers who file
regulations. This additional time allow employers to better manage the lawsuits. Meg also wants
will allow for careful examination their workforce to respond to the to end the use of “greenmail”
of the true costs and benefits of demands of their customers. – frivolous lawsuits filed by nar-
each proposed rule. Meg’s goal is row interest groups to exploit
a smart, thoughtful and balanced End Lawsuit Abuse environmental laws to benefit
approach that keeps California According to the U.S. Cham- their own agenda, not what the
at the forefront of the green ber of Commerce, California has laws intended. n

$ 15 70
Amount that the city of Los Angeles There are now more Average number of
spent on litigation-related expenses Californians out of work hours drivers in Los
in 2008, enough money to pay for the than the respective Angeles spend stuck
salaries of 1,271 police officers. populations of 15 states. in traffic per year.
Source: 1. United States Chamber of Commerce 2. Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council 2009 Business Survival Index 15
of thousands of elite

Recruit New Industries and foreign students

who are here legally
on student visas,
Retain Existing Employers studying in American
colleges and universities
to obtain advanced de-
California is losing jobs to com- our major competitors such as grees in math, science, econom-
peting states such as Arizona, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. It is ics and business management.
Nevada and Texas, not only time to put a sign up that says Our immigration laws should be
because our regulatory and tax California is once again open for reformed so that our economy
costs are excessively high, but can benefit from the knowledge
also because our state officials these students have obtained in
do not do an effective job of our universities instead of being
selling California’s economic forced to take their skills back to
attributes to existing and pro- their native countries and join
spective employers. In a major businesses that compete with
blow to the state’s economy, the United States. Meg supports
Northrop Grumman announced increasing the number of H-1B
in January that it is moving its visas awarded each year. n
corporate headquarters from
Los Angeles to the Washington,
D.C. area, taking hundreds of
jobs with it. Northrop Grumman
joins Nissan North America,
Computer Sciences Corpora-
tion and Hilton Hotels as
marquee employers that have
left California in recent years. business. Meg will operate as the
Compounding the problem, state’s Chief Sales Officer and
Toyota announced last year that will also empower a Jobs Om-
it was shuttering its NUMMI budsman to work with new and
auto plant in Fremont, costing existing employers to navigate
California nearly 5,000 jobs. the various regulatory agencies “I’m tired of losing pioneering
and departments that impact California companies such as
their businesses. This position
As governor, Meg will: will be an advocate for job pro-
Northrop Grumman to other
viders and will help change the states. I’ve been a Fortune 500
Head an Economic state’s culture and reputation of CEO and I know how to get
Development Sales Force being hostile to business.
California suffers from hav- businesses to stay here or move to
ing a reputation as the most Recruit the Best and California. My Administration
hostile place to do business in the Brightest with
is going to listen to their concerns,
America. The state needs to More H-1B Visas
have a dedicated team of eco- Ensuring that California has align our policies to make them
nomic development profession- a highly skilled workforce is es- more competitive and aggressively
als who have the sole mission sential to recruiting and retain-
recruit their counterparts in other
of selling the state’s positive ing businesses in high-growth
attributes to new businesses sectors such as alternative ener- states to bring their good-paying
and existing ones. This model gy, biotech and information tech- jobs here.” – Meg Whitman

is being used successfully by nology. There are currently tens

Two-thirds of studio movies are
now made outside of California.
Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

Solve California’s
Water Crisis update our water delivery
system. As a solution to
protecting the Delta’s
Turning our back on the state’s critical environments, a new
ongoing water crisis is turning conveyance system would help
our back on jobs. As a major relieve pressure on the Delta
global supplier and the most while safeguarding California’s
agriculturally productive state water supply.
in the nation, California’s agri-
cultural industry is not one we
can afford to lose because of lack
Strengthen our
Conservation Efforts
of political foresight. In order to Meg will call on all Cali- Economists from the
University of California,
remain a leader in agriculture, fornians, urban and rural, Davis forecasted the
we must face the significant residents and industry, to existing drought and
water supply issues that are conserve one of our most water restrictions
currently plaguing our state and important resources. She could cost our already
will be a champion for battered state economy
costing us thousands of jobs. up to $2.8 billion and
Meg is committed to addressing incentives that encourage 95,000 jobs.
California’s water problems and businesses and homeown-
has endorsed the water bond ers to conserve water.
that will appear on the Novem- Meg believes that new
ber ballot. technologies and conservation
strategies are vital to becom-
ing sustainable and that it is
As governor, Meg will: important that we continue to
view conservation as part of the
Support the “Two Gates” overall solution.
Meg supports building an Promote the Use
intermediate solution to increas- of Technology
ing our state’s water supply. Meg believes that technolo-
The “Two Gates” project pres- gies such as desalination and
ents a viable solution that water recycling must not be
would protect the Delta smelt overlooked as promising solu-
while increasing water flow. tions to our water crisis. As
governor, she will work to reduce
Support the Construction the regulatory barriers that
of Above and Below-Ground are preventing California from
Water Storage attracting companies that will
Meg believes that California help build the technology we
needs to make investments in need to sustain a reliable water
infrastructure to ensure that we supply. n
have adequate reserves of water
to address future droughts and

Secure California’s Water

Supply by Constructing an
Alternative Conveyance
In order to maintain a reli-
able source of safe drinking
9 out 9 of the top 10 agriculture-producing
water, Meg believes it is vital to
of 10 counties in the nation are in California.


Meg’s Road Map to 2 Million N

New Jobs
Created By
All Other 1 94,000
536,000 Manufacturing


Leisure &

Education 65,000
“My team and I
have dissected the Financial Services
Health Care
California economy, 181,000 Business Services 91,000
identified the growth 250,000
opportunities and constructed a policy
agenda that will put us on a pathway
to the creation of two million jobs by
the beginning of 2015.”
– Meg Whitman


NOTE ON ESTIMATES: The Road Map outlines estimates in growth in employment by industry as an outcome of a full implementation of Meg’s job plan. This
a target estimate only. The figures provided on this page are the result of a detailed economic and policy analysis but are intended only as initial estimates. No expert
or group of experts can accurately predict or guarantee the future, and the exact state and federal policy environment California will face over the next four to five years, as
well as the condition of the global economy, is always uncertain. These estimates are a goal that the Whitman Administration will aggressively pursue. Actual sector-by-
sector numbers may evolve over time as conditions change. A strong overall net growth in California jobs will be the Whitman administration’s top priority.

Regulatory Reform
Implement Strategic Time-Out New Regulations
Perform Cost Analysis of New Regulations
Harmonize Regulatory Authority
Modernize Workers’ Comp Reforms
Review AB 32
Improve Workplace Flexibility
End Lawsuit Abuse
Provide One-Stop Business Licensing







Health Care


Leisure &

All Other*

1 “All Other” includes: Transportation, wholesale

# trade, utilities,
W hit
andm a nindustries
other ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

New Private-Sector Jobs by 2015

Target Increase In Industry Employment








Agriculture Construction Manufac- Retail Information Financial Business Health Care Education Leisure & All Other*
turing Services Services Hospitality

Meg’s jobs plan is designed to return our state to full employment. This is an ambitious
goal, but it can be accomplished if California reforms its tax, regulatory and statutory
policies with an eye toward fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Washington, D.C.
must also play a role, by supporting fiscal policies that lead to the creation of new jobs.
To put Meg’s jobs goal in perspective, there are approximately 1.3 million small
businesses in California. If each one of them created just one new job, Meg would
be two-thirds of the way to her goal.
Unlike others in politics who simply make promises, Meg Whitman has a detailed
strategy to create good new jobs. Meg and her team have analyzed California’s
economy and have created a sector-by-sector strategy for job creation.

Effectiveness of Key Policy Components

Tax Relief
Promote Investments for the Agriculture Industry
Eliminate Factory Tax
Increase R&D Tax Credit
Eliminate Start-Up Tax
Eliminate the State Tax on Capital Gains
Establish Academic Enterprise Zones
Accelerate Depreciation of New Equipment
Provide Homebuyers’ Tax Credit
Establish Green Job Creation Tax Credits







Health Care


Leisure &

All Other*

High Impact Low Impact


# Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

Meg Whitman has a plan to modernize
state government, a plan that will control
runaway spending, return the state to
fiscal stability and improve the quality
of government services.

As Governor,
Meg Will:
 ontrol the
3 Rapid Growth
in State Spending

 Improve the Efficiency

3 and Effectiveness of
State Government

 olve California’s
3 Pension Crisis

 Bring Real Welfare

3 Reform to California
 Bring Efficiency
3 to State Revenue
 The Bottom Line:
3 $15 Billion in
Budget Savings


Cut Spending
The bottom line: Over the last decade California government
“State government is more
spending has grown out of control. Meg has outlined
several areas of the budget where $15 billion of spending than 20 years behind
reductions can ultimately be realized. This will be hard Silicon Valley in terms
work, requiring tough decisions. But Meg Whitman has of utilizing modern
the real-world management skills to bring a new approach
technology to drive
to governing that requires accountability, efficiency and a
“do more, do better with less” mentality. efficiencies and lower
costs. We’re going to make
Control the Rapid Growth Sacramento catch up.”

in State Spending  – Meg Whitman

I n the decade preceding the

start of the recession and last
year’s ensuing budget crisis,
and protect taxpayers from fu-
ture tax hikes.

state spending had increased Defend the Two-Thirds

by nearly 80 percent. To close Budget Requirement
the budget hole created by Meg will oppose any attempt
this spending binge and the to repeal California’s require-
economic downturn, politicians ment to have a two-thirds
in Sacramento passed one of the majority in the Legislature to
largest tax increases in Califor- pass a budget agreement or tax
nia history. But Sacramento’s increase. Lowering the threshold
appetite for more and more to a simple majority is nothing
spending still remains. more than a license for Sacra-
mento to raise our taxes.
Turn Sacramento Into
a Part-Time Legislature
As governor, MEG will: Meg will support a constitu-
“We need to put the
tional amendment that would
Institute a Strict brakes on the spending turn California’s full-time
Spending Cap
To inject a level of certainty
escalator in Sacramento. Legislature into a part-time
We’re not going to spend Legislature with a greatly
into the budget process, Meg
reduced salary. If serving
will propose a strict spending ourselves to economic in Sacramento were a
limit based on the state’s Gross
prosperity, but we could part-time job, maybe we
Domestic Product. This budget
wouldn’t have so many
reform will lock spending in tax our way to permanent full-time spenders in the
at a rate that will not increase
underemployment.” Capitol. We need citizen
unless the state’s economy is
legislators, not profes-
growing with it. The spending
 – Meg Whitman sional politicians. It’s time
cap will enforce fiscal discipline
to “Cut Their Pay and
throughout state government
Send Them Home.” n

2 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

California DEBT Service Costs 1

Percentage of
General Fund Revenues









The State Legislature has become a bill factory. During 2009, the Legislature introduced
more than 2900 bills, constitutional amendments and resolutions: 893 bills were passed
and 652 were signed into law. One of them regulated the reduction in the size of cow tails.

California Spending Growth 2

Dollars in Billions







Budget Crisis
















If you lined up the 20 billion $1 bills that represent

the state’s current deficit end to end, they would
circle the globe at the equator 78 times.

Source: 1. California Treasurer’s Office, Status Report on California’s Bond Debt 2. California State Budget Schedule 6 23

Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness

of State Government system to make specific government services that
basic furlough have been identified as having

M eg will strive every day to

make California’s govern-
ment more efficient and effec-
adjustments to worker paychecks,
the collapse of the management
of a multi-billion-dollar program
a high potential for abuse. This
grand jury system has already
been successfully used in Flori-
tive. She has outlined several that was supposed to update the da. Meg believes it will work in
reforms and initiatives to help state’s payroll system, and the California and ultimately save
close the budget hole and ensure ongoing difficulties with the exten- taxpayers significant amounts
that the state provides better sion of unemployment insurance of money, especially when more
services with less money. payments. The fact that the state government services become au-
does not have a central financial tomated and improved through
As governor, Meg will: management system contributes modern uses of technology.
Harness the Power of to the persistent budget deficits.
Modern Technology to Without a financial management Establish a Sunset
Reduce Costs system that can give managers Commission to Cut
Meg believes that California the information needed to make Wasteful Spending
should become a national model strategic decisions, state govern- Politicians in Sacramento pile
for innovation in government. ment will continue to waste bad ideas on top of bad ideas. As
Better utilization of technology money. a result, our state government
will increase the productivity of Meg also believes that utilizing is full of waste, duplication and
the state workforce and allow gov- technology to go paperless is an excessive costs. Worthy goals get
ernment to do more with less. De- important cultural shift that will bogged down in competing and
spite estimates of up to $5 billion send a vital message throughout expensive bureaucratic infighting
in annual spending on informa- an antiquated state bureaucracy and duplication. Meg will estab-
tion technology and about 10,000 that the old ways of doing busi- lish a Sunset Commission with
state IT workers, the state’s ness are over. It will also reduce the responsibility of reviewing
computer systems are outdated. printing costs, save taxpayers the relevancy of existing regula-
In 2009, Californians witnessed millions of dollars and provide tions, laws, departments and
the inability of the current payroll positive environmental benefits. agencies to expedite the stream-
lining of government and improve
Empower the state’s business climate.
a Grand
Consolidate Departments and
Take the Computer
Approach Eliminate Outdated Agencies
to Root Out Meg will work with her Sunset

California’s state Fraud Commission to significantly
accounting computer We all restructure and reduce the num-
software systems are: suspect that ber of government agencies,
some California commissions and boards that
A) State of the art government constitute state government.
services are There are hundreds of separate
B) 5-10 years old rife with fraud government bureaucracies in
and abuse. Meg state government. Meg will look
C) More than 20 years will elevate to eliminate duplication, waste
old and out of date the importance and inefficiency throughout the
of rooting out state’s bureaucracy.

Answer: C fraud in state

government by Reduce the State
Some still use creating a pro- Workforce by 40,000
cess similar to Since 2004, California’s state
software from the 80s.
a grand jury government has grown by nearly
to scrutinize 40,000 workers, up to a total

2 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
workforce of 356,000. Through
voluntary retirements, approxi-
mately 40,000 state workers will
California paid $1.2 billion in federal penalties over the
last decade because it could not put together an efficient
computer system to collect child support payments.
leave state government over

the next four years. Meg will California state government owns or leases
institute a flexible hiring freeze
to slow down new hiring and
over 30 million square feet of office space,
reduce the state workforce back Million the equivalent of 10 Empire State Buildings.
to its 2004-2005 levels. The hir-

ing freeze will not apply to most
A recent poll found that 70 percent of Californians
public safety workers, but it will
be an effective way to rein in the believed that at least 20 percent of the state budget was
costs of the bureaucracy. Meg wasted through duplication of services and inefficiencies.
believes this reform will save
the state more than $3 billion a
year. To put the size of the state’s
spent an aver-
The state of California employs
bureaucracy in perspective, age of $11,627 more people than the active duty
there will still be over 313,000 per inmate. personnel in the U.S. Navy.
state government workers after New York spent
Meg reduces the workforce $5,757. Florida
through her hiring freeze back spent $4,720
to 2004-2005 levels. This is and Pennsylvania contributes to the bureaucratic
enough people to fill every one spent $4,418. Meg will malaise that hangs over state
of California’s five Major League work to reduce the costs of pro- government and prevents ef-
Baseball stadiums and the Rose viding health care to prisoners. ficiencies from taking hold. Meg
Bowl. Meg believes the key to will take active steps to reduce
improved efficiency is not hiring Stop Running America’s the number of lawyers on the
more state workers but, rather, Largest Law Firm state payroll as part of her flex-
making better use of the workers It’s hard to believe, but ible hiring freeze.
we have now. California state government
employs twice as many lawyers Reform Civil Service Laws
Reform Health Care as the largest law firm in the and Institute Merit Pay
Spending on Prison Inmates nation. This does not include for State Workers
California spends twice as all the outside lawyers who are Right now, eligible state
much to provide health care to hired for even more legal work. workers automatically receive
prisoners compared to other large The roughly 3,400-strong lawyer annual pay raises unless
states. In 2008-2009, California force inside state government their manager has chronicled
a strong case for why their
Lawyers in california state government work has been inferior. Meg
vs. the largest law firms in the united states believes the standard should
be reversed, with state workers
4,000 having to show that their work
3,400 has been worthy of an increase
in pay. She will pursue an over-
3,000 haul of the state’s civil service
laws to adopt this change. n
2,000 1,758
1,500 In the middle
of last year’s
budget crisis,
500 government bureaucrats
CA State Jones Day Greenberg K & L
spent $45 million
Government  Traurig Gates on new cars.
Source: 25

Solve California’s
Pension Crisis

C alifornia
has between
building in
$60 billion and Sacramento cost
$100 billion $265 million
of unfunded to build.
state employee
liabilities that
are owed by
the taxpayers.
This crisis
has to be ad-
dressed to
protect the
retirement se-
curity of state
workers and
to make it pos-
sible to fix the
budget mess in

55 to 65 for most state employees Support Paycheck
Meg will:
who work outside the public Protection
Institute a Defined safety sector. In addition, Meg Meg supports union members
Contribution Plan for believes there should be longer having direct control over how
New State Workers vesting periods and a prohibition their dues money is spent on
Meg is proposing a two-tier on pension spiking to ensure the political activities. n
retirement system that would solvency of state pensions and to
keep the existing defined benefit reduce the burden on taxpayers.
plan in place for current state
workers, while adopting a more
flexible 401(k)-style defined
contribution plan for new hires. “We must align our retirement programs for state workers
This would align the retirement
savings program available to
with those that are available to workers in the private sector.
state workers with what most It is simply unfair to ask one worker doing the same job in the
private-sector workers receive
from their employers today. private sector to pay higher taxes to fund the more generous
Raise the Retirement Age benefits of his or her counterpart in government.”
for State Employees
Meg also believes that the re-
tirement age for receiving a full
- Meg Whitman
pension should be raised from

2 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

Bring Real Welfare

Reform to California

C alifornia loses billions of

dollars each year because
our welfare system rewards
Improve Child
Support Enforcement
Meg will ensure that Cali-
chronic dependency instead of fornia becomes more aggressive
requiring work. While California and adept in the enforcement of
has roughly 12 percent of the child support payments to hold
nation’s population, our state the absent parent accountable CA has
has 32 percent of all the welfare for his or her financial responsi- twice NY’s
caseloads. bilities to their children. n population,
As governor, Meg will: but FIVE
Impose Tougher as many
Workfare Requirements
Only 22 percent of able- welfare
bodied, work-eligible welfare cases.
recipients are working for their
benefits in California. Meg will
institute tighter workfare re- “The status quo in California
quirements and more stringent
penalties for recipients who is failing welfare recipients
refuse to work. and the taxpayers who pay
Require Welfare for their benefits. We need
Recipients to Earn a GED
Meg believes that it is vitally to ensure that welfare in
important for welfare recipients California is a temporary
to gain the educational skills
they need to become gainfully hand-up, not a way of life.”
employed. As part of her com-
- Meg Whitman
mitment to elevating the impor-
tance of education in California,
Total U.S.
she will place a new emphasis Welfare
on requiring welfare recipients
to obtain a GED if they don’t
already have a high school By State

Reduce the Lifetime California

Welfare Limit from Five 37.3% 32.8%
 Y, OH, MI, TN,
Years to Two
California is one of nine states
that continue to provide cash Remaining 41 States
welfare benefits after a recipient
has reached the five-year lifetime California has 38 million
limit established by federal law. (12%) of the nation’s
Meg will reduce the five-year 308.5 million. 29.9%
limit to two years and ensure CA has 32.8% of the entire
that it is strictly enforced. U.S. welfare population.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 27
lottery invest unclaimed prizes
Bring More Efficiency and interest income in better
to State Revenue Consolidate Duplicative
Tax Collection Agencies
California’s many taxes are
the state budget and California’s collected by three principal
taxpayers. Furthermore, the departments, which should
“We are going to have to skinny- federal government has failed to be merged to gain efficiencies,
down state government with adequately invest in California’s eliminate redundancies, improve
transportation network, a vital revenue prediction and, most
major reductions in spending part of our nation’s international importantly, make it easier for
and bureaucracy. But there is trade infrastructure. people to deal with the
Our state has the

also money that is being left on state bureaucracy.
most powerful con- Today, the Franchise
the table because we don’t get gressional delegation Tax Board collects
in Washington. Meg personal income and
a fair return on the dollars we Of the 38 million
will work closely corporate taxes, the
send to Washington.” with Democratic people living in
Board of Equalization
and Republican California, 144,000 collects business sales
– Meg Whitman congressional lead- are paying almost and use taxes, prop-
ers and leverage the 50 percent of the erty taxes, and excise
state’s political and state’s personal and special taxes,
economic resources income taxes. and the Employment
to get a better return Development Depart-

W hile Meg does not support

raising taxes, she does be-
lieve it is important to maximize
on the tax dollars
we send to the federal
ment collects payrol-
land employment taxes. Just
by consolidating databases, the
the amount of revenues that are tax agencies would gain obvious
available to the state. This can Run the Lottery More
advantages in efforts to root out
be done by better leveraging Cal- Like a Business
tax fraud and abuse. n
ifornia’s political strengths, con- The California State
solidating tax collecting agencies Lottery is a business
and addressing the donor state that exists to make
problem in Washington. money for education.
Like any other busi-
ness, the lottery should
As governor, Meg will: be allowed to modern-
ize and be given the
Get California’s Fair Share flexibility to make its
from Washington, D.C. games more attractive
Despite the recent glut of gov- to customers, thus
ernment bailouts and stimulus increasing the financial
spending, California remains one benefit to schools. The
of the highest donor states in the lottery has to be given
nation. The federal government’s the authority to adopt
refusal to pay its share for the the best practices from
incarceration of undocumented other state lotteries,
immigrants and the constant im- including removing ar-
position of unfunded mandates, cane technology restric-
such as the potential of billions tions, increasing prize
of dollars of new Medi-Cal costs percentages, removing
associated with national health ticket dispenser limita-
care reform, is a major strain on tions and letting the

28 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
“We need to have California be what it once was and I think
we can do it. Let’s say what we mean, mean what we say
and let’s get it done.” - Meg Whitman


Fix Education.

“We have to fix education

in California. Our schools are
not preparing our kids with the
skills they need to compete for jobs in
the high-growth sectors of the economy.
If we do anything in the Whitman
Administration, we are going to raise the
bar on education and put a focus on
recruiting and rewarding qualified
professionals to teach our kids.”
 – Meg Whitman

EDUCATION: Meg Whitman has a plan to fix California’s failing schools,

a plan that will prepare the state’s workforce for the challenges of
the global economy and cement our status as the global epicenter
of innovation and technological progress.

3 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

Meg Whitman
on Fixing

alifornia’s long-term economic viability
and competitiveness is directly connected Education Spending
to the quality of the education system in in California
our state. The state that is home to Silicon Valley
is 43rd in science. That’s unacceptable. California
has to do a better job of educating our kids. If our
schools don’t improve, our prisons will continue
to be overcrowded, welfare costs will continue to
spiral upward, and we will lose our ability to be a
Goes to
Reaches the
center of innovation. Our tax base will shrink fur- bureaucracy classroom
ther, putting more burdens on working families and overhead
who will end up paying far more in taxes for infe-
rior government services. It’s a cycle that must be
reversed, and it has to start with game-changing
education reform.
Meg is setting a goal of moving the state’s test
scores from near worst in the nation to the front
of the class.

As governor, Meg will:

Direct More Money to the Classroom
Only 60 percent of education spending in Cali-
fornia actually reaches the classroom. Meg will
usher in reforms that will collapse the state’s more
than 50 categorical grants, many of which are
duplicative and far too prescriptive, into simplified
grants for special education, rewarding outstand-
ing teachers and schools, and other programs that
contribute to greater student achievement. The
remaining state funding will flow directly to local
school districts in the form of a unified block grant
that can be used as local administrators, princi-
pals, teachers and parents deem best.

Reward Outstanding
California is ranked 48th in Reading and 45th in Math scores
To attract high-quality pro-
fessionals into teaching and to
reward those teachers who are do-
ing an excellent job in our schools, reading
Meg will institute a system that
provides special bonuses to high- 250
achieving teachers, administra-
tors and schools. This will be an
important catalyst to improving 240
student achievement in all of
California’s schools.
Eliminate the Cap
on Charter Schools 220
Meg will eliminate California’s
cap on charter schools. There is
no need to have an artificial bar- 210
rier in place to limit the options
for our students and parents. Meg
is a strong supporter of charter 200
schools and will be an advocate




for utilizing them more fully to
create competition in the public
school system.

Grade the Public Schools A-F Florida, which pioneered

Meg will institute a system the grading of schools, California
that grades our schools A-F so has experienced significant
parents can easily understand Florida
improvement in test scores
how well their children’s school among Hispanic students. U.S.
is performing. The grades will
be posted online and parents will
be given the option of transferring
their kids out of failing schools math
or converting to a charter school.
Meg will also support other in- 250
terventions for underperforming
schools, such as school closures
and staff replacement, to hold
schools accountable for their per-
formance. Long-term failure will 230
no longer be an option.

Establish a Fast-Track 220

Parent Process for
Charter School Conversion
If a school receives an F grade, 210
the parents in that school district
can immediately petition to turn 200
the school into a charter school.





It would only require a fast-track

election and a simple majority
vote to change the status. Source: National Assessment of Educational Progress (4th grade scores)

32 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

UC schools represent
six of the top 15
public universities in America

1 University of California, Berkeley 9 University of Illinois

2 University of California, Los Angeles 9 University of Wisconsin
2 University of Virginia 11 University of California, Davis
4 University of Michigan 11 University of California, Santa Barbara
5 University of North Carolina 11 University of Washington


6 College of William and Mary 14 University of California, Irvine



7 Georgia Institute of Technology 15 Pennsylvania State University

7 University of California, San Diego Source: U.S. News and World Report

Doe Library at University of California, Berkeley

Invest $1 Billion in the University of California

and California State University Systems
The University of California and California State University systems
are two of our state’s greatest resources. UC is the best public university
system in the world, but it has been forced to endure significant cutbacks
in recent years due to the state’s budget crisis. UC student fees increased
by 40 percent last year, and the amount of per-student funding in the UC
system has dropped from 78 percent of the total cost of education in 1990
to 58 percent today. Meg will invest $1 billion of the savings from her wel-
fare and other budgetary reforms into the UC and CSU systems.

Utilize Alternative Paths to the Classroom

to Attract High-Quality Teachers
California suffers from a lack of math and science teachers who were
actually educated in those disciplines. To fill the gap, Meg will create and
strengthen alternative pathways to the classroom that allow professionals
with math and science backgrounds to receive expedited accreditation to
teach in our public schools. n

# Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
Meg Whitman’s focus
on jobs, spending
and education will put
California in the strongest
possible position to
deal with longer-term
challenges like rebuilding
our ailing infrastructure
and reforming our
complicated tax system.

In the interim, Meg has

staked out a clear agenda
to address the most
pressing concerns that
fall outside of her strategic
focus on the economy,
budget and schools.

Those additional
issues are:




Securing Our Border to
Stop Illegal Immigration
Meg Whitman supports tough,
common-sense immigration reform
that will strengthen border security.

“We need to build an ‘Economic Fence’ with a

strong e-verification system that holds employers
accountable for following the law. We are never
going to solve the problem of illegal immigration as
long as there is strong demand for undocumented labor.”

– Meg Whitman

Meg is 100%
opposed to any
form of amnesty.
As governor, she
will advocate for
a comprehensive
federal immigration
solution that secures
the border.

3 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
Illegal Immigration

Meg Supports Measures to Ban the Admission of

Undocumented Students

Combat Illegal Immigration

to UC, CSU and California
Community Colleges
As governor, Meg will support

As Governor, solution to prevent cities, such

as San Francisco, from shielding
policies that will not allow un-
documented immigrants admis-
Meg Will: undocumented immigrants from
federal immigration laws.
sion to state-funded institutions
of higher education, such as UC,
Secure the Border CSU and community colleges.
Conduct Workplace Inspections
The first step in federal of Suspected Businesses Prohibit Driver’s Licenses for
immigration reform must be a Modeled after drug seizure Undocumented Immigrants
stronger commitment to secure raids, Meg will institute a Meg will oppose any attempt
the border from the steady system where state and local to provide a California driver’s
influx of illegal immigration. law enforcement agencies con- license to undocumented im-
This is both a national security duct inspections of workplaces migrants.
issue and the first priority suspected of employing un-
documented workers. First-time Enforce English Immersion
in resolving the challenges
offenders will be required to pay Meg is opposed to bilingual
of illegal immigration. Meg
a fine and have their business education. She will defend
believes the federal government
license suspended for 10 days. Prop. 227’s English-immersion
should complete the construction
Second-time offenders will pay requirements. English is
of the border fence and ensure
an additional fine and have their America’s national language.
that adequate resources and
business license suspended for Immigrants should be required
manpower are deployed to
30 days. Third-time offenders to learn it as part of obtaining
secure the Mexican border.
will have their business license legal status in our country.
Establish an Economic Fence permanently suspended and Sue the Federal Government
Against Illegal Immigration pay a substantial fine and other to Recoup Prison Costs
Meg will oppose any attempt penalties. Meg will work with Califor-
by the Legislature to weaken nia’s next Attorney General to
employer verification require- Deploy the Resources of pursue a legal recourse for the
ments. In addition to putting the National Guard
federal government’s failure to
more resources at the border, If Congress fails to pass com-
pay its full share of the costs
Meg believes the federal govern- prehensive immigration reform
associated with incarcerating
ment and California need to with enhanced border security,
undocumented immigrant crimi-
work together to establish a Meg will develop a strategic plan
nals in California prisons. This
system that allows employers for utilizing the resources of the
is an area where she believes the
to better verify the immigration California National Guard to
Office of the Attorney General
status of their workers. The provide logistical support to the
could do considerably more for
“Economic Fence,” an enhanced border patrol along the Mexican
California taxpayers. n
e-verification system, will help border. This plan will account
keep employers honest and will for the competing pressures on
be a major deterrent to illegal the state’s National Guard to
immigration. ensure that traditional priori-
ties, such as responding to fires
Eliminate Sanctuary Cities and other natural disasters, are
Meg will seek a legislative not shortchanged.

“The California Congressional Delegation really needs to step up to the plate

on immigration reform and provide a remedy to the costs of incarcerating
illegal immigrants. Some of the most powerful members of Congress are
from our state. We need them to solve this problem, once and for all.”

– Meg Whitman
“We are going to modernize our environmental regulatory structure in
California so we can unleash more green innovations. There are laws on
the books today, written in the name of environmental protection, that
are standing in the way of environmental progress.” – Meg Whitman

30 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a

Protecting the Environment

Meg Whitman will be a champion for sound policies that balance responsible
environmental protection and the development of clean sources of energy
with the need to support good-paying jobs in California.

As governor, Meg will: is time for the federal government to alleviate these
costs and promote responsible environmental poli-
n Support California’s 33 Percent cies in and around our port communities.
Renewable Portfolio Standard
Meg supports California’s landmark renewable n Tread Carefully on Coastal Drilling
energy requirements. She believes that promoting There is no more defining feature in California
clean sources of energy, such as solar, wind and than the Pacific Coast. The coastline and our beach-
biomass, will help create green tech jobs in addi- es are a state and national treasure. They must
tion to providing for a cleaner environment and less always be protected. Meg opposes any new drilling
dependence on fossil fuels. off California’s coast until new technologies can be
completely proven to minimize the environmental
n Establish a Clean Pathway for New impact of extracting oil and gas reserves. While
Sources of Renewable Energy Meg is open to a careful and thoughtful process that
A key to bringing more clean power online in
explores and evaluates the potential future use of
California is adequate transmission. Meg under-
new and safer drilling technologies, she opposes
stands California’s energy infrastructure needs and
new drilling until such technology is proven.
will work to provide a clean pathway for renewable
projects by removing the regulatory barriers that n Bring CEQA into the 21st Century
are causing delays in the construction of new trans- In order to ensure that California meets its
mission lines. ambitious environmental and energy targets, while
n Institute Tougher Polluter Enforcement allowing for renewed economic growth, Meg will
Meg will impose tougher financial penalties and modernize the California Environmental Quality
more rigorous enforcement of California’s environ- Act (CEQA). While protecting California’s environ-
mental laws that are deemed to be effective by her mental standards, Meg will work to update the law
90-day regulatory review and Sunset Commission. to ensure that vital infrastructure and energy proj-
ects are not stalled due to redundant reviews and
n Promote Clean-Air overly bureaucratic processes. This will help Cali-
Transportation Policies fornia secure its position as the clean tech leader in
Meg will lead a comprehensive campaign against the world and bring green projects online sooner.
smog-related illnesses, such as childhood asthma,
by promoting sound transportation policies. These n Take a New Look at Nuclear Energy
policies will reduce traffic congestion, increase the As we continue to diversify our electricity supply
federal government’s investment in new port in- while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we should
frastructure, and provide loan guarantees and tax not shut the door on nuclear energy. It is time to
incentives for port electrification, including electric have a smart and honest discussion about nuclear
trucks and new technologies for road and rail energy and its contributions. As California grows,
transportation. California is a major hub for goods so will our need for a reliable supply of clean energy.
that are exported to the United States. We are cur- This means that we need to look at a basket of en-
rently shouldering the pollution burden related to ergy solutions. Nuclear energy, which does not emit
the flow of international trade through our ports. It CO2, should be considered. n

“When I travel the state and visit with leaders in the green tech industry, I see a vision where our
state, blessed with the most beautiful environmental treasures in the world, will lead America
forward in fostering the leap-ahead technologies that will break our dependence on foreign oil
and make our economy stronger.”  – Meg Whitman

Fighting Crime To Keep

Our Communities Safe
Meg Whitman believes in truth-in-sentencing laws and
will be an advocate for the rights of victims of crime.

State corrections As governor, Meg will: Defend California’s

Death Penalty
officials spent nearly Support California’s “Three Meg believes that the death
Strikes and You’re Out” Law penalty is warranted in limited
Meg will oppose any attempt cases involving the most heinous
$22 million in to weaken Three Strikes. This criminals. She will oppose any
landmark anti-crime initiative attempt to weaken California’s
2008 on apartments has been instrumental in keep- death penalty laws.
ing violent criminals out of our
communities. It needs to be Oppose Any New Gun
and motel rooms for enforced. Control Laws
Meg supports the Second
paroled sex offenders, Amendment rights of law-
abiding citizens, but she believes
paying more than the right to bear arms can and
should be balanced with respon-
sible gun control laws. At this
$2,000 a month time, Meg believes that Califor-
nia does not need additional gun
for some parolees. control measures.

Build New Prisons and

Oppose Early Release
California’s overcrowded
prison system is in dire need
of expansion. While Meg does
support sending inmates to other
states that have unused prison
capacity, this is not a long-term
solution. We need more prison
beds to keep our streets safe.

Oppose the Legalization

of Marijuana
Meg is opposed to the legal-
ization of marijuana. This is a
gateway drug whose use would
expand greatly among our chil-
dren if it were to be legalized. n

4 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
“I am going to be a tough-on-crime governor.
Our first priority has to be keeping our communities safe.
We’re not going to let criminals go free early because some
politicians in Sacramento are unwilling to cut other areas
of the budget. I am drawing a line in the sand when it
comes to early release.”  – Meg Whitman
On The Horizon:
A New California
Meg Whitman is running for governor to help write the next chapter in our
state’s great history. She does not accept the fate the doomsayers want to lay at our
doorstep. Meg understands the magnitude of the changes that are required to rebuild
California. None of this will be easy, but nothing important and worth doing ever is.

The special interests who are vested in the failed status quo in Sacramento are not
going to like Meg’s policy agenda. They are going to campaign hard against her reform
ideas, but Meg isn’t running to make them happy. She is in this race to fix a state
teetering on the edge of financial collapse. She is in this race to grow jobs and raise
the standard of living in our state. She is in this race to fix our failing schools and to
foster the next technological revolution in the fields of alternative energy, biotech and
advanced manufacturing. This is an important campaign for California’s future. It’s a
campaign grounded in principle and big ideas. Let the debate begin.

3 Meg
Meg W hm
W hit i tm
a na’n
s’ s P oi c
P ol l iyc y
A gAg e nad a
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f or A A
NeNew C alifornia
w Cali forni a

A New Kind of Leader

for A New California
Meg Whitman fell in A strong student and a ver- organizations. Meg immediately
satile athlete, Meg attended saw in eBay the makings of a
love with California Princeton University, where she great company. eBay had mar-
as a young girl. received a degree in economics. ried the Internet’s communica-
She then went on to Harvard tion and networking capabilities
Business School, where she to create a novel and efficient
received her MBA in 1979. Her trading market. It also had some-
first professional job was as thing very rare – an exuberant
a brand assistant at Procter community of users who loved
& Gamble in Cincinnati. But eBay and who pulled together to
Meg soon found herself happily make it work and grow.
headed to California again,
this time as a young bride
with her husband, Griff
Harsh, who had accepted a
neurosurgical residency at
the University of California,
San Francisco. Meg joined
the consulting firm Bain
& Co.’s San Francisco office,
where she would work for the
next eight years, eventually
becoming a vice president. At
Bain, Meg developed her keen
ability to analyze challenges
and solve problems by “focus-
ing intensely on the small
number of changes that can
make the largest possible dif-
Although Meg was born ference.” Also during this time
and raised on Long Island, in San Francisco, Meg and Griff At eBay, Meg
New York, her intrepid and decided to start their family and made history. Meg steered eBay
adventurous mother, Marga- sons, Griff and Will, were born. through the dot-com rise and
ret, packed six-year-old Meg Meg’s career led her to key fall that saw the vast majority of
and her brother and sister executive positions at some of high-flying start-ups crash and
into a Ford Econoline van in America’s best-known companies, burn, while eBay turned in one
1962 and spent three months including Disney, Stride Rite, quarter of dramatic growth after
car-camping throughout FTD and Hasbro. Each career another. When she joined eBay,
the West. Meg’s fondest stop helped prepare her for the the company had just $4.7 million
memories: the majesty of unprecedented opportunity that in revenues and 30 employees;
Yosemite’s towering cliffs Meg encountered in the fall of when she retired in March of
1997, when she met the founder 2008, ten years later, the company
and the thrill of Disneyland’s
of a tiny start-up called eBay. had nearly $8 billion in revenues
spinning teacups. “California Meg had honed a style of leader- and 15,000 employees worldwide
seemed larger than life, a ship that emphasized listening – with millions of users in Cali-
place where anything was and teamwork. She was a sea- fornia alone. During that journey,
possible,” Meg recalls. soned manager of large, complex Meg appeared on many “top CEO”

4 Meg W hit m a n ’ s P ol i c y A g e nd a f or A Ne w Cali forni a
lists and about how she
national could lend her
magazine experiences to
covers. help. In Feb-
Time ruary 2009,
ranked she announced
her among her candidacy
the world’s to become
most California’s
influential next governor.
people. “We’ve got to
Fortune focus – we’ve
ranked her got to cre-
as the most ate jobs, cut
powerful spending, and
woman in business in 2004 and has also worked on behalf of invest in fixing our educational
2005. And BusinessWeek listed local elected candidates and has system,” Meg says.
her among business’s top manag- personally contributed to and Meg has committed her ener-
ers year after year. participated in numerous “get gy, her trademark optimism and
Meg’s widely regarded leader- out the vote” efforts on behalf her belief in fiscal restraint to
ship and organizational skills of congressional and legislative the challenge of rebuilding Cali-
attracted attention beyond busi- candidates. fornia. She has done so with the
ness. As the leader of a global Meg traveled the nation and full support of her family, which
company that created a huge spoke with voters. During these is her greatest source of pride.
number of jobs, Meg developed campaigns, she saw a critical Meg and her husband, Griff,
strong ideas about the ingredi- need for more focused problem a neurosurgeon at Stanford
ents for 21st-century success at solving in government by those Hospital, have been married for
every scale, from small business with the tools to lead and the nearly 30 years. Their two sons
to the corporate level, from local willingness and independence are now young adults. Meg and
to state to national government. to challenge the status quo. Her her family are ardent outdoor
Governor Mitt Romney asked decade at the helm of eBay came enthusiasts who love hiking, ski-
Meg to serve as his National to a close just as California’s ing, fly-fishing and enjoying all
Finance Co-Chair during the growing economic crisis was of California’s natural treasures.
2008 presidential primary cam- unfolding. Job losses, undisci- “If we let California fail, we all
paign. After Gov. Romney exited plined spending and the declin- fail,” she says. “And we love Cali-
the race, Senator John McCain ing performance of California’s fornia too much to let it fail. We
asked Meg to serve as National schools were deeply troubling to have to work together to make it
Co-Chair for McCain-Palin. Meg Meg, and she thought carefully the place of our dreams again.” n
“I have a unique skill set that fits the dire times of our state. I have been blessed to
have worked in some of the very best businesses in the world. I understand how
to manage change. I have been tested under fire, time and again. I know how to
negotiate, build consensus, develop a strategic vision and maintain the focus and
commitment to see it through. I want to build A New California, a state that will
reward hard work and entrepreneurship, a state that has the best schools in the
nation, the smartest government, and above all else, the highest quality of life
in the world. My vision for A New California is ambitious, but with your help
I know we can do the job. I would be honored to have your support and vote to be
the next governor of our great state.”

Join Meg!


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@Whitman2010 Meg2010Campaign

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T e x t “ N E W C A ” to 4 6 6 3 4 ( G O M E G )
Meg Whitman
20813 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 150
Cupertino, CA 95014

www . M e g W h i tman . c o M
T e x t “ N E W C A ” to 4 6 6 3 4 ( G O M E G )

Paid for by Meg Whitman for Governor 2010

20813 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 150, Cupertino, CA 95014

# Meg W hit m a n ’ P
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