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Friar Hubert

keep it
if you October, 21st 1343
Friar Hubert: I just racked up another
can sell hundred gold. How many of you can say
it?” such.
-21 minutes ago
Monk: Be careful young one, not one has
so much luck unacquainted by

-15 minutes ago

Song Now Playing Friar Hubert: oh I am very careful…
“For the Love of Money” by The O’Jays not to leave a trace.
-12 minutes ago
Wife of Bath: Hi friar Hubert. I almost
About Me
have enough money to pay you for my
I am the holiest of holy's , even confession time.
-4 minutes ago
though I am not wealthy I am always Friar Hubert: good…good, its always a
looking out for others, not myself. I holy deed to repent.
appreciate the well being of people -A minute ago
Wife of Bath: yes I know, your such a
who donate to the church especially good person to listen to peoples
the ones who put cash in the offering confessions all the time.
tray, the church really appreciates -Just now
that! Many women adore me for I
am the charm. If you need anything
don’t be afraid to ask for I know
many places and many people. If you
want to donate I’ll be sure to transfer
the donation to the church.

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