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“No one can keep
a secret as good as
Yeoman: Todays been a great day! I helped
my friend save his dying pig.

Prioress: It was great laying my eyes on

you on this fine morning

Yeoman: I saw a lovely lady today.

Yeoman: My poor Comanche is sick and

doesn’t feel like riding, hoping to be better
Song Now Playing
United States’ National Anthem Reeve: HA! We will meet again soon
http Yeoman.
Miller: We shall see each other soon to
About Me
drink some of the finest ale!
I am a forester, I’m more like the robin hood of the
future. I wear all green, and always carry a bow an Yeoman: Hoping to see my noble men to
arrow. I see myself as a very noble man! I help out have some joy and laughter.
many men if I can. I have a wonderful horse that is
always by my side. I love being able to be riding in the Yeoman: Today was a awesome day.
open air with my bow and arrow and my noble horse
Comanche by my side. I love looking around at the Miller: Here’s a picture of a horse I’d think
stars at night with my noble men or my lovely lady. you would enjoy..

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